Flowershow MVP v0.1
Flowershow MVP v0.1
🚩MOVED: and no longer maintained here
Working app that is useable enough to power the website of flowershow itself so that we can validate the approach
- Key aspect is the template
- Command line is nice but secondary
- flowershow repo
- default template working
- running off that default template
- Do we try and do in component/compositional way or just do all in one for now? ✅2022-06-22 go all in one route though compositional where we can
- Work out how we do adding stuff if we go that route.
- Do we work in portal.js repo or in new flowershow? ✅2022-06-22 go for flowershow as one repo for one thing and we can have site alongside
- Boot the repo
- Add a stub README
- Create templates directory
- Have standard base template e.g.
- Need to switch it to contentlayer
Dogfood a bit
- boot the flowershow website and eat our dogfood - try to do it all in markdown (or close to!)
Iterate some more …
- customizable layouts per markdown page?? (future?)
Brainstorm features
- tailwind support
- Markdown support
- MDX support
- SEO support
- Basic site config
- Basic theme e.g. navbar and footer
- Analytics - google - this could be first test for componentization (or maybe just live with default for now)
- theme customization
- Markdown extension addition (howto do that)
- Content structuring and contentlayer
Data stuff
- table preview
- graphs
#todo check against DataHub Pages features listed here