Data Literate Documents

Data Literate Documents

Previous work: for background


How do data literate technically?

Technologically the questions is how do we write text-driven documents that incorporate rich components e.g. data tables etc.


  • Notebooks (like Jupyter, Observable etc): these are more "Literate Programming" where coding comes first and then we make text blocks
  • Markdown with iframes
  • Markdown enhanced with support for (web) componets = MDX
  • Process a raw source format (either markdown or define your own) using a toolchain e.g. pandoc or one you have rolled your own

Rufus 2c: I think the writing experience comes first so you want to prioritize that if you can. This is why going with markdown and markdown oriented

ASIDE: That said, if you had the resources a block-oriented system with editor etc would be great. However, we don't have thoese resources so I'd focus on enhancing markdown => go the MDX route.


  • Think through and research relationship to data-driven documents (d3!)
    • What was idea of data-driven documents
    • Is this data-driven or something a bit different (I'd say a bit different - hence the data-literate. Not about, necessarily, being driven by data but being enhanced with data. E.g. even a dataset presentation page might be more about the context and documentation than the data table per se, at least for more users)

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