Regions and continents with the most medals at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Countries in Western Europe, East Asia, and North America were the best performers

Although the United States of America and China led the Paris 2024 Olympic Games with 40 gold medals each, their contribution wasn't enough to make their respective continents lead the medal table.

As a continent, Europe led the way with 122 gold medals, followed by Asia (83) and America (62). Without the mighty Russia (banned from the Olympics due to its involvement in the Ukraine war), the Eurasian countries collected 15 golds.

Let's focus on Europe for a moment. Fourteen countries from Western Europe and 10 from the Central and Eastern region won at least one gold medal. But here's the thing: of the top ten countries in the medal standings, fifty percent belong to Western Europe:

  • France: 5th notch in the medal table, 16 gold medals
  • Netherlands: 6th, 15 golds
  • Great Britain: 7th, 14
  • Italy: 9th, 12
  • Germany: 10th, 12

On the other hand, Finland didn't win any medal, ending a 116-year medal streak in the Summer Olympics.

China, Japan, and South Korea gathered 95% of the 77 gold medals won by East Asian nations. Of the countries from Oceania, Australia earned 18 golds, while New Zealand won 10.

Uzbekistan was the best Eurasian performer with eight medals, followed by Georgia (two). Azerbaijan and Kazakstan won one gold each. An AIN athlete (name adopted by the International Olympic Committee to allow the participation in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games of those athletes of Russian and Belarusian nationality who fulfilled the requirements imposed after the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee and the Belarusian Olympic Committee) won a gold medal.

Hungary was the country from Central and Eastern Europe that won the most gold medals (six), followed by Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Czechia (three).

Brazil stood out from the Latin America and Caribbean region with three golds, followed by Cuba (two). Jamaica, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Saint Lucia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Dominica won one gold medal each. Venezuela didn't win a medal for the first time since the Sydney 2000 Olympic games.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, despite the 14 Iranian athletes who fled the country and represented the Refugee Olympic Team, got three gold medals in Paris. Bahrain and Algeria (two each) followed Iran as the MENA countries with the most gold medals. Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco won one each.

Of the Sub-Saharan Africa region, Kenya excelled with four gold medals. South Africa, Ethiopia, Botswana, and Uganda also reached the pinnacle of the podium.

The Philippines and Indonesia were the Southeast Asian countries that did best, with two golds each.

The bar chart below shows the total number of gold medals each region accumulated at the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics.

A similar trend

Considering the total number of medals (gold, silver, and bronze), Europe gathered the most medals at the last Olympic Games, followed by the American and Asian continents. The graph below shows the total number of medals won by each continent.

Spread out regionally, Western European countries again showed their muscle in Olympic sports. The 14 nations from this region claimed 316 medals. East Asia (186) and North America (153) accumulated at least 150 medals. No other region won over 100 medals in the past Olympic games.

The graphic below shows the medals won by region in Paris 2024. The medal labeled as No region was a bronze earned by an athlete from the Refugee Olympic Team.

Medal table ordered by Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals

The following table displays the final standings from the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games, ordered by the number of gold, silver, and bronze medals by each National Olympic committee. It can be filtered by NOC, continent, or region. Ranks can also be set based on the number of medals per type and total. The data is available for download in CSV and JSON formats.

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