Flowershow Alternatives / Competitors
Flowershow Alternatives / Competitors
Paid and proprietary
- gitbook
Open source / community
- docosaurus
- vuepress
- mkdocs-material
- (has a paid pro version)
What is the vertical? Markdown websites? Sites with tailwind support?
- - and a bunch of others (do i already have a thread on this?)
- - Build your site & sell online with one no-code tool - more about simple websites
- 3 sites for free (no custom domain)
- Then $19/y
- Like simplicity
Found via
Searched for "markdown based blogging platform" - not a lot of options if you don't want a site generator you run yourself.
- Led me to which is itself a kind of content marketing without much substance.
- most useful was
- 📣🚩 which is a great place we can post ourselves.
Most interesting option from indiehackers was
- 💰 0 | 25 / month
Retype is an ✨ ultra-high-performance ✨ static website generator that builds a website based on simple Markdown text files. Focus on your writing while Retype builds the rest.
2022-07-11 160⭐
Free Obisidian Publish alternative, for publishing your digital garden.
obsidian digital garden - 2022-07-02
Looks like started around 7m ago in early 2022. Has 100 ⭐ and about 1600 installs in obsidian as a plugin. - 2022-06-29
CMS in VS Code. This is more like an alternative to obsidian or a local version of
Headless CMS running in VS Code
Front Matter is a CMS that runs within Visual Studio Code. It gives you the power and control of a full-blown CMS while also providing you the flexibility and speed of the static site generator of your choice. Jump right into editing and creating content with Front Matter and be able to preview it straight in VS Code.
Obsidian Publish
Nextra 3.6k⭐
The Next.js Static Site Generator
- Main thing is more of a side project of two core members at vercel. Not that updated since ~1y ago (v2 planned but not sure it is happened)
Obsidian Quartz 609 ⭐
"Hosting a public digital garden isn't easy. There are an overwhelming number of tutorials, resources, and guides for tools like Notion, Roam, and Obsidian, yet none of them have super easy to use free tools to publish that garden to the world. … The goal of Quartz is to make hosting your own public digital garden free and simple. You don't even need your own website. Quartz does all of that for you and gives your own little corner of the internet."
- uses hugo and oriented to obsidian as uses
- Here is it mentioned plus a youtube howto video in April obsidian roundup "Here's how to use Quartz as a free Publish alternative"
Random List
- - seems to have launched 2020 and been inactive since 2021