DataHub Product Plan for 2023 as of Jan 2023


DataHub Product Plan for 2023 as of Jan 2023

Subject: Products developed and offered in 2023 by DataHub / Datopian.


What products should we focus on in 2023 and what is the plan of work?

  • What products do/could we have?
  • What is their state?
  • What effort is required? Do we have the team etc.
  • Which products do we focus on? (And why)?


"DataHub suite" of products with a focus on SaaS OpenGov and Consumer/Enterprise version (same features).


Develop a "DataHub suite" of products. These products are a coherent suite in that a) all related to data management and publishing b) share a common technical core, branding and presentation. The variants in the suite target different user types and needs e.g. enterprise, open gov, consumer.

Our focus in 2023 is on DataHub OpenGov (City / Open Data Portal SaaS), active technical renovation of as a showcase of DataHub product. Secondarily, and more passive, is work on DataHub Enterprise. This is the best approach given the limited team, existing traction etc because:

  • Open Data Portal product already exists, has a proven market and we already have sales and  sales channels etc
    • Have a mature portaljs+CKAN based solution
    • Clear market for open data portals (1000s of instances)
    • Have customers in this area
    • Have existing sales channels such as via or RFPs
    • Know other channels we could develop
  • DataHub Enterprise has potential and we have a credible product and offering publicly (though some features are missing)
    • Can get inbound sales leads for DataHub enterprise
  • gets a lot of traffic but is not fully working.
    • is a demo of "DataHub enterprise"
    • The offering has potential
      • The "consumer" market for data sharing seems to be growing cf use of github for data storage
      • Field is still open (no obvious “github for data”)
  • Roadmap
    • Open data portal SaaS (DataHub City): purchase/trial process, create public offer, background info, reseller partner network, marketing etc
    • DataHub (Enterprise / Consumer): focus bizdev on DataHub Enterprise & tech development on (B2C)
      • Enterprise: focus on sales calls, and do the minimal development to demo and provide credibility to roadmap so that we don’t do unnecessary development (chasing clients who don’t come through)

DataHub Product Suite

DataHub Enterprise

A complete solution for enterprise data catalogs, data lakes and data management. Open source, mature, fully-featured and production ready. Trusted by governments, startups, nonprofits and the Fortune 500. Targeted at enterprises who want an internal data management catalog and data management system.

DataHub Open[Gov]/OpenData

Open data publishing solution for cities, governments, IGOs and nonprofits who want an open data portal (with minimal customization). Attractive, easy, cost-effective, turnkey.

DataHub Consumer

Like Github but for data i.e. publish/share (and basically semi-present) your or your team's data. Current A self-service data publishing and sharing platform. Targeted at power data users e.g. data engineers, data scientists, data geeks


  • DataHub Marketplace: Data marketplace with easy transactions to buy data.
  • DataHub Hybrid: DataHub frontend + CKAN backend
  • DataHub Pages: Like github pages for data: publish your content and data as its own individual site quickly as possible. See ../ideas/pages
  • Flowershow: a tool to build DataHub Pages and NextJS stuff. Not really justified as a product in itself atm.

Plan of Work

🚩 this is partial and incomplete. Most work on this in

  • Marketing and Bizdev team focus on Open Data Portal
  • Tech team focus on a) support for Open Data Portal b) development of “DataHub Enterprise” to power

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