

Obsidian is a knowledge base app built on top of local markdown files.

Why is obsidian interesting to us?

  • Markdown: Obsidian is markdown based. It is a great demonstration of power and flexibility of markdown and our contention that markdown can take over
  • Editor Great markdown editor (like VSCode but better and less geeky)
  • Renderer: Not just an editor, a renderer. Has WYSIWYG markdown editing plus lots of extensions e.g. live knowledge base querying with data view plugin.
  • Markdown database: Not just individual markdown editor but a knowledge base of markdown files (aka "content-base" aka database). Has lots of good functionality around this especially for linking and embedding.
  • Plugins: Great plugin design and API and an amazing plugin ecosystem

Specifically for us:

  • Obsidian is a goto editor for power-users (including ourselves)
  • Obsidian demonstrates as a local app many features we would like to have in our apps e.g. rich set of extensions to markdown such as
    • math
    • mermaid
    • syntax highlighting
    • wikilinks
    • and more …
  • Obsidian has a well-defined content layer API (which we can learn from)

Obsidian Content Layer API and Database

See obsidian-database-research

#todo refactor this content into there (or summary here)

#todo create obsidian data view page (or integrate into that page) and include https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview/discussions/1811


  • Database: MetadataCache
  • Node (aka File): CachedMetadata





export interface CachedMetadata {
     * @public
    links?: LinkCache[];
     * @public
    embeds?: EmbedCache[];
     * @public
    tags?: TagCache[];
     * @public
    headings?: HeadingCache[];
     * Sections are root level markdown blocks, which can be used to divide the document up.
     * @public
    sections?: SectionCache[];
     * @public
    listItems?: ListItemCache[];
     * @public
    frontmatter?: FrontMatterCache;
     * @public
    blocks?: Record<string, BlockCache>;

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