Validate your Data Package descriptor online
By acckiygerman
To help users with creation of Data Packages we have implemented a descriptor validation tool:
Now users can check the Data Package descriptor to be sure they have no errors in it.
How to use it
The descriptor should be stored online, e.g. on the github.
You should provide the URL to the descriptor (datapackage.json) file and press 'Validate' button.
Online validator tool validates only the descriptor file.
Here you can read about the full data validation on the DataHub.
How we validate
We try to create a Data Package object using datapackage-js and then show user any errors the Data Package has with Package.valid
and Package.errors
methods. For example, here we validate following datapackage.json file that has invalid name
To create a valid Data Package, please read full datapackage.json specs here: