
13.04 kBcsvalmost 7 years agoUCI - Fertility

This is dataset containing fertility instances. This dataset was found under the name Fertility Data Set Data is located in directory called data data/fertility.csv Attributes are the same as th...

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3.04 kBalmost 7 years ago

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seasonnumberdefaultSeason in which the analysis was performed. 1) winter, 2) spring, 3) Summer, 4) fall. (-1, -0.33, 0.33, 1)
agenumberdefaultAge at the time of analysis. 18-36 (0, 1)
childish-diseaseintegerdefaultChildish diseases (ie, chicken pox, measles, mumps, polio) 1) yes, 2) no. (0, 1)
traumaintegerdefaultAccident or serious trauma 1) yes, 2) no. (0, 1)
surgical-interventionintegerdefaultSurgical intervention 1) yes, 2) no. (0, 1)
feversintegerdefaultHigh fevers in the last year 1) less than three months ago, 2) more than three months ago, 3) no. (-1, 0, 1)
alcoholicnumberdefaultFrequency of alcohol consumption 1) several times a day, 2) every day, 3) several times a week, 4) once a week, 5) hardly ever or never (0, 1)
smokingintegerdefaultSmoking habit 1) never, 2) occasional 3) daily. (-1, 0, 1)
sittingnumberdefaultNumber of hours spent sitting per day ene-16 (0, 1)
outputstringdefaultOutput: Diagnosis normal (N), altered (O)


This is dataset containing fertility instances.


This dataset was found under the name Fertility Data Set

  • 100 instances
  • 10 attributes
  • Missing values : NO

Data is located in directory called data


Attributes are the same as they were in input data.


To get output data downloaded data is used to create csv without any changes.

Python scripts are located in directory scripts



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