Glucose goddess movement

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Glucose goddess movement

This dataset is focused on the glucose goddess movement, the importance of the glucose, and the glucose impact on the human body.

Jessie Inchauspé, the Glucose goddess

Jessie Inchauspé is a French influencer whose mission is to educate people on the important role of glucose in our mental and physical health. She studied mathematics at the King's College in London and holds an MSc in biochemistry from Georgetown University. On her Instagram account @GlucoseGoddess, she is teaching over 2m people about:

  • the glucose and why it is important to keep our blood sugar levels steady
  • how the glucose spikes are affecting our mental and physical health
  • how we can reduce our glucose spikes

She is the author of two books - The Glucose Revolution and The Glucose Goddess Method

Thanks to her biochemist background, she can explain in a digestible manner how spiking your blood sugar affects our health and why reducing the spikes is essential for keeping can translate scientific studies into easy tricks and tips for optimizing our food habits by reducing glucose spikes.


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