Agenda 2023-04-05 (Part 1)
Agenda 2023-04-05 (Part 1)
- Meditation 🧘
- Check-in
- Create agenda
- Product owner for our stacks and offers ✅2023-04-05 we created proposal for lead links
- Focus for efforts ✅2023-04-05 focus on Portals Stack near-term
- Updates
- Where do we move stuff like notes from Joel meeting (should this be in gdocs (as traditionally) or in markdown) and if in markdown where …) 💬2023-04-05 In a way doesn't matter too much - what matters is this is logged against existing stuff ✅2023-04-05 move it into monorepo docs
- Moving Flowershow into Datopian folder (and/or to datahubio)
- Check-out and next steps
- Need 12-16h a week from Anu … does he have that?
- Even with that … what do we focus on? ✅2023-04-05 Portals Stack and (re)launching toolkit/portal.js so that we build a new channel for people to engage with our work
- Options: a) Portals SaaS b) Toolkit c) DataHub Next
- What is evaluation criteria …
- What is highest RoI!
- What is our ultimate goal …
- Can we realistically launch DataHub Next?
- What are detailed options? ✅2023-04-05 see below
In the next month … (on technical side)
- We can (re)launch / toolkit
- Have a getting started guide
- Get the community active
- (later) present at CKAN monthly live
- Get a public data explorer codebase that works with demos
- We can have sign up on DataHub Next
- Clarify what DataHub Next is exactly
- Get a plan for what we charge for …
- We can launch an alpha of Flowershow Cloud … (i know, i know … anther offering is back - kind of one version of DataHub Next branded for digital garden / markdown folks)