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Text Elements

Tools for Sensemaking ^CvnWYCDA

Tech ^8o1C0zoA

Knowledgebases ^RCWqAmvk


SCQH etc ^AFdzpnEQ

Web3 ^t9m8o0mL

Ecosystem ^OkrG9lY1

DataHub Datasets ^ndRSUxeL

Tao ^qt0voz4m


Build & share collaborative knowledgebases ^R29Pk49G

Patterns as well as tools ^IBw7OV15

… ^BcRXd5rc

Tools is a bit ambiguous as could include wiki itself. Infrastructure would be a better term or even "tech" ^dXjgDXJL


e.g. Digital Garden, Data Literate ^DjJycCky

Tools = tech + knowledgebases ^s719Veyh


  • How do we start on Flowershow
    • Do we simply extract the patterns and common components elsewhere into a common toolkit
    • OR: do we go a more polished approach "start with the first tutorial and make it work" ^9IA78qK5



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