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Enterprise Internal DMS ^LsYbRPQ6
A management framework for your data. Create systems to help your data flow.
A DMS helps your teams locate, store, secure, share, and version your data. Your data needs, sorted. ^0Cazy60R
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Sketch of DataHub Enterprise Landing Page ^7o1CxLlE
Title Tagline Value Prop
Image or animation or …
CTA: [Get a Demo] + [Learn More] ^BrzovNsK
Social Proof / what we support as sources ^DXQF5oxM
Great UX & presentation
Batteries included: everything you want out of the box
Quality: Open source ^x8XxeGtl
DataHub Enterprise
Tagline: The Enterprise Data Platform built on CKAN
Value prop: The world's leading open platform for building data portals, catalogs and data lakes. [accelerate your data journey / bring order to your data / unlock the value of your data].
Image or animation or … screenshot
CTA: [Get a Demo] + [Learn More] ^hdjffp1k
Ready to Go, Batteries Included
Use straight out of box with a full set of features, elegant, customizable theme. Everything configured and ready to go. ^HOBHHTUH
Open and Flexible
Tailor and customize to your needs. Easily integrate with and extend your existing data infrastructure. ^MH32Xket
Full feature List and Examples ^MWyOlPQE
national grid quote
DataHub Enterprise is a powerful, open-sourcea, batteries-includedb data management system. You can use it to rapidly build out data portals and data lake(houses). It provides core components for an organization wide "data operating system". ^ChN9305p
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