Preventing Dominance of One Cluster

Preventing Dominance of One Cluster


  • Conscience Factor: To prevent one cluster unit (prototype vector) from dominating as the winning cluster unit, a conscience factor is used to penalise.
  • Activation Value Calculation: ok,p=1o_{k, p} = 1 if certain conditions are met, otherwise ok,p=0o_{k, p} = 0.
  • Conscience Factor Update: The conscience factor bk(t)b_k(t) is updated based on the winning history of the output unit.
  • penalize output units that win too frequently, preventing one output unit from dominating.


Activation Value

ok,p={1for min{dk,pbk(t)}0otherwiseo_{k, p} = \begin{cases}1 & \text{for } \min \left\{d_{k, p} - b_k(t)\right\} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}   where dk,pd_{k, p} is the Euclidean distance, and bk(t)b_k(t) is the conscience factor.

Conscience factor

Conscience Factor Components:

  • bk(t)=γ(1lgk(t))b_k(t) = \gamma\left(\frac{1}{l} - g_k(t)\right)
  • gk(t)=gk(t1)+β(ok,pgk(t1))g_k(t) = g_k(t-1) + \beta\left(o_{k, p} - g_k(t-1)\right)


  • gk(0)=0g_k(0) = 0
  • bk(0)=1lb_k(0) = \frac{1}{l}


  • As more winning occurs (ok,p=1o_{k, p} = 1), gk(t)g_k(t) becomes larger, and bk(t)b_k(t) becomes a larger negative value.
  • This negative value (bk(t)\left|b_k(t)\right|) is then added to the Euclidean distance dk,pd_{k, p}.


  • More frequent winning by an output unit results in a larger gk(t),g_k(t), leading to a larger negative bk(t)b_k(t).
  • The larger bk(t)\left|b_k(t)\right| is added to dk,pd_{k, p}, effectively penalizing the winning output unit and making it less likely to win frequently.

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