2022-06-27 - Meeting
2022-06-27 - Meeting
Present: Khalil, Rufus, Abhishek
Flowershow repo: https://github.com/flowershow/flowershow
- DataHub Enterprise update
- Flowershow intro and review
- Does abhishek have this working locally (need to be in templates/default directory)
- tests (are they working) Yes they are working. screenshot??
- Review feature list https://flowershow.app/meta
- Review backlog https://github.com/orgs/flowershow/projects/1/views/1
- Fix netlify not building on every push
- add
- add env in netlify ? Doesn't seem so
- find issue raised in web3 - https://github.com/life-itself/web3/issues/69
- add
- Ecosystem
DataHub enterprise update
- Looking for more image illustrations few right now in slides @khalil
- Misc fixes tasks pending - buttons, product name, text colors @khalil