From git-dms

From git-dms

Publish/Share data + content in useable form quickly and easily [to your team mates or the world]

MVP: Cloud publish github data + content in minutes

MMVP: Cloud publish github csv data +

MMMVP: Cloud publish github data-literate



  • something there about being more than turning your data into a website (as in datahub pages). having the data API, having workflows, having summaries etc
  • would normally call this a portal but people don't know what that is e.g. a "portal to your data"
  • "deploy your data" also captures some of it but does not make sense to most people

From DataHub Pages

Turn data + content into an elegant website quickly and easily

Longer version: Turn data(sets) + content into an elegant, customizable presentation on the web (including tables and graphs) quickly and easily via self-service or the cloud

From ../journal/2022-02-14

Publish your data with speed, ease and elegance. Turn a (README +) CSV into an explorable data table … and add graphs and more. Weave data and content together.


Present data/data-driven content in github in a useable way for your team or the world. Easy, fast and reliable.

Present your data on github beautifully.

Data or data-driven content on github ⟹ beautiful site/portal in minutes.

Once github working we will likely expand to general publishing so:

Publish your data in a useable way for your team or the world. Easy, fast and reliable.


  • Present/publish/share data in a useable way to your team in the world. Stupidly easy, fast and reliable.
  • DataHub is a stupidly easy, fast and reliable way to share [present] data in a useable* way with your team or the world


  • Turn github into a datahub.
  • Preview, Share, Publish 💬 more for Pages
    • Preview, Share, Deploy Data [& Analysis]
    • Present your data

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