Rufus NTS b4 product meeting
Rufus NTS b4 product meeting
Need to dig out various reflections from previous meetings.
I think the crucial thing is the various hypotheses
Random dump
- Would like default theme to look nice i.e. elegant, simple. Current sites could look even better. Font-size, styling. Little things.
- Inspiration from substack and ghost
- in particular, both in terms of business model and approach (simplicity, doing something particular, open source model etc)
- Substack: also super simple, very few options for how you can do things. Intentionally a bit narrow
- Why don't we pitch the Obsidian publish alternative? What's stopping us?
- Price at $5/mo (not zero!)
- Image support would be a massive deal:
- Or, rather what i want is to just drag and drop, drag and drop like i can on github. There's this hassle i'm experiencing …