Meeting Notes
Present: Ola, Rufus, Khalil
Notes - Roadmap of Flowershow
Current History
- DataHub Pages v0.1 aka Flowershow v0.1:
- Template: https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/tree/main/examples/data-literate
- Components: portal.js or even bespoke
- Notes:
- Content loading: next-mdx-remote
- Styling: tailwind basic
- Components: portal.js loaded on markdown
- Extras: None
- Tutorial: https://datahub.io/blog/generate-an-interactive-webpage-from-csv-data-and-markdown
- Use cases:
- nextjs-tailwind-mdx v0.1
- Template: https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/tree/main/examples/nextjs-tailwind-mdx
- Notes:
- content: next-mdx-remote and a basic tailwind setup
- Styling: tailwind plus navbar and footer
- Components: None
- Extras: google analytics, config
- Tutorial: README - https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/tree/main/examples/nextjs-tailwind-mdx
- Use cases: ecosystem.lifeitself.us
- nextjs-tailwind-mdx v0.2
- TODO: what was added? e.g.
- contentlayer
- social media links in nav and footer (a nicer footer?)
- dark mode?
- Deployments: web3.lifeitself.us
- TODO: what was added? e.g.
- Flowershow v0.2 - child of v0.1 + nextjs-tailwind-mdx + contentlayer
- Template: does not yet exist we are going to try out in next.datahub.io and then factor out of that
- Change: we moved to contentlayer
Flowershow v0.2
Note: we have already kind of built this in DataHub Pages v0.1
- How do we start on Flowershow
- Do we simply extract the patterns and common components elsewhere into a common toolkit
- OR: do we go a more polished approach "start with the first tutorial and make it work"
- obsidian support?
- how do we allow people to rapidly add core "CMS" features in an independent, upgradeable and scalable way (i.e. without manual tweaks etc)
- What do people want to customize?
- Content (especially markdown content)
- Theme
- layout etc, colors
- analytics
- …
- Plugins for processing markdown
- How would people know about available components
- Should we use typescript?
- can we take something from here ? - https://github.com/TuanManhCao/digital-garden (this repo is using our obsidian wiki link plugin i.e https://github.com/life-itself/remark-wiki-link-plus)
0. I have my repo e.g.
/README.md [data.csv] [/notes # more markdown]
1. Create a webapp from a template
Template would be a nextjs app template
i.e. a git repo with a working nextjs
2. Integrate the content from step 0
e.g. configure that template or symlink files
See e.g. https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/blob/main/examples/data-literate/datahub-portal-local-cli.js
3. Deploy
Self-service => instructions for cloudflare pages, vercel, etc
Cloud => install our plugin (e.g. in obsidian) / use our service (point our service at your git repo)
4. Share
- process 2022-05-04 **✅2022-05-09 processed everything out
- migrate nextjs-tailwind-mdx template
- tidy up next.datahub.io
- Next: spike solution Tao and/or crude landing pages
- Mockups for landing pages
- Enterprise
- Flowershow
- Versioning
- Toolkit / PortalJS
- Mockups for landing pages
- ola mono-issue to make it easier for her to track things
- Vision of Better Sensemaking ✅2022-05-09 vision-tools-for-sensemaking