Most data around this crisis was incomplete, constantly evolving, and politically warped, making it near impossible to interpret without context from relevant experts, especially since fear was so prevalent. The goal was to try to think critically and be understanding.
- Covid-19, your community, and you — a data science perspective
- Coronavirus Pandemic Statistics and Research
- Flatten The Curve
- As someone said, social distancing measures to work must be done when it seems to be overreacting. And if they work, it will seem as if we overreacted.
- The Basic Dance Steps Everybody Can Follow.
- Coronavirus Info-Database. An attempt to organize the disparate papers, articles and links that are spread all over the internet regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Justified Practical Advice and What should we do once infected with COVID-19 are useful once infected.
- COVID-19 Resources for the Elderly and Families.
- Distant Socializing, during Physical Distancing - Suggested distant socializing tools, games and activities to help keep in touch with family, friends and loved ones during social distancing and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
- There are lots of Social Games out there!
- Activity List.
- 40 meaningful things to do when stuck at home in a pandemic.
- How to have a happy quarantine.