Anu and Rufus product meetings
Anu and Rufus product meetings
Present: Anu, Rufus
Intention: Team structure and plan of work
- Any further steps on team structure and hand-over of Product Lead to Anu
- Finish planning this iteration 🚧2023-04-12
- Groomed backlog for next iteration? ✅2023-04-12 ❌
- 🧘 Noble silence
- 👋 Check-in
- 📝 Create agenda
- 🏃♂️ Review agenda
- Update on team refactoring and hand-over of Product Lead to Anu
- Finish planning this iteration 🚧2023-04-12 made good progress
- Reflections re DataHub Next ✅2023-04-12 ❌
- Consolidating servers for chatting on discord for private chat ✅2023-04-12 stick with private channels on datahub
- Options? ✅2023-04-12: Stay on DataHub ✅, switch to Datopian server ❌, move private stuff to gchat again ❌
- Which github board are we using? Can we delete Portal.js one ✅2023-04-12: We use our existing private internal one for all products.
- Anu and Rufus agenda file in docs repo for backlog of things to talk about
- Update tech onboarding with new stuff re portaljs
- Consolidating servers for chatting on discord for private chat ✅2023-04-12 stick with private channels on datahub
- ⏭️ Check-out and next actions
Product Lead handover
- Chat with Daniela etc ✅ 2023-04-11 Done, Daniela is now taking some BizDev items and sharing leadership with Anu to offload him.
- PortalJS and portals stack
- how much does Rufus wants / is able to be involved ✅2023-04-12 Rufus preference is to hand-off completely to Anu here (and do briefings with Anu)
- Discuss re Recommendations on hiring:
- Hire devs
- NB: If you have job on upwork can go pro-actively and look for interesting people
- Rufus sense is we have capacity to hire 2 people
- hire someone to write data oriented content … - see
- Could include community evangelist type stuff
- Will have less capacity from Joao and Luccas come June
- Hire devs
- What's a cool demo project? 🚚