JavaScript SDK for data deployment


Here we explain how you can use JavaScript SDK for data deployment purposes. If you need a detailed step-by-step tutorial, please, go to this article:


  1. You need to have NodeJS (>= 7.6) and NPM.

  2. Installed datahub-client and data.js NPM packages:

    npm install datahub-client data.js --save

Example of usage

Following code snippet is a working example for basic usage. It uses credentials stored in ~/.config/datahub/config.json, which is created when you login using the CLI tool.

const {DataHub, config, authenticate} = require('datahub-client')
const {Dataset} = require('data.js')

async function pushDataset(datasetPath) {
  // First, authenticate user
  const apiUrl = config.get('api')
  const token = config.get('token')
  const response = await authenticate(apiUrl, token)
  if (!response.authenticated) {
    console.error('Your credentials expired or missing.')
  // Load dataset that we want to push
  const dataset = await Dataset.load(datasetPath)
  // Create an instance of the DataHub class, using the data from the user config
  const configs = {
   ownerid: config.get('profile') ? config.get('profile').id : config.get('id')
  const datahub = new DataHub(configs)

  // Now use the datahub instance to push the data
  const res = await datahub.push(dataset, {findability: 'unlisted'})


This is an example of correct console output:

{ dataset_id: 'username/finance-vix',
  errors: [],
  flow_id: 'username/finance-vix/1',
  success: true }

That is all needed to get your dataset deployed in DataHub!

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