Rufus and Anu continued ../projects/ see Day 3.

Ola + Rufus 2023-02-27

Present: Ola, Rufus


  • Check-in
  • Ola quickly review Flowershow status
  • Rufus briefing
    • high level
    • plan
    • immediate

Ola + Rufus + Joao 2023-02-27

Intention: planning for DataHub Next sprint 1.



  • Should the core render function be a separate package ✅2023-02-28 We can refactor it as a package later
    • Why?
    • Why not?


  • Is it our goal for Monday 06/03/2023?
    • we can preview a single MDX page with a table component, that has inline data
    • the MDX file comes from an external url - you pass the path to url (e.g. some-repo/ with a table component and inline data passed to it)
    • preview available under <next-datahub-base-url>/<repo-owner>/<repo-name> ✅2023-02-27 ❌ not needed for alpha though would be nice …

[Rufus] Stretch goals

  • can include external data
  • nice blog post

Ola's questions

  • the next-datahub repo is a repo for the SaaS product with the home page, login, publish UI, right?
  • user repository / project will be presented on the same site under (e.g.) next-datahub-url/some-repo? I assume this is temporary? Or not?
    • I'm guessing Flowershow will be used to boot the presentation routes for user projects?

Rufus Inbox

  • Close out last sprint and roll tickets @rufuspollock ✅2023-02-27
  • Move product stuff to datahub-core ✅2023-02-27 ❌ wontfix. not important for now.
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