{ "name": "employment-us", "title": "US Employment and Unemployment rates since 1940", "sources":[ { "title": "country-us gov employment economics statistics", "path": "https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat01.htm" } ], "resources": [ { "name": "aat1", "path": "data/aat1.csv", "title": "CSV file (derived)", "format": "csv", "mimetype": "text/csv", "sources": [ { "title": "Sodurce file from BLS (human readable plain text)", "format": "text", "mimetype": "text/plain", "path": "archive/aat1.txt" } ], "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "year", "title": "Year", "type": "year" }, { "name": "population", "title": "Civilian noninstitutional population", "type": "integer" }, { "name": "labor_force", "title": "Civilian labor force (Total)", "type": "string" }, { "name": "population_percent", "title": "% of Population", "type": "number" }, { "name": "employed_total", "title": "Employed Total", "type": "number" }, { "name": "employed_percent", "title": "Employed % of Population", "type": "number" }, { "name": "agrictulture_ratio", "title": "(of which) Agriculture", "type": "number" }, { "name": "nonagriculture_ratio", "title": "(of which) Non-Agriculture", "type": "number" }, { "name": "unemployed", "title": "Unemployed (Number)", "type": "integer" }, { "name": "unemployed_percent", "title": "Unemployed % of labor force", "type": "number" }, { "name": "not_in_labor", "title": "Not in labor force", "type": "integer" }, { "name": "footnotes", "title": "Footnotes", "type": "string" } ] } } ], "tags": [ "economics", "country.us", "unemployment", "time series", "employment", "bls", "topic.economics" ], "licenses": [ { "name": "odc-pddl", "title": "Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)", "path": "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/" } ], "contributors": [ { "title": "Rufus Pollock", "email": "rufus.pollock@okfn.org", "role": "maintainer" }, { "title": "USA Bureau of Labor Statistics", "role": "author" } ], "views": [ { "name": "graph", "resources": ["aat1"], "title": "US unemployment rates since 1940", "specType": "simple", "spec": { "type": "column", "group": "year", "series": [ "unemployed_percent" ] } }, { "name": "graph", "resources": ["aat1"], "title": "US population, total employment and unemployment since 1940", "specType": "simple", "spec": { "type": "column", "group": "year", "series": [ "population", "employed_total", "unemployed" ] } } ] }