Science Giving

1134 Bcsvalmost 7 years agoFiveThirtyEight - Science Giving

This directory contains the data behind the story When Scientists Donate To Politicians, It’s Usually To Democrats. The data in science\_federal\_giving.csv is from the Federal Election Commission, f...

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Science Giving

This directory contains the data behind the story When Scientists Donate To Politicians, It’s Usually To Democrats.

The data in science_federal_giving.csv is from the Federal Election Commission, filtered to donations form the following occupations from 2007 to 2016:

  • computer and information scientists
  • mathematical scientists
  • agricultural and food scientists
  • biological and medical scientists
  • environmental life scientists
  • chemists
  • Earth scientists, geologists and oceanographers
  • physicists and astronomers
  • other physical and related scientists
  • aerospace, aeronautical or astronautical engineers
  • chemical engineers
  • civil, architectural or sanitary engineers
  • electrical or computer hardware engineers
  • industrial engineers
  • mechanical engineers
  • other engineers
  • statisticians
cmte_nmCommittee name
cmte_idCommittee identification, assigned
cmte_tpCommittee type. List of committee type codes
cmte_ptyCommittee party. List of party codes
cand_nameCandidate name
cand_pty_affiliationPolitical party affiliation reported by the candidate
cand_office_stCandidate state
cand_officeCandidate office. H = House, P = President, S = Senate
cand_office_districtCandidate district
cand_statusCandidate status. C = Statutory candidate, F = Statutory candidate for future election, N = Not yet a statutory candidate, P = Statutory candidate in prior cycle
rpt_tpReport type. Report type codes
transaction_pgiThe code for which the contribution was made. EYYYY (election plus election year). P = Primary, G = General, O = Other, C = Convention, R = Runoff, S = Special, E = Recount
transaction_tpTransaction type. Type codes
entity_tpEntity type. Only valid for electronic filings received after April 2002. CAN = Candidate, CCM = Candidate Committee, COM = Committee, IND = Individual (a person), ORG = Organization (not a committee and not a person), PAC = Political Action Committee, PTY = Party Organization
cleaned_nameContributor/lender/transfer name
zip_codeZip code
classificationClassification of occupation
transaction_dtTransaction date (MMDDYYYY)
cycleElection cycle
transaction_amtTransaction amount
2016_dollarsTransation amount adjusted for inflation
other_idOther identification number. For contributions from individuals this column is null. For contributions from candidates or other committees this column will contain that contributor's FEC ID.
tran_idTransaction ID
file_numA unique identifier associated with each itemization or transaction appearing in an FEC electronic file. Only valid for electronic filings.
memo_cd'X' indicates that the amount is not to be included in the itemization total.
memo_textA description of the activity.
sub_idFEC record number

Source: Federal Election Commission

This dataset was scraped from FiveThirtyEight - science-giving

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