2023-02-28 - re DataHub Next
2023-02-28 - re DataHub Next
Present: rufuspollock, joao, ola
3 intentions of these meetings
- unblock
- near-term roadmapping "lay the tracks in front of us"
- empower you with the contextual knowledge to become owners of the project
- Set the intentions
- Create the agenda
- Review the agenda
- What is the roadmap
- we already have 5⭐ woot!
Next 24h
- Ola: analysis of cf vs vercel. then tests
- Joao: CF deploy, mdx processors analysis, old code removal, then graphs
Brainstorm additional near-term items for our work
- A library of sample markdown files
- A tutorial (docs driven development)
- How does "Publish with github" (project creation) work?
- We will have sth like "Create a project" UI on the datahub-next website, where the user can pass a URL to the repository he wants to turn into a DataHub. But what happens afterwards? Where is the created project metadata (i.e. url, access settings etc) stored?
- Will it be stored in the same repo in some config file?
I guess so, but how do we even know that a given repo has been "registered" on DataHub Next?
- Will it be stored in the same repo in some config file?
- We will have sth like "Create a project" UI on the datahub-next website, where the user can pass a URL to the repository he wants to turn into a DataHub. But what happens afterwards? Where is the created project metadata (i.e. url, access settings etc) stored?
- How would "Publish without github" work? Would we just store the datapackage.json somewhere else? Is that in case the person who's using the application doesn't want to create a GitHub account?
- how will a user know what components are available? ✅2023-02-28 the docs 😉
- how will data be passed into markdown? need to think about it
- Do we need ISR? ✅2023-02-28 gut instinct is no, at least right now. but maybe in the future depending on what happens (e.g. slow page builds).
- Where are we going to get all the repo/project urls from?
- Do we need image optimization? ✅2023-02-28 not especially - but we will need pipelines for a bunch of stuff. note cloudflare has this.
- On what data components should we work next?
- Acceptance -> datahub.io/tools/view?url=path-to-markdown-file displays a preview, should we make it just work with a path to a .md file for now?
- Do we agree to just use next-mdx-remote? Can I add the comments about it to the ticket description? https://github.com/datopian/datahub-next/issues/3 ✅2023-02-28 basically yes we are probably going with that. but worth doing the thorough job i've set out below
- My next steps:
- finish deploy to CF
- cleanup previous data-literate implementation
- Finish processing https://hackmd.io/ajqj1ygrQliQbQ8DiQh1Bg?both into e.g. ../projects/datahub-next-feb-2023 ✅2023-02-28 copied over material
- Migrate datahub next related issues from datahub-core to datahub-next ✅2023-02-28 migrated
- Start moving docs stuff to datahub-next from this digital garden
- Close out the design sprint project (?) ⏭️