Portal.JS Inbox

Portal.JS Inbox

#todo process content on this from datahub-2021-03


Branding Notes Feb 2021

🌀 Portal.js - Present your Data. Portal.js is a modern framework for data presentation whether you've a single dataset or a whole data catalog

  • The JS data presentation framework. From a single dataset to a full catalog.
  • A gateway to your data.
  • The javascript framework for data portals
  • The JS data presentation framework. From a single dataset to a full catalog.


  • Old: 🌀 Portal.js is a javascript framework for building rich data portal frontends fast using a modern frontend approach (JavaScript, React, SSR).
  • Older: 🌀 Portal is a framework for rapidly building rich data portal frontends using a modern frontend approach (javascript, React, SSR).

Portal assumes a "decoupled" approach where the frontend is a separate service from the backend and interacts with backend(s) via an API. It can be used with any backend and has out of the box support for CKAN. portal is built in Javascript and React on top of the popular Next.js framework.

Built with DataHub LogoDataHub Cloud