DataHub Next Sprint planning
DataHub Next Sprint planning
Present: Joao, Rufus
- Check-in
- Outstanding from last sprint
- - @demenech is going to take this on
- Sprint goals
- Discussion re markdowndb
- Joao Read new product plan doc
- @demenech Move into main README and delete that repo
- @rufuspollock what should Joao read to get more domain knowledge about what exactly? One starting point
Anu & Rufus 2023-03-13
- Check-in
- Updates?
- Review product plan -
- Comments / questions
- OKRs ✅2023-03-13 mostly done
- Sharing with lead links ✅2023-03-13 anu will do that today
- Questions especially
- Check naming? i.e. stack (vs platform etc), toolkit vs e.g. framework
- Toolkit as an offer or not for now?
- Do we have Enterprise Catalog solution b/c helps "content market" against all the things people look for e.g. the person from campbells who talks about a data marketplace ✅2023-03-13 Anu things we should.
- Plan for March ✅2023-03-13 ❌ we did not get to it so much
- Review company readme and feel free to tweak: ✅2023-03-13 best thing would be way to contact at the top
- 🚩 and especially - has lorem ipsum on it ("always have working code"), still not fixed 1.5m in, sign up not working etc
Should Anu update his location on Upwork to have higher rates there? Couldn't change it to EU as it requires phone number verification.✅2023-03-13 ❌ YAGNI atm. if we see it is an issue let's look
Next steps on marketing DataHub Open Data Portal
- Contact friends and test pitch e.g. paul walsh or a fwe other friendlies
- Get material tweaked e.g. have a one page pdf, or some blurb
- Reach out to key partners and see if interested in pitching/reselling
- …