Flowershow cloud onboarding

Quickly sharing content with other people.


  • Yoana to update the Misc issue on the product repo.
    • Style of the page. Format of the page. Ola is aware and she will add some styles from the Flowershow template.
    • Custom Domain error/instruction message should be different. More specifically what should be the format?
  • Schedule a meeting with Yoana and Anuar re use cases. Data portals/catalogs. What is the idea?
  • Research a bit based on our conversation?


  • If there are no specific questions, Onboarding is stuck after the site is deployed. The first version is only for Github users.
    • Ola found it difficult when the person doesn't have a use case. Or doesn't have their digital garden already. Flowershow is mostly for people who already have markdown files and are using some Editor and they want to publish it. Idea is to have all Obsidian features supported as well. Eg. People publish their vaults with Obsidian publish.
  • Add a nav bar or a sidebar showing all pages available (content navigation)
  • Documentation tba on the page with eg. what components are supported

Yoana's feedback re Flowershow:

  • Formatting issues
    • eg. Alignments. Ola: Not possible to have different alignments. We don't even know how to implement it.
  • I want my personal notes to be neat. Uploading pictures I want to put 10 pictures, there is no gallery component - infinite scroll of pictures.

How do we sell Datahub Cloud?


  • We don't normally start from research. We create something and then we start trying to find someone who is interested.
    • Who is our desired user and why do they want to use Datahub Cloud?
      • Datarich stories - strictly for data-rich documents. They will want to visualize their data. What are the alternatives or competitors?
        • Vital Strategies want to share their data and viz in a usable form with their teammates all around the world. They want to write data stories.
    • Can you create a catalog out of this? => The conclusion is that we need to research. Who would use the DataHub cloud? What for? Who is our target audience? We need to talk to Anuar before creating the content.

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