Error parsing MDX:
[next-mdx-remote] error compiling MDX:
Unexpected character `?` (U+003F) before name, expected a character that can start a name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`
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92 | Another way to put it:
> 93 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="360pt" height="234pt" viewBox="0 0 360 234" version="1.1"><defs><g><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0"><path style="stroke:none;" d=""/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.171875 -7.328125 C 5.046875 -7.609375 4.921875 -7.609375 4.734375 -7.609375 C 4.421875 -7.609375 4.390625 -7.53125 4.3125 -7.328125 L 1.609375 -0.765625 C 1.53125 -0.59375 1.5 -0.515625 0.671875 -0.515625 L 0.453125 -0.515625 L 0.453125 0 C 0.859375 -0.015625 1.390625 -0.03125 1.71875 -0.03125 C 2.15625 -0.03125 2.765625 -0.03125 3.15625 0 L 3.15625 -0.515625 C 3.140625 -0.515625 2.1875 -0.515625 2.1875 -0.65625 C 2.1875 -0.671875 2.21875 -0.78125 2.234375 -0.78125 L 2.78125 -2.109375 L 5.703125 -2.109375 L 6.359375 -0.515625 L 5.328125 -0.515625 L 5.328125 0 C 5.734375 -0.03125 6.765625 -0.03125 7.234375 -0.03125 C 7.671875 -0.03125 8.640625 -0.03125 9.015625 0 L 9.015625 -0.515625 L 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-4.171875 4.515625 -4.34375 C 4.84375 -4.515625 5.078125 -4.53125 5.1875 -4.546875 C 5.171875 -4.5 5.140625 -4.390625 5.140625 -4.328125 C 5.140625 -4.0625 5.328125 -3.859375 5.609375 -3.859375 C 5.90625 -3.859375 6.078125 -4.0625 6.078125 -4.328125 C 6.078125 -4.578125 5.90625 -4.96875 5.40625 -4.96875 C 5.234375 -4.96875 4.71875 -4.921875 4.25 -4.546875 C 4.046875 -4.671875 3.59375 -4.90625 2.78125 -4.90625 C 1.203125 -4.90625 0.609375 -4.0625 0.609375 -3.296875 C 0.609375 -2.84375 0.828125 -2.40625 1.171875 -2.15625 C 0.875 -1.765625 0.8125 -1.40625 0.8125 -1.171875 C 0.8125 -1.015625 0.84375 -0.484375 1.28125 -0.125 C 1.140625 -0.09375 0.34375 0.125 0.34375 0.8125 C 0.34375 1.375 0.953125 2.1875 3.125 2.1875 C 5.0625 2.1875 5.90625 1.546875 5.90625 0.78125 C 5.90625 0.453125 5.828125 -0.234375 5.09375 -0.59375 C 4.484375 -0.90625 3.828125 -0.90625 2.78125 -0.90625 C 2.5 -0.90625 2 -0.90625 1.9375 -0.921875 C 1.46875 -1 1.34375 -1.40625 1.34375 -1.609375 C 1.34375 -1.71875 1.390625 -1.875 1.453125 -1.96875 Z M 2.125 0.140625 L 3.40625 0.140625 C 3.734375 0.140625 4.96875 0.140625 4.96875 0.8125 C 4.96875 1.203125 4.546875 1.796875 3.125 1.796875 C 1.828125 1.796875 1.28125 1.296875 1.28125 0.796875 C 1.28125 0.140625 1.96875 0.140625 2.125 0.140625 Z M 2.125 0.140625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.90625 -2.375 C 5.90625 -3.84375 4.90625 -4.9375 3.125 -4.9375 C 1.34375 -4.9375 0.34375 -3.828125 0.34375 -2.375 C 0.34375 -1.03125 1.3125 0.0625 3.125 0.0625 C 4.96875 0.0625 5.90625 -1.03125 5.90625 -2.375 Z M 3.125 -0.375 C 1.75 -0.375 1.75 -1.546875 1.75 -2.5 C 1.75 -2.984375 1.75 -3.546875 1.9375 -3.921875 C 2.140625 -4.3125 2.59375 -4.546875 3.125 -4.546875 C 3.59375 -4.546875 4.046875 -4.375 4.28125 -3.984375 C 4.515625 -3.625 4.515625 -3.015625 4.515625 -2.5 C 4.515625 -1.546875 4.515625 -0.375 3.125 -0.375 Z M 3.125 -0.375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.21875 -3.671875 L 2.21875 -4.90625 L 0.40625 -4.828125 L 0.40625 -4.3125 C 1.078125 -4.3125 1.15625 -4.3125 1.15625 -3.875 L 1.15625 -0.515625 L 0.40625 -0.515625 L 0.40625 0 C 0.78125 -0.015625 1.28125 -0.03125 1.78125 -0.03125 C 2.1875 -0.03125 2.890625 -0.03125 3.28125 0 L 3.28125 -0.515625 L 2.328125 -0.515625 L 2.328125 -2.421875 C 2.328125 -3.1875 2.609375 -4.515625 3.703125 -4.515625 C 3.6875 -4.5 3.484375 -4.328125 3.484375 -4.015625 C 3.484375 -3.5625 3.84375 -3.34375 4.15625 -3.34375 C 4.46875 -3.34375 4.828125 -3.578125 4.828125 -4.015625 C 4.828125 -4.59375 4.234375 -4.90625 3.671875 -4.90625 C 2.90625 -4.90625 2.46875 -4.359375 2.21875 -3.671875 Z M 2.21875 -3.671875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.4375 -4.90625 L 0.546875 -4.828125 L 0.546875 -4.3125 C 1.1875 -4.3125 1.265625 -4.3125 1.265625 -3.875 L 1.265625 -0.515625 L 0.515625 -0.515625 L 0.515625 0 C 0.84375 -0.015625 1.390625 -0.03125 1.84375 -0.03125 C 2.171875 -0.03125 2.71875 -0.015625 3.125 0 L 3.125 -0.515625 L 2.4375 -0.515625 Z M 2.546875 -6.734375 C 2.546875 -7.203125 2.15625 -7.578125 1.703125 -7.578125 C 1.234375 -7.578125 0.84375 -7.203125 0.84375 -6.734375 C 0.84375 -6.265625 1.234375 -5.875 1.703125 -5.875 C 2.15625 -5.875 2.546875 -6.25 2.546875 -6.734375 Z M 2.546875 -6.734375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.125 -4.328125 L 1.125 -1.34375 C 1.125 -0.171875 2.078125 0.0625 2.84375 0.0625 C 3.671875 0.0625 4.171875 -0.5625 4.171875 -1.359375 L 4.171875 -1.9375 L 3.65625 -1.9375 L 3.65625 -1.375 C 3.65625 -0.625 3.296875 -0.375 3 -0.375 C 2.359375 -0.375 2.359375 -1.0625 2.359375 -1.3125 L 2.359375 -4.328125 L 3.953125 -4.328125 L 3.953125 -4.84375 L 2.359375 -4.84375 L 2.359375 -6.921875 L 1.859375 -6.921875 C 1.84375 -5.828125 1.3125 -4.75 0.234375 -4.71875 L 0.234375 -4.328125 Z M 1.125 -4.328125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -0.515625 L 0.484375 -0.515625 L 0.484375 0 C 0.796875 -0.015625 1.453125 -0.03125 1.859375 -0.03125 C 2.296875 -0.03125 2.9375 -0.015625 3.234375 0 L 3.234375 -0.515625 L 2.484375 -0.515625 L 2.484375 -2.796875 C 2.484375 -3.984375 3.421875 -4.515625 4.109375 -4.515625 C 4.484375 -4.515625 4.71875 -4.28125 4.71875 -3.453125 L 4.71875 -0.515625 L 3.953125 -0.515625 L 3.953125 0 C 4.265625 -0.015625 4.921875 -0.03125 5.328125 -0.03125 C 5.765625 -0.03125 6.40625 -0.015625 6.703125 0 L 6.703125 -0.515625 L 5.953125 -0.515625 L 5.953125 -3.34375 C 5.953125 -4.484375 5.359375 -4.90625 4.28125 -4.90625 C 3.234375 -4.90625 2.671875 -4.28125 2.421875 -3.84375 L 2.421875 -7.5625 L 0.484375 -7.484375 L 0.484375 -6.96875 C 1.171875 -6.96875 1.25 -6.96875 1.25 -6.546875 Z M 1.25 -0.515625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -3.875 L 1.25 -0.515625 L 0.484375 -0.515625 L 0.484375 0 C 0.796875 -0.015625 1.453125 -0.03125 1.859375 -0.03125 C 2.296875 -0.03125 2.9375 -0.015625 3.234375 0 L 3.234375 -0.515625 L 2.484375 -0.515625 L 2.484375 -2.796875 C 2.484375 -3.984375 3.4375 -4.515625 4.109375 -4.515625 C 4.484375 -4.515625 4.71875 -4.296875 4.71875 -3.453125 L 4.71875 -0.515625 L 3.96875 -0.515625 L 3.96875 0 C 4.28125 -0.015625 4.921875 -0.03125 5.34375 -0.03125 C 5.765625 -0.03125 6.40625 -0.015625 6.71875 0 L 6.71875 -0.515625 L 5.96875 -0.515625 L 5.96875 -2.796875 C 5.96875 -3.984375 6.921875 -4.515625 7.59375 -4.515625 C 7.96875 -4.515625 8.203125 -4.296875 8.203125 -3.453125 L 8.203125 -0.515625 L 7.453125 -0.515625 L 7.453125 0 C 7.75 -0.015625 8.40625 -0.03125 8.828125 -0.03125 C 9.25 -0.03125 9.890625 -0.015625 10.203125 0 L 10.203125 -0.515625 L 9.4375 -0.515625 L 9.4375 -3.34375 C 9.4375 -4.453125 8.890625 -4.90625 7.765625 -4.90625 C 6.765625 -4.90625 6.203125 -4.359375 5.921875 -3.859375 C 5.703125 -4.875 4.703125 -4.90625 4.28125 -4.90625 C 3.34375 -4.90625 2.71875 -4.421875 2.359375 -3.734375 L 2.359375 -4.90625 L 0.484375 -4.828125 L 0.484375 -4.3125 C 1.171875 -4.3125 1.25 -4.3125 1.25 -3.875 Z M 1.25 -3.875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.859375 -6.796875 C 3.859375 -7.03125 3.859375 -7.140625 3.578125 -7.140625 C 3.453125 -7.140625 3.4375 -7.140625 3.34375 -7.0625 C 2.5 -6.453125 1.375 -6.453125 1.140625 -6.453125 L 0.921875 -6.453125 L 0.921875 -5.9375 L 1.140625 -5.9375 C 1.3125 -5.9375 1.921875 -5.9375 2.5625 -6.15625 L 2.5625 -0.515625 L 1.046875 -0.515625 L 1.046875 0 C 1.53125 -0.03125 2.6875 -0.03125 3.21875 -0.03125 C 3.75 -0.03125 4.90625 -0.03125 5.390625 0 L 5.390625 -0.515625 L 3.859375 -0.515625 Z M 3.859375 -6.796875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.578125 -3.984375 C 2.578125 -4.453125 2.203125 -4.84375 1.734375 -4.84375 C 1.265625 -4.84375 0.890625 -4.453125 0.890625 -3.984375 C 0.890625 -3.515625 1.265625 -3.140625 1.734375 -3.140625 C 2.203125 -3.140625 2.578125 -3.515625 2.578125 -3.984375 Z M 2.578125 -0.84375 C 2.578125 -1.3125 2.203125 -1.703125 1.734375 -1.703125 C 1.265625 -1.703125 0.890625 -1.3125 0.890625 -0.84375 C 0.890625 -0.375 1.265625 0 1.734375 0 C 2.203125 0 2.578125 -0.375 2.578125 -0.84375 Z M 2.578125 -0.84375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.609375 -6.96875 L 1.609375 -0.515625 L 0.421875 -0.515625 L 0.421875 0 L 5.125 0 C 7.28125 0 8.90625 -1.34375 8.90625 -3.671875 C 8.90625 -6.078125 7.28125 -7.484375 5.109375 -7.484375 L 0.421875 -7.484375 L 0.421875 -6.96875 Z M 3.09375 -0.515625 L 3.09375 -6.96875 L 4.671875 -6.96875 C 5.40625 -6.96875 6.296875 -6.765625 6.84375 -6 C 7.21875 -5.4375 7.3125 -4.703125 7.3125 -3.6875 C 7.3125 -2.5 7.171875 -1.921875 6.828125 -1.421875 C 6.296875 -0.6875 5.34375 -0.515625 4.671875 -0.515625 Z M 3.09375 -0.515625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.078125 -0.84375 C 4.078125 -0.5 4.078125 0 5.21875 0 L 5.734375 0 C 5.953125 0 6.078125 0 6.078125 -0.265625 C 6.078125 -0.515625 5.9375 -0.515625 5.796875 -0.515625 C 5.140625 -0.53125 5.140625 -0.671875 5.140625 -0.921875 L 5.140625 -3.265625 C 5.140625 -4.234375 4.359375 -4.9375 2.734375 -4.9375 C 2.109375 -4.9375 0.78125 -4.890625 0.78125 -3.9375 C 0.78125 -3.453125 1.171875 -3.25 1.46875 -3.25 C 1.796875 -3.25 2.15625 -3.484375 2.15625 -3.9375 C 2.15625 -4.265625 1.9375 -4.453125 1.90625 -4.46875 C 2.21875 -4.53125 2.5625 -4.546875 2.6875 -4.546875 C 3.515625 -4.546875 3.890625 -4.09375 3.890625 -3.265625 L 3.890625 -2.890625 C 3.125 -2.859375 0.34375 -2.765625 0.34375 -1.171875 C 0.34375 -0.125 1.703125 0.0625 2.453125 0.0625 C 3.328125 0.0625 3.84375 -0.375 4.078125 -0.84375 Z M 3.890625 -2.546875 