- β2023-03-03 update about page on datahub.io
- β2022-03-25 Portal.JS as a product. The open source framework/library for building data driven sites π π₯
- Name: portaljs or go with DataHub toolkit or something like that? β 2022-05-04 inclining to calling this DataHub toolkit
- 2022-01-24 portaljs tagline: Built a data driven website in minutes rather than days
- open a product page here for portal.js
- Collect all existing materials / taglines for that (plus plan of work??)
- mock up a home page
- launch and share
- β2023-02-09 Update datahub.io/docs/dms section esp landing page. Current landing page was datopian oriented and needs to be refactored. Also this section could be improved a bit and linked better from main docs and site in general.
- β2023-02-02 (?) move Flowershow repo to datopian org (to facilitate planning e.g. integration into board)
- β2023-02-02 Workflow re data requests (and digging out our old material)
- When people make data requests e.g. on datahub discord channel we want a process for them so that they are satisfied etc.
- We had a bunch of material on this in gitlab in the datahub section (I think). Need to dig it out.
- We can also dig out the old material we had on datahub.io
- β2022-08-22 Get user database of old.datahub.io (old ckan instance) so that we can email them about new site.
- β2022-03-25 Hire a growth marketer https://growthexpert.io β
2023-02-23 β wontfix not important for now
- Talk to Nathen at Life Itself
- idea: general script to process "your repo into nextjs" can do some useful things e.g. β
2023-02-23 β wontfix/fixed kind of have this in flowershow now.
- When i have a repo of markdown content i want to publish it so that it is online as a website
- Can take our learnings building portal and just write them up as a generic recipe for others
- clever things: have a content/data folder and then process all markdown to one place all non-markdown to another place β¦ so that you can keep stuff together e.g. data next to content (??)
- β2022-03-15 try out tina.io (as alternative to contentlayer) and write up notes in docs or as blog post e.g. Create a fork of next.datahub.io and use it β2h β 2023-02-23 β WONTFIX. decided tina isn't way and this isn't a priority