gaming mouse

Photo by Matthias Haltenhof on Unsplash

He had the mouse but it was still a little sticky on his desk so like the gaming mous he didn't know existed, he now needed a mousepad to match.

This is getting expensive he thought to himself as he surfed through all the choices. There were large gaming pads and small gaming pads but then he saw the one that he would always wan to use and that ended up being the one he bought.

It was perfect for his use. It wasn't too much money and yet it covered his computer deskeasily and offered protection for his laptop and headphones when he set them down to use wihthout the worry of them being damaged.

He figured with the purchase of this mousepad his costs for his dream gaming setup was well into the thousands when he factored in the cost of the PC and the keyboard and widescreen monitor and mouse.

But it was worth it to him. His wife thought it was silly to spend so much money on playing video games but he told it could be worse: It could be cars, or girls.

She didn't like that last comment very much and didn't talk to him much for a few days. He got the silent treatment and to be honest he was okay with that as it allowed him to game into the wee hours of the morning and then sleep all day, just as he had done in his youth.

But he was older now, so he sighed as he searched for "florist" on his new computer. He needed her, even if she did think his gaming hobby was a silly thing to do.

It's all just a game he thought to himself as he clicked to buy the dozen roses for his wife.

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