L 3.890625 -1.515625 C 3.890625 -0.46875 2.890625 -0.328125 2.625 -0.328125 C 2.0625 -0.328125 1.625 -0.703125 1.625 -1.1875 C 1.625 -2.359375 3.34375 -2.515625 3.890625 -2.546875 Z M 3.890625 -2.546875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.09375 -3.9375 L 3.09375 -6.96875 L 4.375 -6.96875 C 6.125 -6.96875 6.15625 -6.125 6.15625 -5.453125 C 6.15625 -4.84375 6.15625 -3.9375 4.359375 -3.9375 Z M 6 -3.703125 C 7.265625 -4.03125 7.8125 -4.75 7.8125 -5.46875 C 7.8125 -6.5625 6.625 -7.484375 4.5625 -7.484375 L 0.421875 -7.484375 L 0.421875 -6.96875 L 1.609375 -6.96875 L 1.609375 -0.515625 L 0.421875 -0.515625 L 0.421875 0 C 0.8125 -0.03125 1.890625 -0.03125 2.34375 -0.03125 C 2.796875 -0.03125 3.875 -0.03125 4.265625 0 L 4.265625 -0.515625 L 3.09375 -0.515625 L 3.09375 -3.546875 L 4.359375 -3.546875 C 4.515625 -3.546875 5 -3.546875 5.328125 -3.171875 C 5.6875 -2.796875 5.6875 -2.578125 5.6875 -1.78125 C 5.6875 -1.0625 5.6875 -0.53125 6.453125 -0.15625 C 6.921875 0.078125 7.609375 0.125 8.046875 0.125 C 9.21875 0.125 9.359375 -0.859375 9.359375 -1.03125 C 9.359375 -1.28125 9.203125 -1.28125 9.09375 -1.28125 C 8.859375 -1.28125 8.859375 -1.171875 8.84375 -1.03125 C 8.796875 -0.515625 8.46875 -0.265625 8.140625 -0.265625 C 7.5 -0.265625 7.390625 -1.046875 7.34375 -1.5 C 7.3125 -1.625 7.234375 -2.375 7.21875 -2.4375 C 7.0625 -3.203125 6.46875 -3.53125 6 -3.703125 Z M 6 -3.703125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.03125 -2.375 C 5.28125 -2.375 5.390625 -2.375 5.390625 -2.671875 C 5.390625 -3.015625 5.328125 -3.8125 4.78125 -4.359375 C 4.375 -4.75 3.796875 -4.9375 3.046875 -4.9375 C 1.296875 -4.9375 0.34375 -3.8125 0.34375 -2.453125 C 0.34375 -1 1.4375 0.0625 3.203125 0.0625 C 4.921875 0.0625 5.390625 -1.09375 5.390625 -1.28125 C 5.390625 -1.46875 5.1875 -1.46875 5.125 -1.46875 C 4.9375 -1.46875 4.921875 -1.421875 4.859375 -1.25 C 4.625 -0.71875 4 -0.375 3.296875 -0.375 C 1.75 -0.375 1.75 -1.828125 1.75 -2.375 Z M 1.75 -2.734375 C 1.765625 -3.15625 1.78125 -3.625 2 -3.984375 C 2.296875 -4.421875 2.71875 -4.546875 3.046875 -4.546875 C 4.3125 -4.546875 4.34375 -3.125 4.359375 -2.734375 Z M 1.75 -2.734375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.296875 -3.203125 C 1.890625 -3.28125 1.1875 -3.40625 1.1875 -3.921875 C 1.1875 -4.59375 2.203125 -4.59375 2.40625 -4.59375 C 3.234375 -4.59375 3.640625 -4.28125 3.703125 -3.671875 C 3.703125 -3.515625 3.71875 -3.453125 3.953125 -3.453125 C 4.203125 -3.453125 4.203125 -3.515625 4.203125 -3.765625 L 4.203125 -4.640625 C 4.203125 -4.84375 4.203125 -4.9375 4.015625 -4.9375 C 3.96875 -4.9375 3.953125 -4.9375 3.515625 -4.734375 C 3.234375 -4.875 2.859375 -4.9375 2.421875 -4.9375 C 2.09375 -4.9375 0.421875 -4.9375 0.421875 -3.515625 C 0.421875 -3.078125 0.625 -2.78125 0.84375 -2.59375 C 1.28125 -2.21875 1.703125 -2.15625 2.546875 -2 C 2.9375 -1.9375 3.75 -1.78125 3.75 -1.140625 C 3.75 -0.328125 2.75 -0.328125 2.515625 -0.328125 C 1.359375 -0.328125 1.0625 -1.125 0.9375 -1.59375 C 0.890625 -1.75 0.828125 -1.75 0.671875 -1.75 C 0.421875 -1.75 0.421875 -1.671875 0.421875 -1.421875 L 0.421875 -0.234375 C 0.421875 -0.03125 0.421875 0.0625 0.609375 0.0625 C 0.6875 0.0625 0.703125 0.0625 0.9375 -0.09375 C 0.953125 -0.09375 1.1875 -0.265625 1.21875 -0.28125 C 1.71875 0.0625 2.296875 0.0625 2.515625 0.0625 C 2.84375 0.0625 4.53125 0.0625 4.53125 -1.53125 C 4.53125 -2 4.3125 -2.375 3.921875 -2.6875 C 3.5 -3 3.15625 -3.0625 2.296875 -3.203125 Z M 2.296875 -3.203125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.78125 -0.78125 L 4.78125 0.0625 L 6.703125 0 L 6.703125 -0.515625 C 6.03125 -0.515625 5.953125 -0.515625 5.953125 -0.9375 L 5.953125 -4.90625 L 3.953125 -4.828125 L 3.953125 -4.3125 C 4.640625 -4.3125 4.71875 -4.3125 4.71875 -3.875 L 4.71875 -1.796875 C 4.71875 -0.90625 4.15625 -0.328125 3.359375 -0.328125 C 2.515625 -0.328125 2.484375 -0.59375 2.484375 -1.1875 L 2.484375 -4.90625 L 0.484375 -4.828125 L 0.484375 -4.3125 C 1.171875 -4.3125 1.25 -4.3125 1.25 -3.875 L 1.25 -1.34375 C 1.25 -0.171875 2.125 0.0625 3.203125 0.0625 C 3.484375 0.0625 4.28125 0.0625 4.78125 -0.78125 Z M 4.78125 -0.78125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.03125 -7.421875 L 0.421875 -7.421875 L 0.421875 -6.90625 L 1.609375 -6.90625 L 1.609375 -0.515625 L 0.421875 -0.515625 L 0.421875 0 C 0.84375 -0.03125 1.9375 -0.03125 2.421875 -0.03125 C 2.953125 -0.03125 4.140625 -0.03125 4.625 0 L 4.625 -0.515625 L 3.15625 -0.515625 L 3.15625 -3.453125 L 3.703125 -3.453125 C 4.75 -3.453125 4.84375 -2.984375 4.84375 -2.1875 L 5.359375 -2.1875 L 5.359375 -5.25 L 4.84375 -5.25 C 4.84375 -4.4375 4.75 -3.96875 3.703125 -3.96875 L 3.15625 -3.96875 L 3.15625 -6.90625 L 4.671875 -6.90625 C 6.4375 -6.90625 6.6875 -6.0625 6.84375 -4.78125 L 7.359375 -4.78125 Z M 7.03125 -7.421875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -3.875 L 1.25 -0.515625 L 0.484375 -0.515625 L 0.484375 0 C 0.796875 -0.015625 1.453125 -0.03125 1.859375 -0.03125 C 2.296875 -0.03125 2.9375 -0.015625 3.234375 0 L 3.234375 -0.515625 L 2.484375 -0.515625 L 2.484375 -2.796875 C 2.484375 -3.984375 3.421875 -4.515625 4.109375 -4.515625 C 4.484375 -4.515625 4.71875 -4.28125 4.71875 -3.453125 L 4.71875 -0.515625 L 3.953125 -0.515625 L 3.953125 0 C 4.265625 -0.015625 4.921875 -0.03125 5.328125 -0.03125 C 5.765625 -0.03125 6.40625 -0.015625 6.703125 0 L 6.703125 -0.515625 L 5.953125 -0.515625 L 5.953125 -3.34375 C 5.953125 -4.484375 5.359375 -4.90625 4.28125 -4.90625 C 3.234375 -4.90625 2.65625 -4.28125 2.359375 -3.734375 L 2.359375 -4.90625 L 0.484375 -4.828125 L 0.484375 -4.3125 C 1.171875 -4.3125 1.25 -4.3125 1.25 -3.875 Z M 1.25 -3.875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.921875 -4.4375 C 3.734375 -4.265625 3.703125 -4.03125 3.703125 -3.9375 C 3.703125 -3.453125 4.09375 -3.25 4.390625 -3.25 C 4.71875 -3.25 5.078125 -3.484375 5.078125 -3.9375 C 5.078125 -4.875 3.8125 -4.9375 3.171875 -4.9375 C 1.21875 -4.9375 0.421875 -3.6875 0.421875 -2.421875 C 0.421875 -0.96875 1.4375 0.0625 3.125 0.0625 C 4.890625 0.0625 5.21875 -1.203125 5.21875 -1.28125 C 5.21875 -1.421875 5.0625 -1.421875 4.953125 -1.421875 C 4.75 -1.421875 4.75 -1.40625 4.6875 -1.265625 C 4.40625 -0.578125 3.875 -0.375 3.328125 -0.375 C 1.8125 -0.375 1.8125 -1.96875 1.8125 -2.46875 C 1.8125 -3.09375 1.8125 -4.5 3.21875 -4.5 C 3.59375 -4.5 3.78125 -4.46875 3.921875 -4.4375 Z M 3.921875 -4.4375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.28125 -4.84375 L 0.453125 -4.84375 L 0.453125 -4.328125 L 1.28125 -4.328125 L 1.28125 -0.515625 L 0.53125 -0.515625 L 0.53125 0 C 0.90625 -0.015625 1.390625 -0.03125 1.890625 -0.03125 C 2.3125 -0.03125 3.015625 -0.03125 3.40625 0 L 3.40625 -0.515625 L 2.453125 -0.515625 L 2.453125 -4.328125 L 3.703125 -4.328125 L 3.703125 -4.84375 L 2.390625 -4.84375 L 2.390625 -5.9375 C 2.390625 -7.140625 3.21875 -7.234375 3.484375 -7.234375 C 3.546875 -7.234375 3.59375 -7.234375 3.671875 -7.21875 C 3.515625 -7.09375 3.421875 -6.890625 3.421875 -6.6875 C 3.421875 -6.21875 3.8125 -6.015625 4.09375 -6.015625 C 4.421875 -6.015625 4.765625 -6.234375 4.765625 -6.6875 C 4.765625 -7.140625 4.375 -7.640625 3.515625 -7.640625 C 2.453125 -7.640625 1.28125 -7.171875 1.28125 -5.9375 Z M 1.28125 -4.84375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.5625 -0.46875 L 4.5625 0.0625 L 6.546875 0 L 6.546875 -0.515625 C 5.875 -0.515625 5.796875 -0.515625 5.796875 -0.9375 L 5.796875 -7.5625 L 3.875 -7.484375 L 3.875 -6.96875 C 4.546875 -6.96875 4.625 -6.96875 4.625 -6.546875 L 4.625 -4.421875 C 4.078125 -4.84375 3.515625 -4.90625 3.15625 -4.90625 C 1.5625 -4.90625 0.421875 -3.953125 0.421875 -2.40625 C 0.421875 -0.96875 1.421875 0.0625 3.03125 0.0625 C 3.703125 0.0625 4.21875 -0.203125 4.5625 -0.46875 Z M 4.5625 -3.84375 L 4.5625 -1.125 C 4.421875 -0.921875 3.96875 -0.328125 3.140625 -0.328125 C 1.8125 -0.328125 1.8125 -1.640625 1.8125 -2.40625 C 1.8125 -2.9375 1.8125 -3.515625 2.09375 -3.953125 C 2.40625 -4.40625 2.921875 -4.515625 3.265625 -4.515625 C 3.875 -4.515625 4.3125 -4.171875 4.5625 -3.84375 Z M 4.5625 -3.84375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"><path style="stroke:none;" d=""/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.8125 -4.234375 L 2.40625 -4.5625 C 1.734375 -4.734375 1.3125 -5.328125 1.3125 -5.953125 C 1.3125 -6.71875 1.890625 -7.390625 2.75 -7.390625 C 4.5625 -7.390625 4.8125 -5.59375 4.875 -5.109375 C 4.890625 -5.03125 4.890625 -4.96875 5 -4.96875 C 5.140625 -4.96875 5.140625 -5.03125 5.140625 -5.234375 L 5.140625 -7.421875 C 5.140625 -7.609375 5.140625 -7.6875 5.03125 -7.6875 C 4.953125 -7.6875 4.9375 -7.671875 4.859375 -7.546875 L 4.484375 -6.921875 C 4.15625 -7.234375 3.703125 -7.6875 2.734375 -7.6875 C 1.53125 -7.6875 0.609375 -6.734375 0.609375 -5.578125 C 0.609375 -4.671875 1.1875 -3.875 2.046875 -3.578125 C 2.15625 -3.53125 2.71875 -3.40625 3.484375 -3.21875 C 3.78125 -3.140625 4.09375 -3.0625 4.40625 -2.65625 C 4.640625 -2.375 4.75 -2.015625 4.75 -1.65625 C 4.75 -0.890625 4.203125 -0.09375 3.28125 -0.09375 C 2.96875 -0.09375 2.140625 -0.15625 1.5625 -0.6875 C 0.921875 -1.28125 0.890625 -1.96875 0.890625 -2.359375 C 0.875 -2.46875 0.78125 -2.46875 0.75 -2.46875 C 0.609375 -2.46875 0.609375 -2.40625 0.609375 -2.203125 L 0.609375 -0.015625 C 0.609375 0.15625 0.609375 0.234375 0.734375 0.234375 C 0.8125 0.234375 0.8125 0.21875 0.890625 0.09375 C 0.890625 0.09375 0.921875 0.046875 1.28125 -0.53125 C 1.625 -0.15625 2.328125 0.234375 3.296875 0.234375 C 4.5625 0.234375 5.4375 -0.828125 5.4375 -2.03125 C 5.4375 -3.125 4.71875 -4.015625 3.8125 -4.234375 Z M 3.8125 -4.234375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.21875 -2.75 C 1.28125 -4.375 2.203125 -4.640625 2.578125 -4.640625 C 3.703125 -4.640625 3.8125 -3.171875 3.8125 -2.75 Z M 1.203125 -2.515625 L 4.25 -2.515625 C 4.5 -2.515625 4.53125 -2.515625 4.53125 -2.75 C 4.53125 -3.828125 3.9375 -4.890625 2.578125 -4.890625 C 1.3125 -4.890625 0.3125 -3.765625 0.3125 -2.40625 C 0.3125 -0.9375 1.453125 0.125 2.703125 0.125 C 4.03125 0.125 4.53125 -1.09375 4.53125 -1.296875 C 4.53125 -1.40625 4.4375 -1.421875 4.390625 -1.421875 C 4.28125 -1.421875 4.265625 -1.359375 4.25 -1.28125 C 3.859375 -0.15625 2.875 -0.15625 2.765625 -0.15625 C 2.21875 -0.15625 1.78125 -0.484375 1.53125 -0.890625 C 1.203125 -1.40625 1.203125 -2.125 1.203125 -2.515625 Z M 1.203125 -2.515625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.9375 -7.5625 L 0.359375 -7.453125 L 0.359375 -7.109375 C 1.125 -7.109375 1.203125 -7.03125 1.203125 -6.5 L 1.203125 -0.828125 C 1.203125 -0.34375 1.09375 -0.34375 0.359375 -0.34375 L 0.359375 0 C 0.71875 -0.015625 1.296875 -0.03125 1.578125 -0.03125 C 1.84375 -0.03125 2.375 -0.015625 2.78125 0 L 2.78125 -0.34375 C 2.046875 -0.34375 1.9375 -0.34375 1.9375 -0.828125 Z M 1.9375 -7.5625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.90625 -4.703125 L 1.90625 -5.96875 C 1.90625 -6.921875 2.4375 -7.453125 2.90625 -7.453125 C 2.9375 -7.453125 3.109375 -7.453125 3.265625 -7.375 C 3.140625 -7.328125 2.9375 -7.1875 2.9375 -6.921875 C 2.9375 -6.65625 3.125 -6.453125 3.40625 -6.453125 C 3.734375 -6.453125 3.890625 -6.65625 3.890625 -6.921875 C 3.890625 -7.328125 3.484375 -7.6875 2.90625 -7.6875 C 2.15625 -7.6875 1.21875 -7.109375 1.21875 -5.953125 L 1.21875 -4.703125 L 0.359375 -4.703125 L 0.359375 -4.359375 L 1.21875 -4.359375 L 1.21875 -0.828125 C 1.21875 -0.34375 1.09375 -0.34375 0.375 -0.34375 L 0.375 0 C 0.796875 -0.015625 1.3125 -0.03125 1.609375 -0.03125 C 2.046875 -0.03125 2.5625 -0.03125 3 0 L 3 -0.34375 L 2.765625 -0.34375 C 1.96875 -0.34375 1.9375 -0.453125 1.9375 -0.84375 L 1.9375 -4.359375 L 3.1875 -4.359375 L 3.1875 -4.703125 Z M 1.90625 -4.703125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.015625 -2.046875 L 3.015625 -2.671875 L 0.125 -2.671875 L 0.125 -2.046875 Z M 3.015625 -2.046875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.859375 -3.703125 C 7.859375 -5.921875 6.21875 -7.6875 4.234375 -7.6875 C 2.28125 -7.6875 0.609375 -5.9375 0.609375 -3.703125 C 0.609375 -1.46875 2.296875 0.234375 4.234375 0.234375 C 6.21875 0.234375 7.859375 -1.5 7.859375 -3.703125 Z M 4.25 -0.046875 C 3.203125 -0.046875 1.734375 -1 1.734375 -3.84375 C 1.734375 -6.671875 3.328125 -7.421875 4.234375 -7.421875 C 5.1875 -7.421875 6.734375 -6.640625 6.734375 -3.84375 C 6.734375 -0.953125 5.25 -0.046875 4.25 -0.046875 Z M 4.25 -0.046875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.828125 -3.625 L 1.828125 -4.828125 L 0.3125 -4.703125 L 0.3125 -4.359375 C 1.0625 -4.359375 1.15625 -4.28125 1.15625 -3.75 L 1.15625 -0.828125 C 1.15625 -0.34375 1.03125 -0.34375 0.3125 -0.34375 L 0.3125 0 C 0.734375 -0.015625 1.25 -0.03125 1.546875 -0.03125 C 1.984375 -0.03125 2.5 -0.03125 2.9375 0 L 2.9375 -0.34375 L 2.703125 -0.34375 C 1.890625 -0.34375 1.875 -0.453125 1.875 -0.84375 L 1.875 -2.53125 C 1.875 -3.609375 2.328125 -4.578125 3.15625 -4.578125 C 3.234375 -4.578125 3.265625 -4.578125 3.28125 -4.5625 C 3.25 -4.5625 3.03125 -4.421875 3.03125 -4.140625 C 3.03125 -3.84375 3.265625 -3.671875 3.5 -3.671875 C 3.703125 -3.671875 3.96875 -3.8125 3.96875 -4.15625 C 3.96875 -4.5 3.625 -4.828125 3.15625 -4.828125 C 2.359375 -4.828125 1.96875 -4.09375 1.828125 -3.625 Z M 1.828125 -3.625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.421875 -1.875 C 1.46875 -1.875 1.46875 -2.96875 1.46875 -3.21875 C 1.46875 -3.515625 1.484375 -3.859375 1.640625 -4.140625 C 1.734375 -4.265625 1.984375 -4.5625 2.421875 -4.5625 C 3.375 -4.5625 3.375 -3.484375 3.375 -3.234375 C 3.375 -2.9375 3.359375 -2.578125 3.203125 -2.3125 C 3.109375 -2.1875 2.859375 -1.875 2.421875 -1.875 Z M 1.15625 -1.453125 C 1.15625 -1.5 1.15625 -1.75 1.34375 -1.96875 C 1.765625 -1.65625 2.21875 -1.625 2.421875 -1.625 C 3.4375 -1.625 4.1875 -2.375 4.1875 -3.21875 C 4.1875 -3.625 4.015625 -4.03125 3.734375 -4.28125 C 4.140625 -4.640625 4.53125 -4.703125 4.71875 -4.703125 C 4.75 -4.703125 4.796875 -4.703125 4.828125 -4.6875 C 4.71875 -4.640625 4.65625 -4.53125 4.65625 -4.390625 C 4.65625 -4.203125 4.796875 -4.078125 4.96875 -4.078125 C 5.078125 -4.078125 5.296875 -4.15625 5.296875 -4.40625 C 5.296875 -4.59375 5.15625 -4.9375 4.734375 -4.9375 C 4.515625 -4.9375 4.03125 -4.875 3.578125 -4.421875 C 3.125 -4.78125 2.65625 -4.828125 2.421875 -4.828125 C 1.40625 -4.828125 0.65625 -4.0625 0.65625 -3.234375 C 0.65625 -2.75 0.890625 -2.328125 1.171875 -2.109375 C 1.03125 -1.9375 0.828125 -1.578125 0.828125 -1.203125 C 0.828125 -0.859375 0.96875 -0.453125 1.3125 -0.234375 C 0.65625 -0.046875 0.3125 0.421875 0.3125 0.859375 C 0.3125 1.640625 1.390625 2.25 2.71875 2.25 C 4 2.25 5.140625 1.6875 5.140625 0.84375 C 5.140625 0.453125 4.984375 -0.09375 4.421875 -0.40625 C 3.84375 -0.703125 3.21875 -0.703125 2.546875 -0.703125 C 2.28125 -0.703125 1.8125 -0.703125 1.734375 -0.71875 C 1.390625 -0.765625 1.15625 -1.09375 1.15625 -1.453125 Z M 2.71875 2 C 1.625 2 0.875 1.4375 0.875 0.859375 C 0.875 0.359375 1.28125 -0.046875 1.765625 -0.078125 L 2.40625 -0.078125 C 3.34375 -0.078125 4.5625 -0.078125 4.5625 0.859375 C 4.5625 1.453125 3.796875 2 2.71875 2 Z M 2.71875 2 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.625 -0.828125 C 3.671875 -0.390625 3.96875 0.0625 4.484375 0.0625 C 4.71875 0.0625 5.375 -0.09375 5.375 -0.96875 L 5.375 -1.578125 L 5.109375 -1.578125 L 5.109375 -0.96875 C 5.109375 -0.34375 4.828125 -0.265625 4.71875 -0.265625 C 4.359375 -0.265625 4.3125 -0.765625 4.3125 -0.8125 L 4.3125 -3 C 4.3125 -3.453125 4.3125 -3.875 3.921875 -4.28125 C 3.484375 -4.71875 2.9375 -4.890625 2.421875 -4.890625 C 1.53125 -4.890625 0.78125 -4.375 0.78125 -3.65625 C 0.78125 -3.328125 1 -3.140625 1.28125 -3.140625 C 1.578125 -3.140625 1.78125 -3.359375 1.78125 -3.640625 C 1.78125 -3.78125 1.71875 -4.140625 1.21875 -4.140625 C 1.515625 -4.53125 2.046875 -4.640625 2.40625 -4.640625 C 2.9375 -4.640625 3.5625 -4.21875 3.5625 -3.25 L 3.5625 -2.84375 C 3 -2.8125 2.234375 -2.78125 1.546875 -2.453125 C 0.734375 -2.078125 0.453125 -1.515625 0.453125 -1.03125 C 0.453125 -0.15625 1.515625 0.125 2.203125 0.125 C 2.921875 0.125 3.421875 -0.3125 3.625 -0.828125 Z M 3.5625 -2.625 L 3.5625 -1.53125 C 3.5625 -0.484375 2.765625 -0.125 2.28125 -0.125 C 1.75 -0.125 1.296875 -0.5 1.296875 -1.046875 C 1.296875 -1.640625 1.75 -2.546875 3.5625 -2.625 Z M 3.5625 -2.625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.203125 -3.75 L 1.203125 -0.828125 C 1.203125 -0.34375 1.078125 -0.34375 0.34375 -0.34375 L 0.34375 0 C 0.734375 -0.015625 1.28125 -0.03125 1.578125 -0.03125 C 1.859375 -0.03125 2.4375 -0.015625 2.796875 0 L 2.796875 -0.34375 C 2.078125 -0.34375 1.953125 -0.34375 1.953125 -0.828125 L 1.953125 -2.828125 C 1.953125 -3.96875 2.71875 -4.578125 3.421875 -4.578125 C 4.109375 -4.578125 4.234375 -3.984375 4.234375 -3.375 L 4.234375 -0.828125 C 4.234375 -0.34375 4.109375 -0.34375 3.375 -0.34375 L 3.375 0 C 3.765625 -0.015625 4.3125 -0.03125 4.609375 -0.03125 C 4.890625 -0.03125 5.46875 -0.015625 5.828125 0 L 5.828125 -0.34375 C 5.265625 -0.34375 5 -0.34375 4.984375 -0.671875 L 4.984375 -2.75 C 4.984375 -3.6875 4.984375 -4.03125 4.640625 -4.421875 C 4.5 -4.609375 4.140625 -4.828125 3.5 -4.828125 C 2.703125 -4.828125 2.1875 -4.359375 1.890625 -3.671875 L 1.890625 -4.828125 L 0.34375 -4.703125 L 0.34375 -4.359375 C 1.109375 -4.359375 1.203125 -4.28125 1.203125 -3.75 Z M 1.203125 -3.75 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.9375 -4.828125 L 0.40625 -4.703125 L 0.40625 -4.359375 C 1.109375 -4.359375 1.203125 -4.296875 1.203125 -3.765625 L 1.203125 -0.828125 C 1.203125 -0.34375 1.09375 -0.34375 0.359375 -0.34375 L 0.359375 0 C 0.703125 -0.015625 1.296875 -0.03125 1.5625 -0.03125 C 1.9375 -0.03125 2.328125 -0.015625 2.6875 0 L 2.6875 -0.34375 C 1.96875 -0.34375 1.9375 -0.390625 1.9375 -0.8125 Z M 1.96875 -6.71875 C 1.96875 -7.0625 1.703125 -7.296875 1.390625 -7.296875 C 1.0625 -7.296875 0.8125 -7 0.8125 -6.71875 C 0.8125 -6.421875 1.0625 -6.140625 1.390625 -6.140625 C 1.703125 -6.140625 1.96875 -6.375 1.96875 -6.71875 Z M 1.96875 -6.71875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.25 -4.375 C 4.359375 -4.5 4.359375 -4.515625 4.359375 -4.5625 C 4.359375 -4.703125 4.265625 -4.703125 4.0625 -4.703125 L 0.578125 -4.703125 L 0.453125 -2.9375 L 0.734375 -2.9375 C 0.796875 -4.0625 1 -4.453125 2.203125 -4.453125 L 3.453125 -4.453125 L 0.40625 -0.34375 C 0.3125 -0.234375 0.3125 -0.203125 0.3125 -0.15625 C 0.3125 0 0.375 0 0.59375 0 L 4.1875 0 L 4.375 -2.046875 L 4.09375 -2.046875 C 4 -0.75 3.78125 -0.265625 2.515625 -0.265625 L 1.21875 -0.265625 Z M 4.25 -4.375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.625 -7.203125 C 2.53125 -7.453125 2.5 -7.453125 2.25 -7.453125 L 0.40625 -7.453125 L 0.40625 -7.109375 L 0.671875 -7.109375 C 1.5 -7.109375 1.53125 -6.984375 1.53125 -6.59375 L 1.53125 -1.140625 C 1.53125 -0.84375 1.53125 -0.34375 0.40625 -0.34375 L 0.40625 0 C 0.78125 -0.015625 1.3125 -0.03125 1.671875 -0.03125 C 2.046875 -0.03125 2.578125 -0.015625 2.953125 0 L 2.953125 -0.34375 C 1.828125 -0.34375 1.828125 -0.84375 1.828125 -1.140625 L 1.828125 -7.03125 L 1.84375 -7.03125 L 4.46875 -0.234375 C 4.53125 -0.09375 4.578125 0 4.6875 0 C 4.8125 0 4.84375 -0.09375 4.890625 -0.203125 L 7.5625 -7.109375 L 7.578125 -7.109375 L 7.578125 -0.84375 C 7.578125 -0.453125 7.5625 -0.34375 6.71875 -0.34375 L 6.453125 -0.34375 L 6.453125 0 C 6.859375 -0.03125 7.609375 -0.03125 8.03125 -0.03125 C 8.453125 -0.03125 9.1875 -0.03125 9.59375 0 L 9.59375 -0.34375 L 9.328125 -0.34375 C 8.484375 -0.34375 8.46875 -0.453125 