data: Command Line Tool



data is an important part of the DataHub project. It is a command line tool that helps you to publish (and get) data.

For example you have a set of data as a result of your work, be it a few data files and a description. And you want to share it with your colleagues. With data you just need to:

$ cd data-folder
$ data init  # generate datapackage.json for my data files
> "Answer a few questions here, e.g. dataset name, files to include, etc"
$ data push  # upload the dataset onto the DataHub
> "As a result you'll got a link to share:

That's it! Your data is online. You can make your data public or private, add some pretty graphics, and many more. Please read for details.

Usage examples

Here we show examples of usage for common data commands. To see the full command documentation click on the command name or proceed to the help pages.

data login

You should login at the first use of data tool:

$ data login
? Login with... Github
> Opening browser and waiting for you to authenticate online
> You are logged in!

data push

Find out more about data push -

Upload a dataset or a separate file to the DataHub:

$ data push mydata.csv
? Please, confirm name for this dataset:
0-selfish-cougar-7 mydataset
? Please, confirm title for this dataset:
Mydataset Mydataset
  Uploading [******************************] 100% (0.0s left)
  your data is published!
🔗 (copied to clipboard)

Note: by default, findability flag for your dataset is set to --public. Use --unlisted flag if you want it to not appear in the search results.

data get

Find out more about data get -

Get a dataset from the DataHub or GitHub:

$ data get
Time elapsed: 1.72 s
Dataset/file is saved in "core/gold-prices"

data info

Find out more about data info -

Shows info about the dataset (local or remote):

$ data info
# Gold Prices (Monthly in USD)

Monthly gold prices since 1950 in USD (London market). Data is sourced from the Bundesbank.

## Data
    * [Bundesbank statistic ... [see more below]

│ Name              │ Format │ Size  │ Title │
│ data_csv          │ csv    │ 16172 │       │
│ data_json         │ json   │ 32956 │       │
│ gold-prices_zip   │ zip17755 │       │
│ data              │ csv    │ 16170 │       │

Monthly gold prices since 1950 in USD (London market). Data is sourced from the Bundesbank.

### Licence

data cat

Find out more about data cat -

Works similar as Unix cat command but works with remote resources and displays tabular data in a nice ascii table:

$ data cat
date                        │ price                       │
1950-02-01                  │ 34.730├─────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
1950-03-01                  │ 34.730

You can also convert tabular data into different formats (the source could be remote as well):

$ data cat prices.csv
> All done! Your data is saved in ""
user@pc:~/Downloads$ cat
| date       | price    |
| ---------- | -------- |
| 1950-02-01 | 34.730   |
| 1950-03-01 | 34.730   |

data init

Find out more about data init -

Data-cli has an init command that will automatically generate Data Package metadata including scanning the current directory for data files and inferring [table schema] for tabular files:

$ data init
This process initializes a new datapackage.json file.
Once there is a datapackage.json file, you can still run `data init`
to update/extend it.
Press ^C at any time to quit.

? Enter Data Package name prices
? Enter Data Package title prices
? Do you want to add following file as a resource "prices.csv" - y/n? y
prices.csv is just added to resources
? Do you want to add following file as a resource "prices.xls" - y/n? y
prices.xls is just added to resources

? Going to write to /home/user/Downloads/datapackage.json:
  "name": "prices",
  "title": "prices",
  "resources": [
      "path": "prices.csv",
      "name": "prices",
      "format": "csv",
      "schema": {
        "fields": [
            "name": "date",
            "type": "date",
            "format": "default"
      "path": "prices.xls",
      "pathType": "local",
      "name": "prices",
      "format": "xls",
      "mediatype": "application/",
      "encoding": "windows-1250"

Is that OK - y/n? y
datapackage.json file is saved in /home/user/Downloads/datapackage.json

data validate

Find out more about data validate -

$ data validate path/to/correct/datapackage
> Your Data Package is valid!
$ data validate path/to/invalid-data
> Error! Validation has failed for "missing-column"
> Error! The column header names do not match the field names in the schema on line 2

data help

Also you can run "help" command in your terminal to see command docs:

$ data help
'General description'
$ data help push
> 'push command description'

# data help get
# data help init
# etc ...


npm install data-cli --global

After installation you can run data-cli by the name data:

data --version
> 0.8.9

If you're not using NPM you can install data-cli binaries following this instructions.

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