Life Areas

Life Areas

Just as an airplane has wings, engines, windows, controls, and landing gear, your life has various components. Ignoring some of them is like trying to fly without wings.

  1. Worldview and purpose. Do you have clarity as to your existence, purpose, and place in the universe? What is your philosophy of life?
  2. Contribution and impact. How are you giving value to the world? How much impact does your existence have environmentally, socially, and cognitively?
  3. Location and possessions. Are you tied to one location? Do you own lots of useless stuff?
  4. Time and Finances. Do you have savings, investments, or assets? Do you have any debt? Do you know where you spend your money?
  5. Career and Teamwork. Do you enjoy your work? Have you optimized your job?
  6. Health and fitness. Do you exercise regularly? What is your overall energy level? What are your major health issues and susceptibilities?
  7. Knowledge and education. Are you developing your mind and learning new things? What are your talents and skills?
  8. Communication. Are you spreading ideas? Can you communicate effectively? Can you discuss difficult or controversial topics?
  9. Relationships. Are you meeting new people? Are you taking care of people you love? Are you maintaining your friendships?
  10. Emotions. What is your general feeling about life? Are you aware of your emotions as they are happening? How do you rate in terms of integrity, honesty, courage, etc.?
  11. Productivity and organization. Do you act effectively? Are you organized? When you need a piece of information, how easily can you find it?
  12. Fun and adventure. Are you experiencing what you want to experience? Are you enjoying life? Are you doing things for fun? Do you have any creative pursuits?

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