8.46875 -0.84375 L 8.46875 -6.59375 C 8.46875 -6.984375 8.484375 -7.109375 9.328125 -7.109375 L 9.59375 -7.109375 L 9.59375 -7.453125 L 7.75 -7.453125 C 7.453125 -7.453125 7.453125 -7.4375 7.390625 -7.234375 L 5 -1.09375 Z M 2.625 -7.203125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.875 -4.09375 L 1.875 -4.828125 L 0.3125 -4.703125 L 0.3125 -4.359375 C 1.078125 -4.359375 1.15625 -4.296875 1.15625 -3.8125 L 1.15625 1.28125 C 1.15625 1.78125 1.03125 1.78125 0.3125 1.78125 L 0.3125 2.109375 C 0.671875 2.109375 1.25 2.078125 1.53125 2.078125 C 1.828125 2.078125 2.375 2.109375 2.765625 2.109375 L 2.765625 1.78125 C 2.03125 1.78125 1.90625 1.78125 1.90625 1.28125 L 1.90625 -0.640625 C 1.96875 -0.46875 2.421875 0.125 3.25 0.125 C 4.546875 0.125 5.6875 -0.953125 5.6875 -2.359375 C 5.6875 -3.734375 4.625 -4.828125 3.40625 -4.828125 C 2.546875 -4.828125 2.09375 -4.34375 1.875 -4.09375 Z M 1.90625 -1.25 L 1.90625 -3.671875 C 2.21875 -4.234375 2.765625 -4.546875 3.3125 -4.546875 C 4.109375 -4.546875 4.78125 -3.59375 4.78125 -2.359375 C 4.78125 -1.03125 4.015625 -0.125 3.203125 -0.125 C 2.765625 -0.125 2.359375 -0.34375 2.0625 -0.78125 C 1.90625 -1.015625 1.90625 -1.03125 1.90625 -1.25 Z M 1.90625 -1.25 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.265625 -2.109375 C 2.515625 -2.078125 3.40625 -1.890625 3.40625 -1.109375 C 3.40625 -0.5625 3.015625 -0.125 2.171875 -0.125 C 1.25 -0.125 0.859375 -0.734375 0.65625 -1.671875 C 0.625 -1.8125 0.609375 -1.859375 0.5 -1.859375 C 0.359375 -1.859375 0.359375 -1.78125 0.359375 -1.578125 L 0.359375 -0.140625 C 0.359375 0.046875 0.359375 0.125 0.484375 0.125 C 0.53125 0.125 0.546875 0.109375 0.75 -0.09375 C 0.78125 -0.125 0.78125 -0.140625 0.96875 -0.34375 C 1.453125 0.109375 1.9375 0.125 2.171875 0.125 C 3.421875 0.125 3.921875 -0.609375 3.921875 -1.390625 C 3.921875 -1.96875 3.59375 -2.296875 3.46875 -2.4375 C 3.109375 -2.78125 2.6875 -2.875 2.21875 -2.953125 C 1.609375 -3.078125 0.890625 -3.21875 0.890625 -3.84375 C 0.890625 -4.234375 1.171875 -4.671875 2.109375 -4.671875 C 3.296875 -4.671875 3.359375 -3.703125 3.375 -3.359375 C 3.390625 -3.265625 3.484375 -3.265625 3.515625 -3.265625 C 3.65625 -3.265625 3.65625 -3.3125 3.65625 -3.515625 L 3.65625 -4.625 C 3.65625 -4.8125 3.65625 -4.890625 3.53125 -4.890625 C 3.484375 -4.890625 3.453125 -4.890625 3.3125 -4.75 C 3.28125 -4.71875 3.171875 -4.609375 3.125 -4.578125 C 2.71875 -4.890625 2.265625 -4.890625 2.109375 -4.890625 C 0.78125 -4.890625 0.359375 -4.15625 0.359375 -3.546875 C 0.359375 -3.15625 0.53125 -2.859375 0.828125 -2.625 C 1.171875 -2.328125 1.484375 -2.265625 2.265625 -2.109375 Z M 2.265625 -2.109375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.609375 2.625 C 3.609375 2.578125 3.609375 2.5625 3.421875 2.375 C 2.0625 1 1.71875 -1.0625 1.71875 -2.71875 C 1.71875 -4.625 2.125 -6.515625 3.46875 -7.890625 C 3.609375 -8.015625 3.609375 -8.03125 3.609375 -8.078125 C 3.609375 -8.140625 3.5625 -8.171875 3.5 -8.171875 C 3.390625 -8.171875 2.40625 -7.4375 1.765625 -6.046875 C 1.203125 -4.859375 1.078125 -3.640625 1.078125 -2.71875 C 1.078125 -1.875 1.203125 -0.5625 1.796875 0.671875 C 2.453125 2.015625 3.390625 2.71875 3.5 2.71875 C 3.5625 2.71875 3.609375 2.6875 3.609375 2.625 Z M 3.609375 2.625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.15625 -2.71875 C 3.15625 -3.578125 3.03125 -4.890625 2.4375 -6.125 C 1.78125 -7.46875 0.84375 -8.171875 0.734375 -8.171875 C 0.671875 -8.171875 0.625 -8.140625 0.625 -8.078125 C 0.625 -8.03125 0.625 -8.015625 0.828125 -7.8125 C 1.890625 -6.734375 2.515625 -5 2.515625 -2.71875 C 2.515625 -0.859375 2.109375 1.0625 0.765625 2.4375 C 0.625 2.5625 0.625 2.578125 0.625 2.625 C 0.625 2.6875 0.671875 2.71875 0.734375 2.71875 C 0.84375 2.71875 1.828125 1.984375 2.46875 0.59375 C 3.015625 -0.59375 3.15625 -1.8125 3.15625 -2.71875 Z M 3.15625 -2.71875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.203125 -6.984375 C 3.203125 -7.234375 3.203125 -7.265625 2.953125 -7.265625 C 2.28125 -6.5625 1.3125 -6.5625 0.96875 -6.5625 L 0.96875 -6.234375 C 1.1875 -6.234375 1.828125 -6.234375 2.40625 -6.515625 L 2.40625 -0.859375 C 2.40625 -0.46875 2.359375 -0.34375 1.390625 -0.34375 L 1.03125 -0.34375 L 1.03125 0 C 1.421875 -0.03125 2.359375 -0.03125 2.796875 -0.03125 C 3.234375 -0.03125 4.1875 -0.03125 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -0.34375 L 4.21875 -0.34375 C 3.234375 -0.34375 3.203125 -0.453125 3.203125 -0.859375 Z M 3.203125 -6.984375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"><path style="stroke:none;" d=""/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.421875 -4.03125 L 4.203125 -4.03125 C 4.375 -4.03125 4.640625 -4.03125 4.640625 -4.359375 C 4.640625 -4.703125 4.390625 -4.703125 4.203125 -4.703125 L 2.421875 -4.703125 L 2.421875 -5.59375 C 2.421875 -5.796875 2.421875 -6.046875 2.046875 -6.046875 C 1.671875 -6.046875 1.671875 -5.8125 1.671875 -5.59375 L 1.671875 -4.703125 L 0.71875 -4.703125 C 0.546875 -4.703125 0.265625 -4.703125 0.265625 -4.359375 C 0.265625 -4.03125 0.546875 -4.03125 0.703125 -4.03125 L 1.671875 -4.03125 L 1.671875 -1.375 C 1.671875 -0.328125 2.40625 0.0625 3.203125 0.0625 C 4.015625 0.0625 4.890625 -0.40625 4.890625 -1.375 C 4.890625 -1.578125 4.890625 -1.796875 4.515625 -1.796875 C 4.15625 -1.796875 4.140625 -1.578125 4.140625 -1.390625 C 4.140625 -0.703125 3.515625 -0.59375 3.265625 -0.59375 C 2.421875 -0.59375 2.421875 -1.171875 2.421875 -1.4375 Z M 2.421875 -4.03125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.421875 -2.03125 C 2.421875 -3.046875 3.0625 -4.09375 4.390625 -4.09375 C 4.390625 -3.84375 4.578125 -3.625 4.859375 -3.625 C 5.09375 -3.625 5.3125 -3.796875 5.3125 -4.09375 C 5.3125 -4.3125 5.1875 -4.765625 4.28125 -4.765625 C 3.71875 -4.765625 3.015625 -4.5625 2.421875 -3.875 L 2.421875 -4.25 C 2.421875 -4.59375 2.359375 -4.703125 1.984375 -4.703125 L 0.78125 -4.703125 C 0.625 -4.703125 0.34375 -4.703125 0.34375 -4.375 C 0.34375 -4.03125 0.609375 -4.03125 0.78125 -4.03125 L 1.671875 -4.03125 L 1.671875 -0.671875 L 0.78125 -0.671875 C 0.625 -0.671875 0.34375 -0.671875 0.34375 -0.34375 C 0.34375 0 0.609375 0 0.78125 0 L 3.625 0 C 3.796875 0 4.078125 0 4.078125 -0.328125 C 4.078125 -0.671875 3.796875 -0.671875 3.625 -0.671875 L 2.421875 -0.671875 Z M 2.421875 -2.03125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.984375 -0.34375 C 4.234375 -0.015625 4.75 0 5.171875 0 C 5.46875 0 5.71875 0 5.71875 -0.34375 C 5.71875 -0.671875 5.4375 -0.671875 5.28125 -0.671875 C 4.828125 -0.671875 4.71875 -0.71875 4.625 -0.75 L 4.625 -3.109375 C 4.625 -3.875 4.03125 -4.796875 2.46875 -4.796875 C 2 -4.796875 0.890625 -4.796875 0.890625 -4 C 0.890625 -3.671875 1.109375 -3.5 1.375 -3.5 C 1.53125 -3.5 1.84375 -3.59375 1.859375 -4 C 1.859375 -4.09375 1.859375 -4.09375 2.078125 -4.125 C 2.234375 -4.140625 2.375 -4.140625 2.46875 -4.140625 C 3.296875 -4.140625 3.875 -3.796875 3.875 -3.015625 C 1.9375 -2.984375 0.59375 -2.4375 0.59375 -1.390625 C 0.59375 -0.640625 1.28125 0.0625 2.40625 0.0625 C 2.796875 0.0625 3.484375 -0.015625 3.984375 -0.34375 Z M 3.875 -2.375 L 3.875 -1.46875 C 3.875 -1.203125 3.875 -0.984375 3.453125 -0.78125 C 3.046875 -0.59375 2.5625 -0.59375 2.46875 -0.59375 C 1.796875 -0.59375 1.359375 -0.96875 1.359375 -1.390625 C 1.359375 -1.9375 2.296875 -2.328125 3.875 -2.375 Z M 3.875 -2.375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.375 -4.25 C 3.375 -4.59375 3.296875 -4.703125 2.9375 -4.703125 L 1.390625 -4.703125 C 1.21875 -4.703125 0.9375 -4.703125 0.9375 -4.375 C 0.9375 -4.03125 1.21875 -4.03125 1.390625 -4.03125 L 2.625 -4.03125 L 2.625 -0.671875 L 1.296875 -0.671875 C 1.125 -0.671875 0.84375 -0.671875 0.84375 -0.328125 C 0.84375 0 1.140625 0 1.296875 0 L 4.515625 0 C 4.671875 0 4.96875 0 4.96875 -0.328125 C 4.96875 -0.671875 4.671875 -0.671875 4.515625 -0.671875 L 3.375 -0.671875 Z M 3.375 -6.125 C 3.375 -6.4375 3.125 -6.671875 2.828125 -6.671875 C 2.515625 -6.671875 2.28125 -6.4375 2.28125 -6.125 C 2.28125 -5.828125 2.515625 -5.578125 2.828125 -5.578125 C 3.125 -5.578125 3.375 -5.828125 3.375 -6.125 Z M 3.375 -6.125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.8125 -4.1875 C 1.8125 -4.53125 1.8125 -4.703125 1.375 -4.703125 L 0.578125 -4.703125 C 0.40625 -4.703125 0.125 -4.703125 0.125 -4.359375 C 0.125 -4.03125 0.421875 -4.03125 0.5625 -4.03125 L 1.0625 -4.03125 L 1.0625 -0.671875 L 0.578125 -0.671875 C 0.40625 -0.671875 0.125 -0.671875 0.125 -0.328125 C 0.125 0 0.421875 0 0.5625 0 L 2.296875 0 C 2.453125 0 2.734375 0 2.734375 -0.328125 C 2.734375 -0.671875 2.46875 -0.671875 2.296875 -0.671875 L 1.8125 -0.671875 L 1.8125 -2.59375 C 1.8125 -3.6875 2.625 -4.09375 3.171875 -4.09375 C 3.75 -4.09375 3.90625 -3.796875 3.90625 -3.140625 L 3.90625 -0.671875 L 3.484375 -0.671875 C 3.296875 -0.671875 3.03125 -0.671875 3.03125 -0.328125 C 3.03125 0 3.328125 0 3.484375 0 L 5.140625 0 C 5.296875 0 5.578125 0 5.578125 -0.328125 C 5.578125 -0.671875 5.3125 -0.671875 5.140625 -0.671875 L 4.65625 -0.671875 L 4.65625 -3.203125 C 4.65625 -4.296875 4.09375 -4.765625 3.234375 -4.765625 C 2.515625 -4.765625 2.015625 -4.390625 1.8125 -4.1875 Z M 1.8125 -4.1875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.546875 -1.921875 C 1.953125 -1.921875 1.5 -2.4375 1.5 -3.015625 C 1.5 -3.625 1.96875 -4.109375 2.546875 -4.109375 C 3.125 -4.109375 3.59375 -3.59375 3.59375 -3.015625 C 3.59375 -2.40625 3.109375 -1.921875 2.546875 -1.921875 Z M 1.5625 -1.53125 C 1.59375 -1.515625 2 -1.265625 2.546875 -1.265625 C 3.546875 -1.265625 4.34375 -2.046875 4.34375 -3.015625 C 4.34375 -3.34375 4.25 -3.671875 4.0625 -3.96875 C 4.28125 -4.09375 4.546875 -4.140625 4.6875 -4.15625 C 4.75 -3.859375 5 -3.78125 5.109375 -3.78125 C 5.296875 -3.78125 5.546875 -3.921875 5.546875 -4.234375 C 5.546875 -4.484375 5.34375 -4.828125 4.75 -4.828125 C 4.640625 -4.828125 4.09375 -4.8125 3.59375 -4.4375 C 3.421875 -4.5625 3.046875 -4.765625 2.546875 -4.765625 C 1.515625 -4.765625 0.734375 -3.953125 0.734375 -3.015625 C 0.734375 -2.546875 0.921875 -2.1875 1.09375 -1.984375 C 0.96875 -1.8125 0.875 -1.578125 0.875 -1.25 C 0.875 -0.859375 1.03125 -0.59375 1.125 -0.453125 C 0.3125 0.03125 0.3125 0.78125 0.3125 0.890625 C 0.3125 1.828125 1.46875 2.5 2.859375 2.5 C 4.25 2.5 5.40625 1.828125 5.40625 0.890625 C 5.40625 0.484375 5.203125 -0.046875 4.640625 -0.34375 C 4.5 -0.421875 4.046875 -0.671875 3.0625 -0.671875 L 2.296875 -0.671875 C 2.21875 -0.671875 2.078125 -0.671875 1.984375 -0.6875 C 1.828125 -0.6875 1.75 -0.6875 1.625 -0.84375 C 1.5 -1 1.5 -1.203125 1.5 -1.234375 C 1.5 -1.28125 1.515625 -1.421875 1.5625 -1.53125 Z M 2.859375 1.84375 C 1.765625 1.84375 0.953125 1.375 0.953125 0.890625 C 0.953125 0.703125 1.046875 0.34375 1.390625 0.125 C 1.671875 -0.046875 1.765625 -0.046875 2.5625 -0.046875 C 3.53125 -0.046875 4.765625 -0.046875 4.765625 0.890625 C 4.765625 1.375 3.953125 1.84375 2.859375 1.84375 Z M 2.859375 1.84375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.90625 -0.546875 C 3.90625 -0.15625 3.90625 0 4.34375 0 L 5.140625 0 C 5.3125 0 5.578125 0 5.578125 -0.34375 C 5.578125 -0.671875 5.296875 -0.671875 5.140625 -0.671875 L 4.65625 -0.671875 L 4.65625 -6.21875 C 4.65625 -6.546875 4.59375 -6.65625 4.21875 -6.65625 L 3.421875 -6.65625 C 3.25 -6.65625 2.984375 -6.65625 2.984375 -6.328125 C 2.984375 -6 3.265625 -6 3.40625 -6 L 3.90625 -6 L 3.90625 -4.28125 C 3.546875 -4.59375 3.09375 -4.765625 2.625 -4.765625 C 1.4375 -4.765625 0.390625 -3.734375 0.390625 -2.34375 C 0.390625 -1 1.375 0.0625 2.53125 0.0625 C 3.140625 0.0625 3.59375 -0.234375 3.90625 -0.546875 Z M 3.90625 -2.890625 L 3.90625 -2.109375 C 3.90625 -1.5 3.40625 -0.59375 2.578125 -0.59375 C 1.796875 -0.59375 1.140625 -1.375 1.140625 -2.34375 C 1.140625 -3.390625 1.90625 -4.09375 2.671875 -4.09375 C 3.375 -4.09375 3.90625 -3.484375 3.90625 -2.890625 Z M 3.90625 -2.890625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.546875 -4.015625 C 3.546875 -4.421875 3.21875 -4.703125 2.875 -4.703125 C 2.453125 -4.703125 2.1875 -4.359375 2.1875 -4.03125 C 2.1875 -3.625 2.515625 -3.34375 2.859375 -3.34375 C 3.265625 -3.34375 3.546875 -3.671875 3.546875 -4.015625 Z M 2.90625 0 C 2.765625 0.59375 2.34375 0.796875 2.1875 0.890625 C 2.109375 0.921875 1.96875 1 1.96875 1.171875 C 1.96875 1.328125 2.125 1.515625 2.3125 1.515625 C 2.546875 1.515625 3.59375 0.921875 3.59375 -0.296875 C 3.59375 -1.015625 3.265625 -1.359375 2.859375 -1.359375 C 2.46875 -1.359375 2.1875 -1.0625 2.1875 -0.6875 C 2.1875 -0.375 2.359375 0 2.90625 0 Z M 2.90625 0 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.234375 -6.21875 C 3.234375 -6.546875 3.171875 -6.65625 2.796875 -6.65625 L 1.078125 -6.65625 C 0.90625 -6.65625 0.625 -6.65625 0.625 -6.328125 C 0.625 -6 0.921875 -6 1.0625 -6 L 2.484375 -6 L 2.484375 -0.671875 L 1.078125 -0.671875 C 0.90625 -0.671875 0.625 -0.671875 0.625 -0.328125 C 0.625 0 0.921875 0 1.0625 0 L 4.65625 0 C 4.828125 0 5.09375 0 5.09375 -0.328125 C 5.09375 -0.671875 4.828125 -0.671875 4.65625 -0.671875 L 3.234375 -0.671875 Z M 3.234375 -6.21875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.078125 -1.1875 C 5.078125 -1.5 4.765625 -1.5 4.703125 -1.5 C 4.53125 -1.5 4.421875 -1.46875 4.34375 -1.25 C 4.28125 -1.109375 4.0625 -0.59375 3.265625 -0.59375 C 2.328125 -0.59375 1.546875 -1.359375 1.546875 -2.359375 C 1.546875 -2.875 1.859375 -4.140625 3.328125 -4.140625 C 3.5625 -4.140625 3.984375 -4.140625 3.984375 -4.03125 C 3.984375 -3.65625 4.203125 -3.5 4.453125 -3.5 C 4.71875 -3.5 4.953125 -3.6875 4.953125 -4 C 4.953125 -4.796875 3.8125 -4.796875 3.328125 -4.796875 C 1.453125 -4.796875 0.796875 -3.3125 0.796875 -2.359375 C 0.796875 -1.046875 1.828125 0.0625 3.203125 0.0625 C 4.71875 0.0625 5.078125 -1 5.078125 -1.1875 Z M 5.078125 -1.1875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.625 -2.078125 C 4.859375 -2.078125 5.0625 -2.078125 5.0625 -2.484375 C 5.0625 -3.734375 4.359375 -4.796875 2.9375 -4.796875 C 1.640625 -4.796875 0.59375 -3.703125 0.59375 -2.359375 C 0.59375 -1.03125 1.703125 0.0625 3.109375 0.0625 C 4.546875 0.0625 5.0625 -0.921875 5.0625 -1.1875 C 5.0625 -1.5 4.75 -1.5 4.671875 -1.5 C 4.484375 -1.5 4.390625 -1.46875 4.3125 -1.25 C 4.078125 -0.703125 3.484375 -0.59375 3.1875 -0.59375 C 2.359375 -0.59375 1.546875 -1.140625 1.375 -2.078125 Z M 1.390625 -2.734375 C 1.53125 -3.53125 2.1875 -4.140625 2.9375 -4.140625 C 3.515625 -4.140625 4.1875 -3.859375 4.28125 -2.734375 Z M 1.390625 -2.734375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.1875 -4.375 C 1.171875 -4.703125 0.953125 -4.703125 0.75 -4.703125 L 0.40625 -4.703125 C 0.234375 -4.703125 -0.046875 -4.703125 -0.046875 -4.375 C -0.046875 -4.03125 0.1875 -4.03125 0.578125 -4.03125 L 0.578125 -0.671875 C 0.1875 -0.671875 -0.046875 -0.671875 -0.046875 -0.328125 C -0.046875 0 0.25 0 0.40625 0 L 1.359375 0 C 1.53125 0 1.8125 0 1.8125 -0.328125 C 1.8125 -0.671875 1.578125 -0.671875 1.1875 -0.671875 L 1.1875 -2.625 C 1.1875 -3.59375 1.640625 -4.09375 2.078125 -4.09375 C 2.328125 -4.09375 2.484375 -3.921875 2.484375 -3.203125 L 2.484375 -0.671875 C 2.28125 -0.671875 2 -0.671875 2 -0.328125 C 2 0 2.296875 0 2.453125 0 L 3.265625 0 C 3.4375 0 3.71875 0 3.71875 -0.328125 C 3.71875 -0.671875 3.484375 -0.671875 3.09375 -0.671875 L 3.09375 -2.625 C 3.09375 -3.59375 3.546875 -4.09375 3.984375 -4.09375 C 4.25 -4.09375 4.390625 -3.921875 4.390625 -3.203125 L 4.390625 -0.671875 C 4.1875 -0.671875 3.921875 -0.671875 3.921875 -0.328125 C 3.921875 0 4.203125 0 4.359375 0 L 5.1875 0 C 5.34375 0 5.625 0 5.625 -0.328125 C 5.625 -0.671875 5.40625 -0.671875 5 -0.671875 L 5 -3.296875 C 5 -3.515625 5 -4.765625 4.03125 -4.765625 C 3.703125 -4.765625 3.265625 -4.625 2.953125 -4.203125 C 2.796875 -4.5625 2.484375 -4.765625 2.125 -4.765625 C 1.78125 -4.765625 1.453125 -4.609375 1.1875 -4.375 Z M 1.1875 -4.375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -2.78125 C 3 -2.828125 2.78125 -2.859375 2.515625 -2.90625 C 2.1875 -2.953125 1.453125 -3.09375 1.453125 -3.515625 C 1.453125 -3.796875 1.796875 -4.140625 2.828125 -4.140625 C 3.734375 -4.140625 3.890625 -3.8125 3.921875 -3.515625 C 3.9375 -3.34375 3.953125 -3.15625 4.296875 -3.15625 C 4.671875 -3.15625 4.671875 -3.375 4.671875 -3.59375 L 4.671875 -4.359375 C 4.671875 -4.53125 4.671875 -4.796875 4.359375 -4.796875 C 4.09375 -4.796875 4.046875 -4.640625 4.03125 -4.5625 C 3.546875 -4.796875 3.0625 -4.796875 2.859375 -4.796875 C 1.03125 -4.796875 0.78125 -3.90625 0.78125 -3.515625 C 0.78125 -2.515625 1.9375 -2.328125 2.9375 -2.171875 C 3.46875 -2.078125 4.34375 -1.9375 4.34375 -1.359375 C 4.34375 -0.953125 3.9375 -0.59375 2.9375 -0.59375 C 2.4375 -0.59375 1.828125 -0.71875 1.546875 -1.578125 C 1.5 -1.765625 1.453125 -1.890625 1.171875 -1.890625 C 0.78125 -1.890625 0.78125 -1.65625 0.78125 -1.4375 L 0.78125 -0.375 C 0.78125 -0.203125 0.78125 0.0625 1.109375 0.0625 C 1.203125 0.0625 1.390625 0.046875 1.515625 -0.34375 C 2.046875 0.046875 2.625 0.0625 2.9375 0.0625 C 4.65625 0.0625 5 -0.84375 5 -1.359375 C 5 -2.5 3.59375 -2.71875 3.25 -2.78125 Z M 3.25 -2.78125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.09375 -2.359375 C 5.09375 -3.71875 4.078125 -4.796875 2.859375 -4.796875 C 1.640625 -4.796875 0.625 -3.71875 0.625 -2.359375 C 0.625 -0.96875 1.65625 0.0625 2.859375 0.0625 C 4.0625 0.0625 5.09375 -0.984375 5.09375 -2.359375 Z M 2.859375 -0.59375 C 2.046875 -0.59375 1.375 -1.421875 1.375 -2.4375 C 1.375 -3.421875 2.078125 -4.140625 2.859375 -4.140625 C 3.640625 -4.140625 4.34375 -3.421875 4.34375 -2.4375 C 4.34375 -1.421875 3.671875 -0.59375 2.859375 -0.59375 Z M 2.859375 -0.59375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-15"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.65625 -3.203125 C 4.65625 -4.296875 4.09375 -4.765625 3.234375 -4.765625 C 2.515625 -4.765625 2.015625 -4.390625 1.8125 -4.1875 L 1.8125 -6.21875 C 1.8125 -6.546875 1.75 -6.65625 1.375 -6.65625 L 0.578125 -6.65625 C 0.40625 -6.65625 0.125 -6.65625 0.125 -6.328125 C 0.125 -6 0.421875 -6 0.5625 -6 L 1.0625 -6 L 1.0625 -0.671875 L 0.578125 -0.671875 C 0.40625 -0.671875 0.125 -0.671875 0.125 -0.328125 C 0.125 0 0.421875 0 0.5625 0 L 2.296875 0 C 2.453125 0 2.734375 0 2.734375 -0.328125 C 2.734375 -0.671875 2.46875 -0.671875 2.296875 -0.671875 L 1.8125 -0.671875 L 1.8125 -2.59375 C 1.8125 -3.6875 2.625 -4.09375 3.171875 -4.09375 C 3.75 -4.09375 3.90625 -3.796875 3.90625 -3.140625 L 3.90625 -0.671875 L 3.484375 -0.671875 C 3.296875 -0.671875 3.03125 -0.671875 3.03125 -0.328125 C 3.03125 0 3.328125 0 3.484375 0 L 5.140625 0 C 5.296875 0 5.578125 0 5.578125 -0.328125 C 5.578125 -0.671875 5.3125 -0.671875 5.140625 -0.671875 L 4.65625 -0.671875 Z M 4.65625 -3.203125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-16"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.125 -2.421875 L 4.375 -4.03125 L 4.8125 -4.03125 C 4.96875 -4.03125 5.25 -4.03125 5.25 -4.359375 C 5.25 -4.703125 4.96875 -4.703125 4.8125 -4.703125 L 3.53125 -4.703125 C 3.375 -4.703125 3.09375 -4.703125 3.09375 -4.375 C 3.09375 -4.03125 3.34375 -4.03125 3.625 -4.03125 L 2.828125 -2.9375 L 2 -4.03125 C 2.28125 -4.03125 2.515625 -4.03125 2.515625 -4.375 C 2.515625 -4.703125 2.25 -4.703125 2.078125 -4.703125 L 0.8125 -4.703125 C 0.640625 -4.703125 0.359375 -4.703125 0.359375 -4.359375 C 0.359375 -4.03125 0.65625 -4.03125 0.8125 -4.03125 L 1.25 -4.03125 L 2.53125 -2.421875 L 1.171875 -0.671875 L 0.734375 -0.671875 C 0.578125 -0.671875 0.296875 -0.671875 0.296875 -0.328125 C 0.296875 0 0.59375 0 0.734375 0 L 2.015625 0 C 2.1875 0 2.453125 0 