Revenue How is the revenue calculated? Last time we talked about best case scenario calculation based on %, eg. 50% or more and worst case scenario above 60%
- Q1 we're expecting the most revenue which is weird
- then Q2 4.7 profit margin
- Q3 and Q4 negative
- We are projecting a loss in Q3 and Q4, which is probably inaccurate esp. Q4 based on latest trends..
- Cost is too high - why? What can we reduce?
- Total cost is 83% from the total revenue. 3% profit margin is too low. We need to cut costs.
- Recurring cost
- Dito / Google cloud = now that we migrated to Cloudflare, shouldn't the monthly cost be lower?
- CCS (crown commercial service) - there is a note that this should be updated by Lyudmila
- Accountancy = can we reduce this amount?
- In the revised budget, the projected cost was around almost 6K per month and now we're projecting less than 4k
- Recurring cost
- Total cost is 83% from the total revenue. 3% profit margin is too low. We need to cut costs.
- Where is our DEBT projected - the payment plan etc. I think it should have its separate line in the budget. If the margin is 3% without this, we'll be in deficit again when we add this
- This SG&A charged to clients - we either do something about it or delete it ?
- Total numbers of revenue - scenarios to be added to the revenue input tab
- Can we update the initial budget plan to be based on the most realistic scenario (above 60% + new business)
New business:
- adding the new business totals for i) prof services ii) H&S and iii) overall total
- the projected number:
- Can we please try to project what % of this will be accrued in 2024. We don't need the total contract value. This is a job of finance team to get input from whoever they need.
- they need to have their own sheet fitting their own need. But we need to try and forecast.
- RFPs - what can we get, with %
- Sales
- We have the bizdev pipeline, what can we get, with %
(prof services often accrued in the first 6-9 months; H&S accrued over 12 months)