Thoughts on improvements from feedback so far

Thoughts on improvements from feedback so far

  • Make visit button very prominent
  • People go into the app and don't follow the tutorial anymore
    • => move tutorial into the dashboard (as a start) and integrate more step by step
    • => offer support in app for things they want to do …
  • Instructions to edit source pages directly from the site (e.g. link back to github repo)
  • Remove need for Frictionless stuff - make that optional …

Docs improvements including user onboarding flow

  • Anu: reference docs and tutorials re e.g. how to create a viz
  • Main template repo should show as much as possible - all the main features …
  • Write a full tutorial that walks people through how to build up a site using DataHub cloud



  • The users seem to be escaping the quick start guide after they sign up to the app and never return
  • It is not obvious what to do after you create your site
  • It is not obvious how you can customize or enhance your site once published


Integrate onboarding instructions into onboarding flow (no docs for this) ✅

Go to directly and dump the quick start guide.

Fat marker sketch:


  • Link docs from the dashboard
  • Links docs/help

Example template with more features

Extended docs with reference and/or tutorials for key actions

We are going to want more demos / examples …

  • Create a repo per example and publish it under some user e.g. and publish at (or if we give special treatment datahubio/@examples/my-example)
  • Create all of this as subdirectories in docs e.g. at docs/examples 👈 this is KISS for now IMO … (especially as we don't have team accounts …)

Appendix: first sketch (superseded by excalidraw) for Instructions / onboarding tips

  1. Sign-up
  2. –> [Create New Site]: "Now, let's create your first site based on the repository you just created!"
  3. User needs to find the repository him/herself and click on "Create site"
  4. Site settings page shows up
  5. –> [Visit]: "Let's see what the site looks like."
  6. ??? quick tour through the page if possible, then navigate the user back to the dashboard
  7. –> [Sync]: If you make changes in your repository and you want to see them live, remember to click on the "Sync" button.
  8. —> [Name config field]:
  9. —> [Branch config field]:
  10. —> [Custom domain config field]:
  11. —> [Docs link in the sidebar]:
  12. —> [Help (Discord channel) link]:


Notes and insights about onboarding, see full notes here

Appendix: Anu feedback from client demo

From Anu:

Do we have instructions to onboard new joiners on DataHub Cloud? E.g., I'd like to share it with new prospects but they don't know how to create data views (charts etc from our storybook). So far Storybook was my best source for docs / instructions so far but maybe you have something better?

❓ Qu: Can you briefly describe what you would love to see as a user journey?

Anu walked through his experience with a client where they were asking about capabilities of portaljs etc. Client dialog goes:

  • Can we do geospatial data? Yes, you can..
  • Can I do visualizations? Yes, you can
  • Can I do two layers? Yes, you can
  • How can we try it out? Yes… and we give them access but they struggle because they don't know how to do it themselves. Some of them have not worked with markdown. And don't know how to use these components.

How do I create a map like this?

They need a walkthrough… how to use markdown, how to create tables, how to add other components

❓ what components would you want documented

  • basic markdown …
  • How to create a table
  • How to create a line chart
  • How to create a map (secondary)


  • Let's improve the DX of the components a bit: e.g. API seems to differ for the various components

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