Tutorial for DataHub Pages v0.1
Tutorial for DataHub Pages v0.1
We want a a tutorial for v0.0.1.
Tutorial on "Simple Publishing of your Data / Data-Driven Document/Analysis" ✅ https://pages.datahub.io/blog/generate-an-interactive-webpage-from-csv-data-and-markdown DONE
NB: just single README + CSV
- Title e.g. "Create your own DataHub Pages application"
- Install your content/data
- Test locally
- Deployment the app (just give instructions to e.g. github, vercel, cloudflare, netlify)
- Profit!
- BTW: here's a script that does this all for you in a branch of your repo …
Demo repo with README + data
- Demonstration public repo with data and README e.g. https://github.com/datopian/datahub-pages-demo
- Uses the script to auto-build providing both a demonstration, a kind of template plus an integration test
Questions: what happens if i want build this into my own data repo (i don't want to have 2 separate repos - my data and my data presentation)
- What initial marketing do we do of v0.0.1?
- dev.to article?
- post on frictionless channels on discord
- First draft of the tutorial
- Develop demonstration repo
- Automate in github actions doing the whole set of steps
- Technical fixes:
- datahub-portal-local-cli.js copies all *.csv it finds into the public directory (currently hardcoded to just
- datahub-portal-local-cli.js copies all *.csv it finds into the public directory (currently hardcoded to just
Notes (Rufus & Leo)
- Inspiration: https://www.contentlayer.dev/docs/getting-started
- Getting started simple: README + CSV
- Getting started for devs (nextjs based) still simple
- Getting started: nextjs + contentlayer + portaljs => a rich data-driven site
Plus we have: https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/blob/main/examples/data-literate/README.md
# get the template
npx create-next-app@latest --example https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/examples/data-literate my-app
cd my-app
# run the script to connect your content
# put the path to your project directory
node datahub-portal-local-cli.js your-project-directory
# start the preview portal
npm run dev
# open a browser
open localhost:3000
As a proper tutorial (#someday)
- Create a new project :
- Copy and paste this example markdown/folder
- All you need to start is a single markdown file
- Create a README.md in your folder
- Run the portal command:
datahub portal
- Open your browser to localhost:3000