DataHub Enterprise (DMS) Website and Demo

DataHub Enterprise (DMS) Website and Demo

Purpose and Principles

Create a product website and demo site for Datopian DMS (name tbc) with value props, key features, CTA

Outcome visioning

We have a beautiful website that we can point to plus additional promotional materials. This the main thing we pitching people. This is what our partners can point to.

Brainstorm and actions

  • DataHub Enterprise landing page 🚧 2022-05-10 hero done. see below
  • What marketing materials do we need? βœ… Demo videos
    • How do we create videos?
  • Do we need a live demo?
    • What has been done already
    • What needs to be done?
      • What theming needs to be done?
  • How will we create the site? βœ…2022-05-11 use
    • Where will it live βœ…2022-05-11 will live at for now
    • What tech will we use to build it? βœ…2022-05-11 flowershow
  • Is it open source? βœ… Partly or mostly …
  • Who can we trial this with? 🚧 some of our partners??
  • What is the product called? e.g. opendms or datopian dms or …? βœ… [Datopian] DataHub Enterprise atopian Enterprise for now
    • Is it branded with Datopian or not?
      • Benefits of separate name is easier for partners to sign on in some sense. However
      • Downsides: we have yet another brand / website.
    • What is the product "name"? e.g. just Enterprise (if with Datopian)? DMS? OpenDMS etc.
      • Aside: is registered (for sale) and is open dealership management software. .net is available. => may not be best domain name?
      • Also re opendms no-one knows what a DMS is.
      • Is it named with CKAN or not? Do we think there is much mileage in CKAN Enterprise (so we want to keep that separately) βœ… we leave CKAN as not so much mileage and we can explicitly say built on CKAN
      • => go with Datopian (Data) Enterprise for now …
  • Where is the product website? Do we want to have it on the main or a separate site, eg, βœ… put on the website e.g. (or or because KISS and we unify stuff (may even put on datahub)
  • How do we make this really shine? βœ…2022-04-15 have great design, good demo videos, good copy, maybe some fancy animations

Product Copy

Landing Page

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