HDX Technical Architecture for Quick Dashboards

HDX Technical Architecture for Quick Dashboards

Notes from analysis and discussion in 2018.


  • Bite (View): a description of an individual chart / map / fact and its data (source)
    • bite (for Simon): title, desc, data (compiled), uniqueid, map join info
    • view (Data Package views): title, desc, data sources (on parent data package), transforms, …
    • compiled view: title, desc, data (compiled)
  • Data source:
    • Single HXL file (Currently, Simon's approach requires that all the data is in a single table so there is always a single data source.)
    • Data Package(s)
  • Creator / Editor: creating and editing the dashboard (given the source datasets)
  • Renderer: given dashboard config render the dashboard

Dashboard Creator

Bite generation

Extending to non-HXL data

It is easy to extend this to non-HXL data by using base HXL types and inference e.g.

date            => #date
geo             => #geo+lon
geo             => #geo+lat
string/category => #indicator

Dashboard Renderer

Rendering the dashboard involves:

Compiled View generation

See https://docs.datahub.io/developers/views/

Architecture Proposal

  • data loader library
    • File: rows, fields (rows, columns)
  • type inference (?)
    • syntax: table schema infer
    • semantics (not now)
  • data transform library (include hxl support)
  • suggester library
  • renderer library

Interfaces / Objects

  • File
  • (Dataset)
  • Transform
  • Algorithm / Recipe
  • Bite / View
  • Ordered Set of Bites
  • Dashboard

File (and Dataset)



File rows descriptor schema schema


  'criteria':['what > 4', 'what < 11'],
  'variables': ['what', 'count()'],
  'title':'Count of {1}',
'priority': 8,

Bite / Compiled View

  bite: array [...data for chart...],  
  id: string "...chart bite ID...",  
  priority: number,  
  subtype: string "...bite subtype - row, pie...",  
  title: string "...title of bite...",  
  type: string "...bite type...",  
  uniqueID: string "...unique ID combining bite and data structure",  



var config = {
  layout: 2x2 // in city-indicators dashboard is handcrafted in layout
  widgets: [
      elementId / data-id: ...
      view: {
        metadata: { title, sources: "World Bank"}
        resources: rule for creating compiled list of resources. [ { datasetId: ..., resourceId: ..., transform: ...} ]
  datasets: [
    list of data package urls ...

Simon's example


   // metadata for dashboard
  "title":"IOM DTM Example",
  "subtext":" ....",
  "headlinefigures": 3,
  "grid": "grid5", // user chosen layout for dashboard. Choice of 10 grids
  "headlinefigurecharts": [ //widgets - headline widget
      "data": "https://beta.proxy.hxlstandard.org/data/1d0a79/download/africa-dtm-baseline-assessments-topline.csv",
      "chartID": "text0013/#country+name/1" // bite Id
      // elementId: ... // implicit from order in grid ...
      "data": "https://beta.proxy.hxlstandard.org/data/1d0a79/download/africa-dtm-baseline-assessments-topline.csv",
      "chartID": "text0012/#affected+hh+idps/5"
      "data": "https://beta.proxy.hxlstandard.org/data/1d0a79/download/africa-dtm-baseline-assessments-topline.csv",
  "charts": [	// chart widgets			
      "data": "https://beta.proxy.hxlstandard.org/data/1d0a79/download/africa-dtm-baseline-assessments-topline.csv",
      "chartID": "map0002/#adm1+code/4/#affected+idps+ind/6",
      "scale":"log"  // chart config ... 
      "data": "https://beta.proxy.hxlstandard.org/data/1d0a79/download/africa-dtm-baseline-assessments-topline.csv",
      "chartID": "chart0009/#country+name/1/#affected+idps+ind/6",


  1. Extract the data references to a common list of datasets and fetch them

  2. You generate compiled data via hxl.js plus own code transforming to final data for charting etc

    function transformChart(rawSourceData (csv parsed), bite) => [ [ ...], [...]] - data for chart
      custom code
    function transformMap
    function transformText ...



    hb.reverse(bite) => compiled bite (see above) (data, chartConfig)
  3. generate dashboard html and compute element ids in actual page element ids computed from grid setup

  4. Now have a final dashboard config

    widgets: [
        data: [ [...], [...]]
        widgetType: text, chart, map ...
        elementId: // element to bind to ... 
  5. Now use specific renderer libraries e.g. leaflet, plotly/chartist etc to render out into page



"Source" version of dashboard with data uncompiled.

Compiled version of dashboard with final data inline …

hxl.js takes an array of arrays … and outputs array of arrays …

  schema: [...]
  data: [...]


  • Renderer for the dashboard
  • Renderer for each widget
function createChart(bite, elementId) => svg in bite



  • Leaflet
  • react-leaflet


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