Present: Daniela, Rufus, Anu, Rising
- What are we building right now? 🔑 Self-service product.
- What does that involve? 🔑 see summary below
Self-Service Product
"Publish your data elegantly in 5m"
- Landing page with the pitch
- Getting started tutorial -> written with the same tool!
- Components e.g. Table View, Chart View 👈 Rising is working here
- Templates e.g. next.js template
- Build code (to discover data files, parse them etc, move data to correct location in the template etc)
Leo, Rufus re spike solution of MMVP
👉 Summary: work in progress at repo
Intention: Leo can do the MDX demo
- Write tutorial alongside and with the tool itself
- [Rufus: Have a running website for the project …?]
Plan for today
- Try existing codebase at portal.js/site
- Stub the tutorial for how we would like it to go
- Make it work
- Create some content
- Install the standard template
- Create new template
- Use that template on a project
- Documentation
- Tutorial
- User Reference Manual
User Referrence Manual - Shortcuts
That whould be something like: