Meeting - Rufus / Anu

Meeting - Rufus / Anu

Present: Rufus/Anu

Intention: review recent work and plan next work.


  • Check-in
  • Updates
    • Sync with Leo
    • Progress by Virgo
  • Actions from last meeting SEE BELOW
  • Review work so far and agree on next steps + revisit our goal for January. Are we on the same page on what we want for the tutorial in the end?
    • Motivating question: what do we re the documentation? Do we continue with tidying? What does learn section look like etc .. πŸ”‘ Partially answered however … mainly we realised we should go back to basics => Look at our main issue tree - see next point
      • => What are the high level principles by which we can prioritize work at the present? See below
      • => What are our goals? See below
  • Look at our main issue tree: We updated this a bit
    • πŸ‘‰ Had some insights See below. Focus on a landing page for DataHub Pages product so that we can start validating the offer (and forces us to clarify the offer. Plus start building the basics of the product in sellotape and string way and deploy 3 datasets this way
  • AOB
    • Moving entirely into the repo

Actions from last meeting

  1. Next steps 🎬 (for Anu): review the portaljs repo and issues and look at and and epic for docs
  2. Agree on a default β€œproduct” repo** DONE:**



  • DataHub Pages is our product focus (not e.g. Portal.JS as a product)
    • => only do portal.js to extent it serves DataHub Pages
    • What is the first thing we should do?
      • What are the options? πŸ”‘
        1. Build out the full MVP as described: (crudely) Given me a repo with a CSV and i give you an elegant showcase.
        2. A landing page with the offer and see who signs up for the "beta preview coming soon"
          • can market with e.g. $100 of google adwords what happens) + banner on home page
          • or use home page of for it (thousands of visitors already)
        3. Build out a very crude version for ourselves where we add the portaljs code to our repo and deploy with e.g. netlify
        4. Do market research (e.g. survey on, interview our friends)
    • Which do we prioritize? (2) (cheap to do and starts to validate) and do (3) (it is the simplest first step in direction of (1) and allows us to eat our own dogfood)
      • ? Won't do option (4) atm as somewhat expensive (effort and social capital and people won't give that useful responses?) and could do as part of (2)

How do we prioritize our work? Do we do the docs?

  • What are the high level principles by which we can prioritize work at the present?
    • What choices are we making in prioritization? πŸ”‘ Between and portal.js? Between features, documentation and marketing …
    • What principles are there?
      • Will it have users (at Datopian or elsewhere)?
        • Who would potentially be interested?
      • Would we get signups for this?
      • How much time would it take?
      • Does it align with our current goal for this month?
      • Does it align with our strategic priorities?
      • Does it help/contribute to our final product vision?
    • Which do we choose?
  • Is this documentation approach the way to go?
    • What is this documentation approach?
    • How much time will it take?
    • What goal is it related to?

What are our goals?

  • Onboard people (data scientists, data engineers, data analysts, developers, data journalists) so that they can start using Portal.js to
    • build data-driven pages for their datasets
      • I have a population/demographics data for my country and I want to share it online as nice showcase/dashboard/viz. E.g., right now it's just a repository which doesn't work if I publish the link somewhere (via email/messanger) but if it was a SPA with nice design..
    • build a frontend to a ckan portal
      • Northern Ireland guys: I have existing CKAN portal but I think it has outdated frontend. I want to build decoupled (because read blog post about it), modern and nice looking portal.
    • build a catalog for my datasets on Github
      • I've been collecting datasets for specific theme (e.g., energy) on Github and now I want to build a data portal for it.
        • Portal = unique feel and look, search, preview functions
    • build a dashboard (e.g. covid)
  • Replacement for so that …
    • ??


  • How much we could earn with Google AdSense on πŸ”‘ Note it's annual with our current traffic:

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