
  1. Growing Neural Networks:

    • Begin with a compact or small neural network.
    • Add units or neurons to the network dynamically during the training process.
  2. Addressing Underfitting:

    • The growth mechanism is triggered when the current network underfits the training data.
    • Underfitting occurs when the network is too simple to capture the complexity of the data.
  3. Stopping Criteria:

    • Continue adding units until a stopping criterion is met or until overfitting is detected.
  4. Detecting Overfitting:

    • Overfitting is detected when the network's performance on the training data is significantly better than on new, unseen data.
  5. Optimal Architecture Search:

    • The goal is to find the optimal architecture for the neural network.
    • Optimal architecture balances between underfitting and overfitting, achieving good generalization.
  6. Adaptive Learning:

    • The network learns to adapt its architecture based on the complexity of the data and the learning task.
  7. Iterative Process:

    • Growing neural networks involve an iterative process of adding units, training, and evaluating until an optimal architecture is achieved.
  8. Flexible and Scalable:

    • The approach makes the network flexible and scalable, adapting to different complexities within the data.
  9. Balancing Complexity:

    • The growth mechanism aims to strike a balance between simplicity and complexity, avoiding both underfitting and overfitting.

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