2.453125 -0.328125 C 2.453125 -0.671875 2.21875 -0.671875 1.890625 -0.671875 L 2.828125 -2 L 3.796875 -0.671875 C 3.484375 -0.671875 3.25 -0.671875 3.25 -0.328125 C 3.25 0 3.515625 0 3.6875 0 L 4.96875 0 C 5.109375 0 5.40625 0 5.40625 -0.328125 C 5.40625 -0.671875 5.125 -0.671875 4.96875 -0.671875 L 4.53125 -0.671875 Z M 3.125 -2.421875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-17"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.90625 -0.34375 C 3.921875 0 4.140625 0 4.34375 0 L 5.140625 0 C 5.3125 0 5.578125 0 5.578125 -0.34375 C 5.578125 -0.671875 5.296875 -0.671875 5.140625 -0.671875 L 4.65625 -0.671875 L 4.65625 -4.25 C 4.65625 -4.59375 4.59375 -4.703125 4.21875 -4.703125 L 3.421875 -4.703125 C 3.25 -4.703125 2.984375 -4.703125 2.984375 -4.359375 C 2.984375 -4.03125 3.265625 -4.03125 3.40625 -4.03125 L 3.90625 -4.03125 L 3.90625 -1.71875 C 3.90625 -0.734375 3.015625 -0.59375 2.671875 -0.59375 C 1.8125 -0.59375 1.8125 -0.953125 1.8125 -1.3125 L 1.8125 -4.25 C 1.8125 -4.59375 1.75 -4.703125 1.375 -4.703125 L 0.578125 -4.703125 C 0.40625 -4.703125 0.125 -4.703125 0.125 -4.359375 C 0.125 -4.03125 0.421875 -4.03125 0.5625 -4.03125 L 1.0625 -4.03125 L 1.0625 -1.25 C 1.0625 -0.203125 1.8125 0.0625 2.609375 0.0625 C 3.046875 0.0625 3.5 -0.046875 3.90625 -0.34375 Z M 3.90625 -0.34375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-18"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.8125 -4.234375 L 1.8125 -6.21875 C 1.8125 -6.546875 1.75 -6.65625 1.375 -6.65625 L 0.578125 -6.65625 C 0.40625 -6.65625 0.125 -6.65625 0.125 -6.328125 C 0.125 -6 0.421875 -6 0.5625 -6 L 1.0625 -6 L 1.0625 -0.453125 C 1.0625 -0.234375 1.0625 0 1.4375 0 C 1.8125 0 1.8125 -0.21875 1.8125 -0.484375 C 2.25 -0.03125 2.71875 0.0625 3.078125 0.0625 C 4.265625 0.0625 5.328125 -0.96875 5.328125 -2.359375 C 5.328125 -3.703125 4.359375 -4.765625 3.203125 -4.765625 C 2.671875 -4.765625 2.1875 -4.5625 1.8125 -4.234375 Z M 1.8125 -2.078125 L 1.8125 -2.875 C 1.8125 -3.515625 2.4375 -4.09375 3.125 -4.09375 C 3.9375 -4.09375 4.5625 -3.296875 4.5625 -2.359375 C 4.5625 -1.3125 3.8125 -0.59375 3.046875 -0.59375 C 2.1875 -0.59375 1.8125 -1.5625 1.8125 -2.078125 Z M 1.8125 -2.078125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-19"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -4.03125 L 4.09375 -4.03125 C 4.25 -4.03125 4.53125 -4.03125 4.53125 -4.359375 C 4.53125 -4.703125 4.265625 -4.703125 4.09375 -4.703125 L 2.765625 -4.703125 L 2.765625 -5.21875 C 2.765625 -6.0625 3.484375 -6.0625 3.8125 -6.0625 C 3.8125 -6.015625 3.921875 -5.59375 4.296875 -5.59375 C 4.515625 -5.59375 4.765625 -5.765625 4.765625 -6.078125 C 4.765625 -6.734375 3.890625 -6.734375 3.71875 -6.734375 C 2.84375 -6.734375 2 -6.234375 2 -5.28125 L 2 -4.703125 L 0.921875 -4.703125 C 0.734375 -4.703125 0.46875 -4.703125 0.46875 -4.359375 C 0.46875 -4.03125 0.734375 -4.03125 0.90625 -4.03125 L 2 -4.03125 L 2 -0.671875 L 0.90625 -0.671875 C 0.734375 -0.671875 0.453125 -0.671875 0.453125 -0.34375 C 0.453125 0 0.734375 0 0.90625 0 L 3.859375 0 C 4.03125 0 4.3125 0 4.3125 -0.328125 C 4.3125 -0.671875 4.03125 -0.671875 3.859375 -0.671875 L 2.765625 -0.671875 Z M 2.765625 -4.03125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-20"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.234375 -2.984375 C 3.53125 -2.921875 4.4375 -2.703125 4.4375 -1.75 C 4.4375 -1.1875 3.96875 -0.546875 3.109375 -0.546875 C 2.796875 -0.546875 2.265625 -0.59375 1.828125 -0.890625 C 1.375 -1.171875 1.328125 -1.640625 1.3125 -1.828125 C 1.3125 -2.015625 1.296875 -2.21875 0.953125 -2.21875 C 0.5625 -2.21875 0.5625 -1.984375 0.5625 -1.765625 L 0.5625 -0.328125 C 0.5625 -0.15625 0.5625 0.125 0.890625 0.125 C 1.140625 0.125 1.203125 -0.03125 1.296875 -0.375 C 1.734375 -0.046875 2.40625 0.125 3.09375 0.125 C 4.359375 0.125 5.140625 -0.84375 5.140625 -1.8125 C 5.140625 -2.515625 4.75 -2.96875 4.625 -3.109375 C 4.171875 -3.546875 3.875 -3.625 3.03125 -3.8125 L 2.15625 -4.015625 C 1.6875 -4.140625 1.28125 -4.53125 1.28125 -5.03125 C 1.28125 -5.59375 1.8125 -6.125 2.578125 -6.125 C 3.875 -6.125 4.03125 -5.09375 4.09375 -4.75 C 4.140625 -4.515625 4.25 -4.453125 4.46875 -4.453125 C 4.859375 -4.453125 4.859375 -4.671875 4.859375 -4.890625 L 4.859375 -6.34375 C 4.859375 -6.515625 4.859375 -6.78125 4.53125 -6.78125 C 4.265625 -6.78125 4.203125 -6.59375 4.125 -6.265625 C 3.671875 -6.65625 3.09375 -6.78125 2.59375 -6.78125 C 1.390625 -6.78125 0.5625 -5.921875 0.5625 -5 C 0.5625 -4.265625 1.0625 -3.546875 1.96875 -3.28125 C 2.015625 -3.265625 3.078125 -3.015625 3.234375 -2.984375 Z M 3.234375 -2.984375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-21"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.109375 -3.328125 C 5.109375 -6.484375 4.875 -6.78125 2.859375 -6.78125 C 0.84375 -6.78125 0.609375 -6.484375 0.609375 -3.328125 C 0.609375 -0.171875 0.84375 0.125 2.859375 0.125 C 4.859375 0.125 5.109375 -0.171875 5.109375 -3.328125 Z M 2.859375 -0.546875 C 1.890625 -0.546875 1.625 -0.78125 1.5 -1.3125 C 1.359375 -1.875 1.359375 -2.828125 1.359375 -3.421875 C 1.359375 -4.09375 1.359375 -4.84375 1.484375 -5.34375 C 1.625 -5.984375 1.96875 -6.125 2.859375 -6.125 C 3.671875 -6.125 4.0625 -6.015625 4.21875 -5.421875 C 4.359375 -4.90625 4.359375 -4.09375 4.359375 -3.421875 C 4.359375 -2.75 4.359375 -1.96875 4.234375 -1.390625 C 4.109375 -0.78125 3.828125 -0.546875 2.859375 -0.546875 Z M 2.859375 -0.546875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-22"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.15625 -4.03125 C 3.03125 -3.625 2.9375 -3.3125 2.875 -3 L 2.859375 -3 C 2.75 -3.515625 1.78125 -6.34375 1.765625 -6.40625 C 1.65625 -6.65625 1.390625 -6.65625 1.234375 -6.65625 L 0.625 -6.65625 C 0.453125 -6.65625 0.1875 -6.65625 0.1875 -6.34375 C 0.1875 -6 0.421875 -6 0.765625 -6 L 0.765625 -0.671875 C 0.421875 -0.671875 0.1875 -0.671875 0.1875 -0.328125 C 0.1875 0 0.453125 0 0.625 0 L 1.515625 0 C 1.671875 0 1.953125 0 1.953125 -0.328125 C 1.953125 -0.671875 1.71875 -0.671875 1.375 -0.671875 L 1.375 -5.875 L 1.390625 -5.875 C 1.5 -5.359375 2.203125 -3.265625 2.25 -3.125 C 2.328125 -2.875 2.46875 -2.46875 2.53125 -2.390625 C 2.59375 -2.296875 2.71875 -2.21875 2.859375 -2.21875 C 3 -2.21875 3.15625 -2.3125 3.234375 -2.46875 C 3.265625 -2.53125 4.203125 -5.296875 4.328125 -5.875 L 4.34375 -5.875 L 4.34375 -0.671875 C 3.984375 -0.671875 3.765625 -0.671875 3.765625 -0.328125 C 3.765625 0 4.03125 0 4.203125 0 L 5.09375 0 C 5.25 0 5.53125 0 5.53125 -0.328125 C 5.53125 -0.671875 5.296875 -0.671875 4.953125 -0.671875 L 4.953125 -6 C 5.296875 -6 5.53125 -6 5.53125 -6.34375 C 5.53125 -6.65625 5.25 -6.65625 5.09375 -6.65625 L 4.484375 -6.65625 C 4.03125 -6.65625 3.984375 -6.515625 3.890625 -6.234375 Z M 3.15625 -4.03125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-23"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.6875 -4.03125 L 5.015625 -4.03125 C 5.1875 -4.03125 5.453125 -4.03125 5.453125 -4.359375 C 5.453125 -4.703125 5.1875 -4.703125 5.015625 -4.703125 L 3.734375 -4.703125 C 3.578125 -4.703125 3.296875 -4.703125 3.296875 -4.375 C 3.296875 -4.03125 3.5625 -4.03125 3.734375 -4.03125 L 4.046875 -4.03125 L 2.859375 -0.53125 L 1.671875 -4.03125 L 1.96875 -4.03125 C 2.140625 -4.03125 2.40625 -4.03125 2.40625 -4.359375 C 2.40625 -4.703125 2.15625 -4.703125 1.96875 -4.703125 L 0.703125 -4.703125 C 0.53125 -4.703125 0.265625 -4.703125 0.265625 -4.359375 C 0.265625 -4.03125 0.53125 -4.03125 0.703125 -4.03125 L 1.03125 -4.03125 L 2.28125 -0.328125 C 2.40625 0.046875 2.625 0.046875 2.859375 0.046875 C 3.0625 0.046875 3.3125 0.046875 3.4375 -0.3125 Z M 4.6875 -4.03125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-24"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.546875 -4.015625 C 3.546875 -4.421875 3.21875 -4.703125 2.875 -4.703125 C 2.453125 -4.703125 2.1875 -4.359375 2.1875 -4.03125 C 2.1875 -3.625 2.515625 -3.34375 2.859375 -3.34375 C 3.265625 -3.34375 3.546875 -3.671875 3.546875 -4.015625 Z M 3.546875 -0.671875 C 3.546875 -1.078125 3.21875 -1.359375 2.875 -1.359375 C 2.453125 -1.359375 2.1875 -1.03125 2.1875 -0.6875 C 2.1875 -0.28125 2.515625 0 2.859375 0 C 3.265625 0 3.546875 -0.34375 3.546875 -0.671875 Z M 3.546875 -0.671875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-25"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.703125 -6 L 2.484375 -6 C 3.484375 -6 3.96875 -5.359375 3.96875 -4.828125 C 3.96875 -4.296875 3.484375 -3.671875 2.484375 -3.671875 L 1.703125 -3.671875 Z M 3.796875 -3.3125 C 4.515625 -3.71875 4.71875 -4.390625 4.71875 -4.828125 C 4.71875 -5.765625 3.890625 -6.65625 2.609375 -6.65625 L 0.671875 -6.65625 C 0.5 -6.65625 0.234375 -6.65625 0.234375 -6.328125 C 0.234375 -6 0.515625 -6 0.671875 -6 L 0.953125 -6 L 0.953125 -0.671875 L 0.671875 -0.671875 C 0.5 -0.671875 0.234375 -0.671875 0.234375 -0.328125 C 0.234375 0 0.515625 0 0.671875 0 L 1.96875 0 C 2.140625 0 2.40625 0 2.40625 -0.328125 C 2.40625 -0.671875 2.15625 -0.671875 1.96875 -0.671875 L 1.703125 -0.671875 L 1.703125 -3 L 2.546875 -3 C 2.765625 -3 3.09375 -3 3.4375 -2.6875 C 3.671875 -2.46875 3.671875 -2.21875 3.671875 -1.765625 C 3.671875 -1.0625 3.671875 -0.734375 3.875 -0.375 C 4.0625 -0.046875 4.375 0.125 4.75 0.125 C 5.4375 0.125 5.6875 -0.59375 5.6875 -1.015625 C 5.6875 -1.359375 5.4375 -1.359375 5.3125 -1.359375 C 5.203125 -1.359375 4.953125 -1.359375 4.9375 -1.03125 C 4.9375 -0.953125 4.921875 -0.546875 4.734375 -0.546875 C 4.421875 -0.546875 4.421875 -1.046875 4.421875 -1.625 C 4.421875 -2.3125 4.421875 -2.40625 4.328125 -2.65625 C 4.203125 -2.96875 3.953125 -3.203125 3.796875 -3.3125 Z M 3.796875 -3.3125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-26"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.6875 -4.03125 L 