Silicon wafer thickness

10 BcsvSilicon wafer thickness

Thickness of a single wafer, measured at 9 locations for 184 consecutive batches. A single wafer is removed from a tray of wafers (always at the same position for each batch of wafers) after the chemi...

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Silicon wafer thickness
Silicon wafer thickness

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Silicon wafer thickness


Thickness of a single wafer, measured at 9 locations for 184 consecutive batches. A single wafer is removed from a tray of wafers (always at the same position for each batch of wafers) after the chemical vapour decomposition process is complete.


The data is from an industrial data (origin unknown). The data has been approximately centered and scaled to disguise the original variables - for confidentiality. There are 9 thickness locations on a single wafer.


Python version: 3.6


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