


A few personal random ideas. A multitude of bad ideas is necessary for one good idea!

Key Properties of Ideas

  • Timeless.
  • No replication costs.
  • Creates win-win situations.
  • Network Effects.

Interesting Areas

Awesome Game

  • Modular Approach. The idea is to have a main character and multiple shards to play. Each shard could implement a different rule set or genre.
  • Modularity could also be implemented in the graphic side. You can choose the graphics pack you like just like another cosmetic.
  • Player Driven Economy. Everything is made by players and traded for real life currency. The developers only get a fee for each trade. This makes the game fully F2P but also supports the developers.
  • Companion Apps. Some tasks like trading or Planning could be done from a mobile device.
  • Systems (items, skills, monsters, …) could be affected by evolutionary processes.
    • Merging two skills could produce a new one (inheriting properties and perhaps with a small mutation)
    • Monsters will develop resistance against what's killing them.
    • Quests rewards will also change dynamically.
  • Players can vote for the next patch changes with in game money. This way developers gets feedback on what's important.
  • Could have a GPS RPG extension. Locations in the real world would be named similarly to the real place but with a twist given by a Neural Network.
  • Factions can take control of a region and build new things there.

Unconventional Changelogs

  • What if each city or town had a changelog? What changed in the last release? Did it change a street direction or opened a new commerce?
  • What if stores had a changelog? That'd mean price history for each product and also new products would be easier to find.

Fake Currencies

  • A chores app where kids could earn a currency. This could be traded for rewards like going to the cinema or getting a new PC game.

Open Knowledge

  • Research.
    • Each publication is a Git repository, where people can contribute to make corrections.
  • Distillation. Deeply digesting ideas, and putting them together into a framework of thinking.
    • Made by a small number of people with a strong vision and a deep investment in the article.
  • Publication.
    • Should have different resolutions. E.g: Blog post for the general public, article for the scientific community, paper for the raw idea.

Personal Knowledge Base

A tool and framework to manage knowledge. This will allow compound learning and make it easier to discover new abstractions or connections between concepts. These are the key properties of my ideal PKB (could replace this handbook):

Instead of building the tool, we can start with a standard protocol and let other tools (Roam, Notion, Obsidian) use that.

Open Source Projects

City Discovery

  • Create an activity similar to a gymkhana mixed with escape room. Players have to solve riddles and puzzles while learning about the city and its history.
  • There might be digital and real life puzzles.
  • Clues might be scattered across many checkpoints with actors as "NPC"s to guide the players.
  • For big and closed areas, set up a Photo Battle Royale. You're out in a park. Make a group chat and eliminate people by making photos of them. The goal is to collect trophies without being eliminated.

Social Network Improvements

Token Recommendation Engine

  • Since Ethereum wallets are public, you can get good data on which tokens people similar to you are holding.
  • This might be useful to discover new assets.

Blockchain Data Pipelines Connectors

  • There is no Airbyte for blockchains.
  • Everyone is reinventing the wheel, e.g: Dune does ETL, Flipside does it too, …

Structured Company Changelog

  • Create and maintain a Company Changelog in a table (structured and parse-able format) so it can be fed to something like Mixpanel or joined to other datasets to do analysis.
  • Add data from other Sources:
    • Github PRs
    • OKRs
  • Use something like GitHub Releases to publish the changes and artifacts.

Open Data Organization

Would love to work on a company/cooperative focused on Open Data with the following ideals:

  • Small core team (5-15 persons)
  • Remote-first, Asynchronous communications first
  • No managers or PMs
  • Transparent decision-making
  • Profit-sharing among the team
  • Purpose-driven

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