5.015625 -4.03125 C 5.1875 -4.03125 5.453125 -4.03125 5.453125 -4.359375 C 5.453125 -4.703125 5.1875 -4.703125 5.015625 -4.703125 L 3.734375 -4.703125 C 3.578125 -4.703125 3.296875 -4.703125 3.296875 -4.375 C 3.296875 -4.03125 3.5625 -4.03125 3.734375 -4.03125 L 4.046875 -4.03125 L 3.265625 -1.71875 C 3.125 -1.3125 3.046875 -1.109375 2.984375 -0.78125 L 2.96875 -0.78125 C 2.90625 -0.984375 2.8125 -1.203125 2.734375 -1.421875 L 1.71875 -4.03125 L 2 -4.03125 C 2.15625 -4.03125 2.4375 -4.03125 2.4375 -4.359375 C 2.4375 -4.703125 2.171875 -4.703125 2 -4.703125 L 0.71875 -4.703125 C 0.546875 -4.703125 0.28125 -4.703125 0.28125 -4.359375 C 0.28125 -4.03125 0.5625 -4.03125 0.71875 -4.03125 L 1.0625 -4.03125 L 2.609375 -0.140625 C 2.65625 -0.03125 2.65625 -0.015625 2.65625 0 C 2.65625 0.015625 2.375 0.921875 2.234375 1.1875 C 1.921875 1.78125 1.53125 1.8125 1.359375 1.828125 C 1.359375 1.8125 1.421875 1.71875 1.421875 1.578125 C 1.421875 1.3125 1.21875 1.109375 0.953125 1.109375 C 0.65625 1.109375 0.46875 1.3125 0.46875 1.59375 C 0.46875 2.046875 0.84375 2.484375 1.375 2.484375 C 2.46875 2.484375 2.953125 1.046875 3 0.921875 Z M 4.6875 -4.03125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-27"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.890625 -3.890625 C 5.125 -4.109375 5.140625 -4.140625 5.140625 -4.328125 C 5.140625 -4.703125 4.890625 -4.703125 4.6875 -4.703125 L 0.984375 -4.703125 C 0.625 -4.703125 0.53125 -4.609375 0.53125 -4.25 L 0.53125 -3.75 C 0.53125 -3.546875 0.53125 -3.296875 0.90625 -3.296875 C 1.28125 -3.296875 1.28125 -3.53125 1.28125 -3.75 L 1.28125 -4.03125 L 4 -4.03125 L 0.59375 -0.8125 C 0.375 -0.59375 0.359375 -0.5625 0.359375 -0.375 C 0.359375 0 0.59375 0 0.8125 0 L 4.9375 0 C 5.1875 -0.0625 5.1875 -0.28125 5.1875 -0.453125 L 5.1875 -1.078125 C 5.1875 -1.28125 5.1875 -1.53125 4.8125 -1.53125 C 4.421875 -1.53125 4.421875 -1.296875 4.421875 -1.078125 L 4.421875 -0.671875 L 1.5 -0.671875 Z M 4.890625 -3.890625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-28"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5 -6.921875 C 5.078125 -7.09375 5.078125 -7.09375 5.078125 -7.1875 C 5.078125 -7.390625 4.921875 -7.5625 4.703125 -7.5625 C 4.453125 -7.5625 4.390625 -7.40625 4.3125 -7.265625 L 0.71875 0.265625 C 0.640625 0.4375 0.625 0.4375 0.625 0.53125 C 0.625 0.71875 0.796875 0.90625 1.015625 0.90625 C 1.25 0.90625 1.328125 0.734375 1.390625 0.59375 Z M 5 -6.921875 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-29"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.8125 -2.875 C 1.8125 -3.515625 2.4375 -4.09375 3.125 -4.09375 C 3.9375 -4.09375 4.5625 -3.296875 4.5625 -2.359375 C 4.5625 -1.3125 3.8125 -0.59375 3.046875 -0.59375 C 2.1875 -0.59375 1.8125 -1.5625 1.8125 -2.078125 Z M 1.8125 -0.484375 C 2.25 -0.03125 2.71875 0.0625 3.078125 0.0625 C 4.265625 0.0625 5.328125 -0.96875 5.328125 -2.359375 C 5.328125 -3.703125 4.359375 -4.765625 3.203125 -4.765625 C 2.671875 -4.765625 2.1875 -4.5625 1.8125 -4.234375 C 1.8125 -4.546875 1.78125 -4.703125 1.375 -4.703125 L 0.578125 -4.703125 C 0.40625 -4.703125 0.125 -4.703125 0.125 -4.359375 C 0.125 -4.03125 0.421875 -4.03125 0.5625 -4.03125 L 1.0625 -4.03125 L 1.0625 1.75 L 0.578125 1.75 C 0.40625 1.75 0.125 1.75 0.125 2.09375 C 0.125 2.421875 0.421875 2.421875 0.5625 2.421875 L 2.296875 2.421875 C 2.453125 2.421875 2.734375 2.421875 2.734375 2.09375 C 2.734375 1.75 2.46875 1.75 2.296875 1.75 L 1.8125 1.75 Z M 1.8125 -0.484375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-30"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -3 L 3.34375 -3 C 3.34375 -2.546875 3.34375 -2.375 3.734375 -2.375 C 4.09375 -2.375 4.09375 -2.625 4.09375 -2.828125 L 4.09375 -3.84375 C 4.09375 -4.046875 4.09375 -4.28125 3.734375 -4.28125 C 3.34375 -4.28125 3.34375 -4.109375 3.34375 -3.671875 L 1.859375 -3.671875 L 1.859375 -6 L 4.59375 -6 L 4.59375 -5.421875 C 4.59375 -5.21875 4.59375 -4.96875 4.96875 -4.96875 C 5.34375 -4.96875 5.34375 -5.203125 5.34375 -5.421875 L 5.34375 -6.21875 C 5.34375 -6.546875 5.28125 -6.65625 4.90625 -6.65625 L 0.75 -6.65625 C 0.578125 -6.65625 0.3125 -6.65625 0.3125 -6.328125 C 0.3125 -6 0.59375 -6 0.75 -6 L 1.109375 -6 L 1.109375 -0.671875 L 0.75 -0.671875 C 0.578125 -0.671875 0.3125 -0.671875 0.3125 -0.328125 C 0.3125 0 0.59375 0 0.75 0 L 2.4375 0 C 2.59375 0 2.875 0 2.875 -0.328125 C 2.875 -0.671875 2.609375 -0.671875 2.4375 -0.671875 L 1.859375 -0.671875 Z M 1.859375 -3 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-31"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.890625 -6 L 5.21875 -6 C 5.40625 -6 5.671875 -6 5.671875 -6.34375 C 5.671875 -6.65625 5.390625 -6.65625 5.21875 -6.65625 L 3.8125 -6.65625 C 3.65625 -6.65625 3.375 -6.65625 3.375 -6.34375 C 3.375 -6 3.65625 -6 3.8125 -6 L 4.140625 -6 L 4.140625 -2.28125 C 4.140625 -1.109375 3.421875 -0.546875 2.859375 -0.546875 C 2.28125 -0.546875 1.578125 -1.109375 1.578125 -2.28125 L 1.578125 -6 L 1.890625 -6 C 2.0625 -6 2.34375 -6 2.34375 -6.34375 C 2.34375 -6.65625 2.0625 -6.65625 1.890625 -6.65625 L 0.484375 -6.65625 C 0.328125 -6.65625 0.046875 -6.65625 0.046875 -6.34375 C 0.046875 -6 0.328125 -6 0.484375 -6 L 0.8125 -6 L 0.8125 -2.21875 C 0.8125 -0.890625 1.765625 0.125 2.859375 0.125 C 3.953125 0.125 4.890625 -0.890625 4.890625 -2.21875 Z M 4.890625 -6 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-32"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.984375 -4.03125 C 5.3125 -4.03125 5.546875 -4.03125 5.546875 -4.375 C 5.546875 -4.703125 5.28125 -4.703125 5.078125 -4.703125 L 3.828125 -4.703125 C 3.625 -4.703125 3.375 -4.703125 3.375 -4.375 C 3.375 -4.03125 3.625 -4.03125 3.828125 -4.03125 L 4.359375 -4.03125 L 3.8125 -0.78125 C 3.765625 -1.0625 3.625 -1.578125 3.484375 -2.015625 C 3.296875 -2.703125 3.265625 -2.828125 2.875 -2.828125 C 2.765625 -2.828125 2.5625 -2.828125 2.4375 -2.578125 C 2.40625 -2.515625 1.96875 -1 1.9375 -0.78125 L 1.921875 -0.78125 L 1.359375 -4.03125 L 1.890625 -4.03125 C 2.078125 -4.03125 2.34375 -4.03125 2.34375 -4.359375 C 2.34375 -4.703125 2.09375 -4.703125 1.890625 -4.703125 L 0.625 -4.703125 C 0.4375 -4.703125 0.171875 -4.703125 0.171875 -4.375 C 0.171875 -4.03125 0.40625 -4.03125 0.734375 -4.03125 L 1.390625 -0.375 C 1.421875 -0.125 1.46875 0.046875 1.890625 0.046875 C 2.328125 0.046875 2.359375 -0.046875 2.5625 -0.71875 C 2.828125 -1.671875 2.84375 -1.828125 2.875 -2.078125 L 2.890625 -2.078125 C 2.9375 -1.5 3.34375 -0.234375 3.390625 -0.140625 C 3.515625 0.046875 3.71875 0.046875 3.84375 0.046875 C 4.25 0.046875 4.28125 -0.125 4.328125 -0.375 Z M 4.984375 -4.03125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-0"><path style="stroke:none;" d=""/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-1"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.296875 -4.484375 L 4.375 -6.65625 C 4.34375 -6.734375 4.3125 -6.78125 4.3125 -6.796875 C 4.3125 -6.859375 4.5 -7.0625 4.96875 -7.109375 C 5.078125 -7.125 5.1875 -7.125 5.1875 -7.3125 C 5.1875 -7.453125 5.046875 -7.453125 5.015625 -7.453125 C 4.5625 -7.453125 4.09375 -7.421875 3.640625 -7.421875 C 3.375 -7.421875 2.6875 -7.453125 2.421875 -7.453125 C 2.359375 -7.453125 2.21875 -7.453125 2.21875 -7.234375 C 2.21875 -7.109375 2.328125 -7.109375 2.46875 -7.109375 C 3.125 -7.109375 3.203125 -7 3.296875 -6.765625 L 4.578125 -3.71875 L 2.28125 -1.25 L 2.140625 -1.125 C 1.609375 -0.546875 1.09375 -0.375 0.53125 -0.34375 C 0.390625 -0.328125 0.296875 -0.328125 0.296875 -0.125 C 0.296875 -0.109375 0.296875 0 0.4375 0 C 0.765625 0 1.125 -0.03125 1.46875 -0.03125 C 1.859375 -0.03125 2.296875 0 2.6875 0 C 2.75 0 2.875 0 2.875 -0.21875 C 2.875 -0.328125 2.765625 -0.34375 2.75 -0.34375 C 2.65625 -0.34375 2.3125 -0.375 2.3125 -0.671875 C 2.3125 -0.84375 2.46875 -1.03125 2.609375 -1.171875 L 3.71875 -2.34375 L 4.703125 -3.40625 L 5.796875 -0.8125 C 5.84375 -0.6875 5.859375 -0.671875 5.859375 -0.65625 C 5.859375 -0.5625 5.65625 -0.375 5.21875 -0.34375 C 5.109375 -0.328125 5 -0.3125 5 -0.125 C 5 0 5.125 0 5.171875 0 C 5.46875 0 6.234375 -0.03125 6.546875 -0.03125 C 6.8125 -0.03125 7.484375 0 7.75 0 C 7.828125 0 7.96875 0 7.96875 -0.203125 C 7.96875 -0.34375 7.859375 -0.34375 7.765625 -0.34375 C 7.03125 -0.34375 7.015625 -0.375 6.828125 -0.8125 C 6.40625 -1.828125 5.671875 -3.53125 5.421875 -4.1875 C 6.15625 -4.953125 7.3125 -6.25 7.65625 -6.546875 C 7.96875 -6.8125 8.390625 -7.078125 9.046875 -7.109375 C 9.1875 -7.125 9.28125 -7.125 9.28125 -7.328125 C 9.28125 -7.34375 9.28125 -7.453125 9.140625 -7.453125 C 8.8125 -7.453125 8.453125 -7.421875 8.109375 -7.421875 C 7.703125 -7.421875 7.296875 -7.453125 6.90625 -7.453125 C 6.84375 -7.453125 6.703125 -7.453125 6.703125 -7.234375 C 6.703125 -7.15625 6.75 -7.125 6.828125 -7.109375 C 6.921875 -7.09375 7.265625 -7.078125 7.265625 -6.765625 C 7.265625 -6.625 7.140625 -6.484375 7.0625 -6.375 Z M 5.296875 -4.484375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-2"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.125 -7.453125 C 3.125 -7.453125 3.125 -7.5625 2.984375 -7.5625 C 2.734375 -7.5625 1.9375 -7.484375 1.65625 -7.453125 C 1.578125 -7.453125 1.453125 -7.4375 1.453125 -7.234375 C 1.453125 -7.109375 1.546875 -7.109375 1.71875 -7.109375 C 2.234375 -7.109375 2.25 -7.03125 2.25 -6.921875 L 2.21875 -6.703125 L 0.640625 -0.421875 C 0.59375 -0.265625 0.59375 -0.25 0.59375 -0.1875 C 0.59375 0.0625 0.8125 0.125 0.921875 0.125 C 1.0625 0.125 1.21875 0.015625 1.28125 -0.109375 C 1.34375 -0.203125 1.828125 -2.21875 1.890625 -2.5 C 2.265625 -2.46875 3.15625 -2.296875 3.15625 -1.578125 C 3.15625 -1.5 3.15625 -1.453125 3.125 -1.34375 C 3.109375 -1.203125 3.09375 -1.078125 3.09375 -0.953125 C 3.09375 -0.3125 3.515625 0.125 4.09375 0.125 C 4.421875 0.125 4.71875 -0.046875 4.953125 -0.453125 