David Gasquez and Rufus Pollock re ../ideas/datahub.io|DataHub - 2023-04-12
David Gasquez and Rufus Pollock re DataHub - 2023-04-12
Present: Rufus, David
- đź‘‹ Check-in
- đź“Ł Recap and updates
- Relation of livemark and data rich documents cf https://covid-tracker.frictionlessdata.io/
- âŹď¸Ź Where to go next?
David continued to work on "Packaging Open Data"
- https://github.com/davidgasquez/packaging-open-data
- core dataset template
- Wrote a bunch of docs and thoughts
- We should extract a core-dataset template from this
- Spoke with Frictionless folks: they're working on v2 of the specs 🎉
- Chatted with https://opendatacommunity.org/ - very specific area. focused on blockchain data that is open, verifiable and useful.
- Spoke with folks from bio data
- https://wasm.itk.org/
- 10s of TB
- DataHub Next: now alpha-1 is working e.g. https://demo.datahub.io/@datasets/oil-prices
- Next stage would be really adding login etc. Pausing briefly whilst thinking about direction of DataHub
- PortalJS: converging here for open library/toolkit for data portals, data driven docs etc
- Q: Did you explore GitHub Blocks?
Where next
- build high quality data repo of world's knowledge (easy to consume through APIs, UIs, DB integrations and intelligent joins to companies internal datasets)…easy, right?
- consulting, grants/bounties, …
- What possible Business Models are there?
- are there any effective mechanisms to incentivize data generation and sharing?
- back to thinking about all the new hype on web3 mechanisms… e.g: https://hypercerts.org/docs/intro/
- are there any effective mechanisms to incentivize data generation and sharing?
- Ultimately… not sure how useful the "packaging side" is for the world :confused:
- The only traction I can see is in blockchain data: open, verifiable, useful for some people, aligned values, …
- Perhaps the path is to build a business around private data, but have awesome tooling that also works fantastically for open data?
- Working Group around data packages