ISO 4217 Currency Codes

168 Bcsv3 months agoOpen Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd (on behalf of ISO)

List of currencies and their 3 digit codes as defined by ISO 4217. The data provided here is the consolidation of Table A.1 "Current currency & funds code list" and Table A.3 "Historic denominatio...

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68 B3 months ago

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EntitystringCountry or region name
CurrencystringName of the currency
AlphabeticCodestring3 digit alphabetic code for the currencyAlphabetic Code
NumericCodenumber3 digit numeric codeNumeric Code
MinorUnitstringMinor Unit
WithdrawalDatestringDate currency withdrawn (values can be ranges or monthsWithdrawal Date


List of currencies and their 3 digit codes as defined by ISO 4217. The data provided here is the consolidation of Table A.1 "Current currency & funds code list" and Table A.3 "Historic denominations".

Note that the ISO page offers pay-for PDFs but also links to which does provide them in machine readable form freely.


The data provided (see data/codes.csv) in this data package provides a consolidated list of currency (and funds) codes by combining these two separate tables:


The script requires recode package to be istalled. Install it by running:

sudo apt install recode

Run the following script to download and convert the data from XML to CSV:

cd scripts/

The raw XML files are stored in ./archive. The cleaned data are ./data/codes-all.csv.


The current tables have a published date of 28 March 2014 (as indicated in the XML files).


Placing in the Public Domain under the Public Domain Dedication and License. The original site states no restriction on use and the data is small and completely factual.

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