C 5.21875 -0.9375 5.34375 -1.53125 5.34375 -1.5625 C 5.34375 -1.671875 5.25 -1.671875 5.21875 -1.671875 C 5.109375 -1.671875 5.09375 -1.625 5.0625 -1.46875 C 4.84375 -0.671875 4.59375 -0.125 4.109375 -0.125 C 3.90625 -0.125 3.765625 -0.234375 3.765625 -0.625 C 3.765625 -0.8125 3.8125 -1.0625 3.84375 -1.25 C 3.890625 -1.421875 3.890625 -1.46875 3.890625 -1.578125 C 3.890625 -2.296875 3.203125 -2.609375 2.28125 -2.71875 C 2.625 -2.921875 2.96875 -3.265625 3.21875 -3.53125 C 3.734375 -4.109375 4.25 -4.578125 4.78125 -4.578125 C 4.84375 -4.578125 4.859375 -4.578125 4.875 -4.5625 C 5 -4.546875 5.015625 -4.546875 5.109375 -4.484375 C 5.125 -4.46875 5.125 -4.453125 5.140625 -4.4375 C 4.625 -4.40625 4.53125 -3.984375 4.53125 -3.84375 C 4.53125 -3.671875 4.640625 -3.46875 4.9375 -3.46875 C 5.21875 -3.46875 5.546875 -3.703125 5.546875 -4.140625 C 5.546875 -4.453125 5.296875 -4.828125 4.796875 -4.828125 C 4.5 -4.828125 3.984375 -4.734375 3.203125 -3.859375 C 2.828125 -3.453125 2.40625 -3.015625 2 -2.84375 Z M 3.125 -7.453125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-3"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.8125 -7.453125 C 2.8125 -7.453125 2.8125 -7.5625 2.671875 -7.5625 C 2.421875 -7.5625 1.625 -7.484375 1.34375 -7.453125 C 1.25 -7.453125 1.140625 -7.4375 1.140625 -7.234375 C 1.140625 -7.109375 1.25 -7.109375 1.40625 -7.109375 C 1.9375 -7.109375 1.9375 -7.015625 1.9375 -6.921875 L 1.90625 -6.703125 L 0.53125 -1.25 C 0.5 -1.140625 0.484375 -1.0625 0.484375 -0.890625 C 0.484375 -0.265625 0.953125 0.125 1.46875 0.125 C 1.828125 0.125 2.109375 -0.09375 2.296875 -0.484375 C 2.484375 -0.90625 2.625 -1.53125 2.625 -1.5625 C 2.625 -1.671875 2.515625 -1.671875 2.484375 -1.671875 C 2.375 -1.671875 2.359375 -1.625 2.328125 -1.46875 C 2.15625 -0.765625 1.9375 -0.125 1.5 -0.125 C 1.171875 -0.125 1.171875 -0.46875 1.171875 -0.625 C 1.171875 -0.890625 1.1875 -0.9375 1.25 -1.140625 Z M 2.8125 -7.453125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-4"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.09375 -6.609375 C 10.203125 -7 10.21875 -7.109375 11.03125 -7.109375 C 11.28125 -7.109375 11.390625 -7.109375 11.390625 -7.328125 C 11.390625 -7.453125 11.28125 -7.453125 11.09375 -7.453125 L 9.65625 -7.453125 C 9.375 -7.453125 9.359375 -7.453125 9.234375 -7.234375 L 5.25 -1.03125 L 4.390625 -7.203125 C 4.359375 -7.453125 4.34375 -7.453125 4.0625 -7.453125 L 2.5625 -7.453125 C 2.359375 -7.453125 2.234375 -7.453125 2.234375 -7.234375 C 2.234375 -7.109375 2.328125 -7.109375 2.546875 -7.109375 C 2.6875 -7.109375 2.890625 -7.09375 3.015625 -7.09375 C 3.203125 -7.0625 3.265625 -7.03125 3.265625 -6.921875 C 3.265625 -6.875 3.25 -6.84375 3.21875 -6.703125 L 1.828125 -1.15625 C 1.71875 -0.71875 1.53125 -0.375 0.65625 -0.34375 C 0.59375 -0.34375 0.453125 -0.328125 0.453125 -0.125 C 0.453125 -0.03125 0.53125 0 0.609375 0 C 0.953125 0 1.34375 -0.03125 1.703125 -0.03125 C 2.078125 -0.03125 2.46875 0 2.828125 0 C 2.875 0 3.015625 0 3.015625 -0.21875 C 3.015625 -0.34375 2.90625 -0.34375 2.828125 -0.34375 C 2.203125 -0.34375 2.078125 -0.5625 2.078125 -0.8125 C 2.078125 -0.890625 2.09375 -0.953125 2.125 -1.0625 L 3.609375 -7.015625 L 3.625 -7.015625 L 4.5625 -0.25 C 4.578125 -0.125 4.59375 0 4.71875 0 C 4.84375 0 4.90625 -0.125 4.96875 -0.203125 L 9.375 -7.09375 L 7.8125 -0.84375 C 7.703125 -0.421875 7.6875 -0.34375 6.828125 -0.34375 C 6.640625 -0.34375 6.515625 -0.34375 6.515625 -0.125 C 6.515625 0 6.65625 0 6.6875 0 C 6.984375 0 7.734375 -0.03125 8.03125 -0.03125 C 8.484375 -0.03125 8.953125 0 9.40625 0 C 9.46875 0 9.609375 0 9.609375 -0.21875 C 9.609375 -0.34375 9.515625 -0.34375 9.296875 -0.34375 C 8.90625 -0.34375 8.59375 -0.34375 8.59375 -0.53125 C 8.59375 -0.578125 8.59375 -0.59375 8.65625 -0.796875 Z M 10.09375 -6.609375 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-5"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.125 -7.453125 C 3.125 -7.453125 3.125 -7.5625 2.984375 -7.5625 C 2.734375 -7.5625 1.9375 -7.484375 1.65625 -7.453125 C 1.578125 -7.453125 1.453125 -7.4375 1.453125 -7.234375 C 1.453125 -7.109375 1.546875 -7.109375 1.71875 -7.109375 C 2.234375 -7.109375 2.25 -7.03125 2.25 -6.921875 L 2.21875 -6.703125 L 0.640625 -0.421875 C 0.59375 -0.265625 0.59375 -0.25 0.59375 -0.1875 C 0.59375 0.0625 0.8125 0.125 0.921875 0.125 C 1.09375 0.125 1.265625 -0.015625 1.3125 -0.15625 L 1.53125 -1 L 1.765625 -1.96875 C 1.828125 -2.21875 1.890625 -2.453125 1.953125 -2.703125 C 1.96875 -2.765625 2.0625 -3.125 2.078125 -3.203125 C 2.109375 -3.296875 2.4375 -3.90625 2.8125 -4.203125 C 3.046875 -4.375 3.390625 -4.578125 3.859375 -4.578125 C 4.328125 -4.578125 4.453125 -4.203125 4.453125 -3.8125 C 4.453125 -3.234375 4.03125 -2.046875 3.78125 -1.375 C 3.6875 -1.125 3.625 -1 3.625 -0.78125 C 3.625 -0.265625 4.015625 0.125 4.53125 0.125 C 5.546875 0.125 5.953125 -1.46875 5.953125 -1.5625 C 5.953125 -1.671875 5.859375 -1.671875 5.828125 -1.671875 C 5.71875 -1.671875 5.71875 -1.640625 5.65625 -1.46875 C 5.5 -0.890625 5.140625 -0.125 4.546875 -0.125 C 4.359375 -0.125 4.28125 -0.234375 4.28125 -0.484375 C 4.28125 -0.75 4.390625 -1.015625 4.484375 -1.25 C 4.65625 -1.71875 5.140625 -3.015625 5.140625 -3.65625 C 5.140625 -4.359375 4.71875 -4.828125 3.890625 -4.828125 C 3.203125 -4.828125 2.6875 -4.484375 2.28125 -3.984375 Z M 3.125 -7.453125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-6"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.84375 -6.203125 C 7.390625 -7.0625 7.84375 -7.09375 8.25 -7.109375 C 8.375 -7.125 8.390625 -7.3125 8.390625 -7.3125 C 8.390625 -7.40625 8.328125 -7.453125 8.25 -7.453125 C 7.96875 -7.453125 7.640625 -7.421875 7.34375 -7.421875 C 6.984375 -7.421875 6.625 -7.453125 6.265625 -7.453125 C 6.203125 -7.453125 6.0625 -7.453125 6.0625 -7.234375 C 6.0625 -7.125 6.15625 -7.109375 6.234375 -7.109375 C 6.53125 -7.09375 6.734375 -6.984375 6.734375 -6.75 C 6.734375 -6.59375 6.578125 -6.34375 6.578125 -6.34375 L 3.234375 -1.015625 L 2.484375 -6.78125 C 2.484375 -6.96875 2.734375 -7.109375 3.234375 -7.109375 C 3.390625 -7.109375 3.515625 -7.109375 3.515625 -7.328125 C 3.515625 -7.421875 3.421875 -7.453125 3.359375 -7.453125 C 2.921875 -7.453125 2.453125 -7.421875 2 -7.421875 C 1.8125 -7.421875 1.609375 -7.421875 1.40625 -7.421875 C 1.203125 -7.421875 1 -7.453125 0.8125 -7.453125 C 0.734375 -7.453125 0.609375 -7.453125 0.609375 -7.234375 C 0.609375 -7.109375 0.703125 -7.109375 0.890625 -7.109375 C 1.5 -7.109375 1.5 -7.015625 1.53125 -6.734375 L 2.40625 -0.015625 C 2.4375 0.203125 2.46875 0.234375 2.625 0.234375 C 2.796875 0.234375 2.828125 0.1875 2.921875 0.046875 Z M 6.84375 -6.203125 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-7"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.21875 -0.015625 C 2.21875 -0.734375 1.9375 -1.15625 1.515625 -1.15625 C 1.15625 -1.15625 0.9375 -0.890625 0.9375 -0.578125 C 0.9375 -0.28125 1.15625 0 1.515625 0 C 1.640625 0 1.78125 -0.046875 1.890625 -0.140625 C 1.9375 -0.15625 1.9375 -0.171875 1.953125 -0.171875 C 1.96875 -0.171875 1.96875 -0.15625 1.96875 -0.015625 C 1.96875 0.796875 1.59375 1.453125 1.234375 1.8125 C 1.109375 1.9375 1.109375 1.953125 1.109375 1.984375 C 1.109375 2.0625 1.171875 2.109375 1.21875 2.109375 C 1.34375 2.109375 2.21875 1.265625 2.21875 -0.015625 Z M 2.21875 -0.015625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-8"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.953125 -0.640625 C 0.921875 -0.484375 0.859375 -0.234375 0.859375 -0.171875 C 0.859375 0.015625 1.015625 0.125 1.171875 0.125 C 1.3125 0.125 1.5 0.03125 1.578125 -0.1875 C 1.59375 -0.203125 1.71875 -0.71875 1.78125 -1 L 2.03125 -1.96875 C 2.09375 -2.21875 2.15625 -2.453125 2.21875 -2.703125 C 2.25 -2.890625 2.34375 -3.203125 2.359375 -3.25 C 2.515625 -3.59375 3.09375 -4.578125 4.140625 -4.578125 C 4.625 -4.578125 4.71875 -4.171875 4.71875 -3.8125 C 4.71875 -3.140625 4.1875 -1.75 4.015625 -1.28125 C 3.921875 -1.03125 3.90625 -0.890625 3.90625 -0.78125 C 3.90625 -0.265625 4.28125 0.125 4.796875 0.125 C 5.828125 0.125 6.234375 -1.46875 6.234375 -1.5625 C 6.234375 -1.671875 6.125 -1.671875 6.09375 -1.671875 C 5.984375 -1.671875 5.984375 -1.640625 5.9375 -1.46875 C 5.71875 -0.734375 5.359375 -0.125 4.828125 -0.125 C 4.640625 -0.125 4.5625 -0.234375 4.5625 -0.484375 C 4.5625 -0.75 4.65625 -1.015625 4.75 -1.25 C 4.96875 -1.828125 5.421875 -3.03125 5.421875 -3.65625 C 5.421875 -4.390625 4.953125 -4.828125 4.171875 -4.828125 C 3.1875 -4.828125 2.65625 -4.125 2.46875 -3.875 C 2.40625 -4.484375 1.96875 -4.828125 1.46875 -4.828125 C 0.953125 -4.828125 0.75 -4.390625 0.640625 -4.203125 C 0.46875 -3.828125 0.3125 -3.1875 0.3125 -3.140625 C 0.3125 -3.03125 0.421875 -3.03125 0.453125 -3.03125 C 0.5625 -3.03125 0.5625 -3.046875 0.625 -3.28125 C 0.8125 -4.0625 1.03125 -4.578125 1.421875 -4.578125 C 1.640625 -4.578125 1.765625 -4.4375 1.765625 -4.078125 C 1.765625 -3.84375 1.734375 -3.734375 1.59375 -3.15625 Z M 0.953125 -0.640625 "/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph4-0"><path style="stroke:none;" d=""/></symbol><symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph4-1"><path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.90625 -2.515625 C 10.09375 -2.515625 10.296875 -2.515625 10.296875 -2.71875 C 10.296875 -2.9375 10.09375 -2.9375 9.90625 -2.9375 L 1.796875 -2.9375 C 2.40625 -3.40625 2.6875 -3.84375 2.78125 -3.984375 C 3.265625 -4.75 3.359375 -5.4375 3.359375 -5.4375 C 3.359375 -5.578125 3.234375 -5.578125 3.140625 -5.578125 C 2.953125 -5.578125 2.9375 -5.546875 2.90625 -5.359375 C 2.65625 -4.28125 2 -3.375 0.78125 -2.875 C 0.65625 -2.828125 0.609375 -2.796875 0.609375 -2.71875 C 0.609375 -2.65625 0.671875 -2.625 0.78125 -2.578125 C 1.90625 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