==⚠ Switch to EXCALIDRAW VIEW in the MORE OPTIONS menu of this document. ⚠==

Text Elements

DataOS ^GxEJnHoT

Context ^i8y7FgkR

  • People cobble together their own data / knowledge management workflow. e.g. johan examples of people using excel, google docs, notion, airtable to create their data inventory. Problem of getting notifications for every dataset in a group.

  • this is understandable - these are complex workflows

  • think of content management and publishing. You probably draft your post outside of wordpress (e.g. in google docs)

  • Answer: rather than fight this and try have "one tool to rule them all", let's embrace this and find ways to weave together good off-the-shelf tools and components ^rYK7zyiJ

  • Patterns

  • Tools

  • APIs ^qy5V9lOU

CKAN v3 ^4cK7mGYL

Infrastructure for data ^00QmAZ2Q

"Renderer" aka "Portal" ^8HoSnLeP

Publisher interface (+ maybe Admin) ^Ii6fR1P4

Storage API ^NiTewaQs

Google Docs / Word ^7ISNvmUU

Google Docs / Word ^pk7dDqh7

Wordpress ^401UFMfv

Issue tracker ^TFy2wssg

Wordpress ^y1iidkvo

Editor ^iEzZiaTA

Editor ^PrJNIVv2

copy & paste? ^nQuMTHjV

Sign-off flow Does it have nice featured image ^4HjMJdyV

CMS Analogy ^oeUVdh4X

v1 ^uDWb6JS6

v2 ^C433DH6e

Example: Ministry of Culture ^hML2oJoQ

  1. Original source: Internal databases and spreadsheets (source of truth)
  2. Obligation to open their data … => new task force
  3. They decide what they want to open
  4. Publish excel/csv file on the OpenDataSoft portal


  • They need a list of data to decide what to open
  • They need to build a flow to repeatedly release a dataset

In ministry of culture: they have an excel file which one person maintains

The internal data catalog is an excel file … (87 lines)

  • some data that is
  • other data not yet open where they have title

Then for a given published open dataset they need to build a publishing workflow which is often manual


  • internal catalog and now data portal so have 2 sources of truth => classic pain point


  • Have one source of truth which is the "core" data catalog (internal one)
  • separate metadata and data for now
  • Automate process of pushing metadata from that to the main portal
  • ? what about the data flow? Ans: that is a separate flow we will address later

=> need 3 things

  • storage/api layer for core catalog
  • UI layer for core catalog
  • automation for moving metadata from core catalog to portal


Publish UI 2 ^JJPUjpAm

Publish UI 1 ^1xZATk6B

Storage ^TiYf5k7J

Metadata Flow (all datasets) ^UfBYbTyT

Data flow (only for approved open datasets) ^5XBvFybt

Automation ^6Imhr8Zb

Data Portal ^lLSPRcyi

Raw Source ^RQDcj76R

ETL (manual or automated) ^zV5tr0Rg

Airtable or Excel covers both ^MRgPSGLv

csv in git(lab/hub) table in a database ckan! ^gqIEENFW

Risk of airtable is lock-in for your storage to this proprietary vendor (including permissions etc) Ultimately inflexible ^iUblyisc

custom UI … google spreadsheet ^CTEjrbzC

2 ministries with diff publish flow ^Q5V8LYvw

Catalog Viewer ^26Lf5Zee

Write API ^InbEbQPC

Read API ^urFXrvsb

Option 1

A. Publish UI: if possible use something close to their existing setup "don't move the cheese"

e.g. if they are using excel - can we live with that to start with?

=> a place they upload their excel and you ingest it …

B. Storage: flat file data packages in closed gitlab/github

(or whatever structure you want)

C. Automation: use gitlab/github actions …

"on every commit" -> notify the catalog viewer to rebuild (if slow, just have catalog viewer query) "update the data portal"

D. Catalog viewer: build something quickly using e.g. portal.js

Step 2:

Replace publish UI with e.g. google spreadsheets

Step 3:

Replace publish UI with custom UI with permissions and login. ^kWIBVE1Y

Decoupled model … ^CLvV3V1M



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