Expenditure on Research and Development(R&D)

1150 kBcsvOpen Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)UNESCO institute for statistics

Expenditure on Research and Development(R\&D) by countries with indicators such as source of funds, type of R%\&D activity, fields of R\&D(medical and health sciences) since 1996. Data comes from UNE...

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Expenditure on Research and Development(R&D) by countries with indicators such as source of funds, type of R%&D activity, fields of R&D(medical and health sciences) since 1996.


Data comes from UNESCO institute for statistics http://data.uis.unesco.org

It consists of useful information about how much is spent by government/the private sectors, type of activites like Basic research, Applied research, Experimental development for specific countries. Also, we added spendings for Medical and health sciences.


The main resource is located in archive/gerd.csv There are several steps have been done to get final data.

  • Extracted separately each resource by source of funds "Business enterprise", "Government" and "Higher Education", "Private non-profit", "Rest of the world", "Not specified source"
  • Extracted separately each resource by type of activities "Basic research", "Applied research", "Experimental development", "Not specified activities"
  • Extracted by field of R&D "Medical and health sciences"
  • Merged them into one resource data/medical.csv using pandas library.

Process is recorded and automated in python script:

# to get final merged data which is `data/expenditure.csv`, run the following script


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