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Text Elements
What have we done? ^jD0hSOWK
DataHub "Scratch" (Next) "Platform" ^hxCHiPkr
Flowershow "Next" ^bOVCxSzd
Data components (PortalJS?) ^BAleS2dw
Open Data SaaS Portal ^2b1jsn0x
Tailored portals ^aL79ueuG
Bespoke Portal Hosting ^YhsR2DSE
CKAN Hosting ^0CVzYBhf
Data Engineering ^X040uUU1
Data Visualization ^5dfSe8ku
Data Analysis ^5bwUNb7R
Portals Domain 🪣 ^T59DWcj5
🪣 Bucket 2 ^UZGKv9j3
- Our internal development efforts fall into two rough buckets ^Fyx8m5uE
This platform supports several different "models" of offer and even our services ^bLa5DXHB
For example: take Open Data. It uses portaljs in "multitenant" mode plus a standard ^fBUDrmec
Processes and tools for quickly building a full solution out of components e.g. boot a new data custom portal for client X ^P4n5Yc0c
🚧 ^bNC4KvyI
This is very much under construction. Even in the product vision - we will likely pivot as we try the tech and the market. ^8vLutRxW
- 🚩 Aside: Product is an overused term by us!! ^pA1GqNvO
NB: you could even turn the "framework" into an offer at some point I definitely think we should brand it and put up so we can reference in bids. ^yF8yLU8B
Next ⏭️ ^0UtBz5xM
- we have consolidated all portaljs stuff in one place - in the monorepo
- we have started on the scaffolding (only just) - that can start as docs
- launched "Open Data" offer ^6gQaGoib
What's missing! A clear map between the platform and the products especially for tailor-made … ^UYsVehl7
Naming ^e47xor9J
Branding: use one name. Either Datopian X or DataHub X
Recommend DataHub because of site traffic etc.
Naming: platforms vs solutions (do we just drop product or use on our site for solutions)
PortalJS: use this for "all" the frontend stuff in the DMS platform.
(?) Recommend open sourcing this and promoting it. Maybe call it DataHub PortalJS ^VtfoQ0wF
PortalJS CKAN Data API
With this config … ^8DAC2V65
Modules ^rRL69UGm
Modules ^noSoM6u0
"Solutions" - Offers ^4Tdqm6ZN
Service Offers ^PlxlXk4F
CKAN ^LrTQazup
PortalJS ^xPuyzFog
Data API ^gg0Nh9NJ
Scaffold ^ebKUw37J
Knowledgebase ^OqriEwEp
GitHub ^Dg2pmZ1L
Publishing UI ^S6qnrwBu
New stuff ^1mWY7oil
… ^zGCLXqa3
Datopian Cloud ^u7ILPvaA
Enterprise Catalog ^dsx8pXQ6
Lakehouse ^H0gctGJY
Platform ^SvKYI8GK
Tailored Solution ^Tislmtw3
Data Portal ^HDAEhRB9
Some developments here may end up becoming part of framework e.g. data stories, flowershow ^FmpEbzKf
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