{ "name": "iso-container-codes", "title": "ISO 6346 Container Type Codes", "licenses": [ { "name": "ODC-PDDL-1.0", "path": "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/", "title": "Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0" } ], "description": "List of ISO 6346 Container Type Codes", "version": "1.0.0", "sources": [ { "name": "Container Container", "path": "http://www.containercontainer.com/ISO6346.aspx", "title": "Container Container" }, { "name": "Wikipedia", "path": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_6346", "title": "Wikipediad" } ], "resources": [ { "path": "data/iso-container-codes.csv", "name": "iso-container-codes", "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "code", "type": "string", "description": "A 4 digit Alpha Numeric Code uniquely describing the container as defined by ISO 6346", "pattern": "[A-Z0-9]{4}" }, { "name": "description", "type": "string", "description": "Description of the Container Type", "pattern": "[A-Z]{50}" }, { "name": "length", "type": "number", "description": "External length in feet of the container", "pattern": "[0-9]{2}" }, { "name": "height", "type": "number", "description": "External height of container in feet" }, { "name": "group", "type": "string", "description": "4 Digit ISO 6346 describing the group the codes belong to, more regularly used when sending electronic shipping messages", "pattern": "[A-Z0-9]{4}" }] } }, { "path": "data/iso-container-groups.csv", "name": "iso-container-groups", "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "code", "type": "string", "description": "A 4 digit Alpha Numeric Code uniquely describing the container/group as defined by ISO 6346", "pattern": "[A-Z0-9]{4}" }, { "name": "description", "type": "string", "description": "Description of the Container", "pattern": "[A-Z]{50}" }] } } ] }