

Idea: create a MVP (landing page only) offer for pure "turn markdown into a website with no code" then promote.

Want a separate site for a clean pitch without the data stuff.

Fat marker sketch



Come up with a product name for a new app that allows people to build single page websites from markdown with no coding. volume_up

Here are some product names for a new app that allows people to build single page websites from markdown with no coding, with varying tones:

Catchy & Short:

MarkDownIt Writespace Pageify Markdownify Descriptive & Clear:

Simply Static Write. Publish. Done. Markdown to Site NoCode Sites Creative & Playful:

Inkwell Quill & Code (plays on the idea of writing without coding) Type & Publish Storyboard (evokes the idea of building a website visually) I hope this gives you a good starting point for choosing a name for your app!

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