


  • Direction set
  • v0.1 project
  • v0.2 project



  • Review directions for travel doc / notes for DataHub Next from ~ few weeks ago ⏲️30m ../notes/datahub-next-direction-march-2023 ✅2023-03-20 and consolidated below
    • Finalize it ⏲️3h
  • Directions this week ✅2023-03-20 created plan focusing on remote rendering

DataHub Next Plan and Direction of Travel 🛫

Subject: DataHub Next Plan

Question: what is the MVP of DataHub Next and the steps to it?


Question tree

  • What are the options for MVP ✅2023-03-20 see below
    • 🔥 What's a minimum viable job story
  • What is their roadmap? ✅2023-03-20 see below plus Big clarity was that actual remote rendering is wanted in any case. Was getting confused b/c was thinking of Scratch as local.
    • How do they overlap?
  • What are the choice criteria ✅2023-03-20 this became less important because a common direction right now
    • Leads to chargeable product e.g.
    • Our immediate needs
  • What is the choice? ✅2023-03-20 remote rendering heading starting with scratch and heading towards Data Project.
  • What are the next steps


See for background ../notes/datahub-next-direction-march-2023

  • Data Scratchpad/Wiki (Local) aka Flowershow Next/2.0
    • What: 🚧 a wiki of data rich documents (local and statically rendered)
      • ❓ Does not require remote support?
    • Dogfood: instead of posting in just post it in the wiki
      • edit in obsidian locally? (rather than create an issue)
      • assign topics how?
    • Value proposition: TODO
    • Next steps
      • MarkdownDB enhancements so that we can show links
      • Put data and assets next to content and have that auto processed to right place
  • Data Project
    • What: turn your github project into a data project. publish your dataset.
    • Dogfood: publish i.e. publish a frictionless dataset
    • Value proposition:
    • Next steps:
      • Support Frictionless datasets so we can render

Low priority

  • Data Scratch (Cloud i.e. including remote)
    • What: the wikis are in individual repos.
      • This is like a wiki only version of Data Project so pretty similar in first parts so could merge frankly
      • ❗ this converges with Data Project at least in
  • Data Canvas "fancy"

Differences and similarities

  • Remote rendering vs local rendering
    • Remote rendering ⟹ SSR or ISR
    • Local rendering ⟹ SSG
  • One markdown page (README) vs many (wiki)
Scratch (local)Data Project
Remote or LocalLocalRemote
One MD file or manyManyOne
  • Scratch is kind of subset of Data Project (at least if single file)

Data wiki

Publish awesome-data stuff

  • Static build?


What it look like:

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